Because Lin Xiaoyao brought up the topic of that kind of thing, Li Xinran climbed onto the stage and went to bed, feeling a little inexplicably excited.

Speaking of it, since Qin Tian often goes out, they have not had for a long time, this kind of feeling is very abnormal!

I don't know if Qin Tian would want to, but now she is pregnant, so the probability of this thing should be small!

But I don't know why, Li Xinran's heart still has some small expectations, because Qin Tian always likes to surprise people.

He was lying in the mattress playing with his mobile phone. The mobile phone screen kept looking towards the direction of the bathroom to see when Qin Tian would come out!

At this time, I didn't know that the research of Qin zhengran was not on the toilet!

He knows medical skills, so looking at the drugstore, especially the refining methods of those pills, makes him feel excited. He would like to buy some herbs and try them right away!

"Wuji Pharmacopoeia" above records, a kind of Lingyuan Dan pills, can cure all kinds of diseases, repair the spirit of the pill, although it is only the lowest class pills in the Pharmacopoeia, but for such beginners as Qin Tian, it should be the most appropriate!

"Wuding" and others said that my level is probably the introduction to Mingjin. I don't know the green energy in my body. If I take these pills, will it become stronger?

Qin Tian takes out the mobile phone, do not try to see how to know? In any case, it is also a stage of exploration.

Simply Qin Tian took out his mobile phone and wrote down more than ten kinds of precious medicinal materials with his notebook on his mobile phone, waiting for him to buy them one by one and have a try.

After doing this, Qin Tiancai slowly got up from the toilet and began to brush his teeth and take a bath!

When he came out of the bathroom, it was still more than half an hour later. Outside the room, Li Xinran had turned off the light in the room, just turned on the small desk lamp and lay quietly in the quilt.

Qin Tian looked at Li Xinran's jade face and took a deep breath of the fragrance of a woman. He also lay down and said, "wife, are you asleep?"

For Qin Tian's inquiry, Li Xinran was heard by her. A heart couldn't help jumping up, jumping very hard. In silence, she squinted and pretended that she couldn't hear the same thing. But the more this happened, the faster she was in her heart, and even she had heard her own heartbeat!

Qin Tian bent his hand directly and put his arms around her. He covered her curved stomach with his hands and laughed happily.

"Comfortable, what a soft cuddle bear Qin Tian chuckled.

In the faint light, Li Xinran's mouth appeared a smile, the heart can not help but abdominal Fei: you are hugging the bear!

Enjoying Qin Tian's embrace, Li Xinran thought that a man would kiss her, but it was not long before she heard the man's breath, which made Li Xinran stunned!

This guy is drinking and sleeping very fast. It's only five minutes!

Passing, Li Xinran turned around, a look, the man is indeed closed eyes, fell into a deep sleep.

"Drink too much?"

Li Xinran's beautiful eyes open, twinkling with unwilling luster!

"If you don't kiss me, are you tired of your husband and wife?"

A series of greetings, in Li Xinran's mind.

"Damn Qin Tian, you didn't kiss me and fell asleep in five minutes after going to bed, pig?"

Li Xinran angrily turned around and looked at the man from the front, his angular face, straight nose, sword like eyebrows, and some rough skin!

This is the first time for Li Xinran to look at her husband at a close distance and see some small lines around his eyes. She knows what Qin Tian has gone through in the past year and how much he has suffered?

Some emotion in the heart, Li Xinran could not help but put his lips close, and then pasted on the man's lips!

After Qin Tian brushes his teeth, his lips are full of mint fragrance, which makes Li Xinran reluctant to let go!

A minute later, Li Xinran just let go of her mouth, and then she shrunk her head and lay happily in the man's arms.

After a while, the sleepiness gradually came.

The next day, the sun came down from the window.

Li Xinran opened her eyes vaguely. She felt her body subconsciously and found that it was no longer in Qin Tian's arms, and the man in the bed had disappeared!

This empty feeling, let Li Xinran's heart emerged a touch of loss.

After stretching her waist and rubbing her sleepy eyes, Li Xinran struggled to get up from the bed. Then she began to wash, dressed in casual clothes, and walked out of the bedroom. She saw Lin Xiaoyao talking on the telephone on the sofa in the living room and was looking at her with a smile on her face.

Lin Xiaoyao watched his cousin wake up at last, and said with a smile, "Yo, cousin, you have a good sleep today, and you just get up now. Is it too late last night? No, the way you walk has not changed a lot

"Young, who taught you that?" Li Xinran jade face shy, can not help but white Lin Xiaoyao one eye, "Qin Tian?""I went out at eight o'clock and went shopping. I guess it's not sleeping with me or my husband. How can I understand it?"

"Oh." Li Xinran also nodded, "when he comes back to make breakfast, let's go out and play. I came to the imperial capital when I was a child. It's been ten years since I was a child. I want to go out for a visit!"

"Well, I'd love to be your light bulb and light up the whole world." Lin Xiaoyao laughed, "cousin, where do you want to play? The Great Wall? "

"The Great Wall is windy now. It's boring. Go to the Forbidden City to take photos." Li Xinran said with a smile.

"Well, I haven't been in the circle of friends for a long time. It's time to have a good time!" When it comes to drying photos, Lin Xiaoyao is even more energetic. What kind of light bulb doesn't matter any more!

After a while, Qin Tian came back with a large bag of herbs in his hand. He went to the drugstore to catch it!

These things were recorded in the mobile phone notebook last night. I happened to pass by a traditional Chinese medicine shop and went in to catch them. However, they didn't catch all of them. Some herbs are rare and need to be found slowly.

"Wow, what do you buy so much that you just have breakfast? How dare you, my refrigerator is out of food? " Lin Xiaoyao looks at Qin Tian in silence.

"No, these things are medicinal materials. I'll make you some porridge and steak today, and have a better breakfast." Qin Tian laughs.

"Ah, you can give it to the nanny to make breakfast. What are you busy about?" Li Xinran asked in surprise.

"Nanny doesn't know how to do it. What I want to do is mandarin duck Nourishing Qi porridge!" Qin Tian laughs.

"Mandarin duck Nourishing Qi porridge? That sounds strange? " Li Xinran asked in doubt.

"Mandarin duck nourishes Qi, which means both yin and yang are replenished. This porridge is also in place to nourish women."

In fact, it can be handed over to the servants, but Qin Tian decides to do it himself and give his wife tonic body.

Last night, he looked through the "Wuji Pharmacopoeia", and he knew what herbs were good for pregnant women. These were not what chefs could understand.

Now he goes on the ancient martial arts and medicine, and naturally he will take Li Xinran into the circle in the future, and this bowl of porridge is just the beginning! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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