Looking at Zhu Yu's beautiful eyes, looking forward to looking at himself, Qin Tian meditated for a moment, and then slowly said, "Lao Chen's injury can be cured, but special medicinal materials are needed. As for what it is, I need to read books to know, but I can be sure that there will be a way!"

"Then trouble Lao Chen looked at Qin Tian, his eyes full of excitement.

His cultivation, now has approached the strength of Dan Jin, but because of the chest, he had to dare not use most of his strength.

He was addicted to martial arts all his life. He was hopeless at the sight of achieving Dan Jin. He devoted himself to teaching his disciples and inheriting what he had learned all his life.

However, Zhu Yu is a girl after all. His talent in martial arts is limited, while Qin Tian can have a higher level.

Now Qin Tian completely let Lao Chen see the hope, his eyes even some moist up!

Although they have known the world for a long time, they are close to each other without any reservation. This kind of friendship and appreciation can not be accumulated over the years!

"However, with my strength, I'm not sure when I can refine it. I can get some protective pills first. Fuyuan pill is the lowest level pill in Wuji Pharmacopoeia." Qin Tian said.

This makes Zhu Yu feel as if he was splashed by a basin of cold water. He can't help but be anxious, "what can you refine now?"

"Now you can continue to refine Fuyuan pill to prevent the recurrence of Lao Chen next time. I've seen other pills, and I need a lot of precious herbs!" Qin Tian said.

According to the records of Wuji Pharmacopoeia, Fuyuan pill is only a kind of pill to strengthen the body and repair the barrier of true Qi. It can make people who stay at the door of dark strength break through at most, or some weak people can recover their essence, Qi and spirit.

If you want to refine higher medicinal materials, at least you need to reach the strength of Dan Jin. Qin Tian doesn't know what level his green energy is compared with that of ancient martial arts!

But he knew that he was connected with aura, otherwise he would not be able to use martial arts!

However, judging from the previous performance, Qin Tian's Qi strength belongs to the entry-level level of Huajin, which is the appearance. The specific attack power is definitely not as high as this.

In other words, if Qin Tian's strength reaches the dark strength, it looks like it's dark power, and the real strength is definitely different!

All Qin Tian felt that he didn't have to worry about what was in his body. He just had to improve according to the general cultivation method!

"OK, look at the book, what kind of medicine do you need? Tell me, I'll find a way out right away!" Zhu Yu hastened to say, with a warm tone.

Qin Tian had no way. He opened the book directly and looked for some prescriptions for repairing his body. He found that there were quite a lot of them. He searched for the most easily refined ones and immediately gave out the names of dozens of herbs!

Zhu Yu took the mobile phone to record and input all the herbs into the notebook of the mobile phone. Then he said, "master, Qin Tian is the only hope now. I will try my best to get people to buy it!"

Old Chen also nodded and said gratefully to Qin Tian: "Xiaotian, I'd like to thank you first. As long as you make my internal injury heal, I will help you do anything in the future."

This is the meaning of direct surrender to Qin Tian. Although he is a brother in name, after that, Lao Chen must be dead set on Qin Tian!

Qin Tian said with a light smile: "old Chen, you are polite. Since we are brothers, you are more than ten years older than me. I have taken advantage of it. Don't say anything polite in the future."

Qin Tian's words make Lao Chen's eyes more different. Qin Tian is not only strong in martial arts, but also indifferent to fame and wealth. Now this society is really valuable!

Later, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu went to look for medicinal materials, and returned to their residence in the afternoon. Qin Tian went back early because he wanted to accompany Li Xinran to a business party in the evening.

What on earth does Qin Tian want to make so many herbs Zhu Yu is a little tired, Shhh, sitting on the sofa and saying.

"No matter what he refines, he has this book. In the future, he can refine pills and make breakthroughs. It won't be long before he can advance to DanJin." Old Chen's words shocked Zhu Yu again!

"Isn't it that he can only reach a higher level in a year, such as Xuanjin?"

"It's not as good as you can see. Many herbs are scarce, even extinct in the world. This book has been circulated for hundreds of years, and now these herbs can not be found everywhere."

"Then I can rest assured, otherwise I will lose a lot of money!" Zhu Yu some safe smile way.

"You are pure jealousy Old Chen laughed.

"But jealousy comes back to jealousy. I admire his talent very much. His wife is beautiful. He is really a winner in life." Zhu Yu depressed said, he is still single, how to compare?

"But it's not enough. If he just wants to be a businessman, it's everywhere. If he wants to be an expert in ancient martial arts, it's one in a billion. Let's see how he chooses!"

As Mr. Chen said, after entering DanJin, there is no one in this land of China, which means supreme power!……

After saying goodbye to master and apprentice, Qin Tian has already returned home. Li Xinran has already started to prepare at home. Seeing Qin Tian again, he doesn't know where to go for a busy day and comes back, so he stops talking!

"Wife, what kind of party is it today? If it had been like that last time, it would have been dangerous! " Qin Tian thinks of the party when he and Lin Xiaoyao went to Zhangmin.

At that time, there was no Li Xinran, and his wife was there. Qin Tian was more worried. After all, the imperial capital was full of talents, which was not comparable to that of Songjiang city!

"For business, I want to open a branch here!" Li Xinran said, she knows that Qin Tian will always stay here, and she can't be idle!

"Isn't it? You are a pregnant woman, and you have to raise children in the future. Why do you think so much about it? " Qin Tian was shocked.

"Well, then you'll think I'll see the world?" The woman said it wrongly.

"What's the world like? Tell me about it?"

Li Xinran breathed out and explained: "the party is not limited to the business exchange meeting held by the leaders of the leading enterprises in the imperial capital. It is different from Zhang Min's that time. Of course, the people of the Zhang family will certainly go there. There may be a business, and if you can't do it well, you can meet acquaintances."

"Do you mean that there are people from other provinces participating in this exchange meeting?"

"Now big enterprises are not limited to a certain city any more. They are all national, and our enterprises must also come out. They are far worse than others. Do you think they will see the world?"

"Well, I'm afraid it's not safe!" Qin Tian said.

Since learning that Zhang Min is a bad woman, Qin Tian always feels that he will encounter something unexpected when he goes out.

Li Xinran also thinks so, but she has already seen Qin Tian's moves several times. She has absolute trust in him. Where he is, she has a sense of peace of mind!

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