In the evening.

Li Xinran put on a fashionable tuxedo, showing her proud figure curve, exquisite lace decoration, and her exquisite curve of devil figure, it looks really dazzling and dazzling!

Qin Tian also changed his casual suit, and he was standing in front of a big beauty like Li Xinran, as if there was an invisible addition, which made people feel that this is extraordinary. Otherwise, how could he marry such a big beauty?

Qin Tian and Li Xinran stopped in front of a high-standard five-star hotel in Dilu. Many of the main parking spaces were occupied by some luxury cars. Mercedes Benz and BMW can not stop, and they can only go to the basement.

It will be arranged in the banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel, focusing on. Many top entrepreneurs of the capital, looking at it, are all well-dressed dignitaries, with their drinking glasses, and their attitude is very natural, and they are smiling and smiling, and they have confidence in their faces.

Everyone is in business circle, competing for Industry and strength, mutual discussion, and mutual happiness!

Qin Tian took Li Xinran into the meeting hall, and attracted many people's attention in a moment. Most of his eyes looked at Li Xinran, who had the beautiful southern beauty!

At this time Lin Wei smiled and came over, and said with surprise, "brother, sister-in-law, you are here!"

"Huh, can't Xiaoyao come?" Qin Tian asked with a smile.

"She didn't like this occasion very much, and she might be looked upon by the rich generation of Zhang Lai when she came. She said it was annoying!" "Said Lin Wei with a smile.

"Ha ha, this is, beautiful women are the disaster water ah, I don't like the red tape of these businesses, but I am glad to come, I will accompany naturally!" Qin Tian laughs.

"Ha ha, that is certain. The appearance of my sister-in-law has been watched by many people now. People here are highly regarded as powerful conquerors. As long as they look at it, no matter how difficult it is, they will find a way. This is the style of the rich! " Said Lin Wei.

"Yes, this society is so realistic!" Qin Tian finished, and indeed saw a man in a white suit coming to Lin Wei and Li Xinran.

"Lin Shao, is this beautiful woman? Would you like to introduce it? " The man in white suit seemed to ignore Qin Tian, and directly cast greedy eyes on Li Xinran.

What he means in his words, as everyone knows, the so-called introduction is to make a bubble for him. They are big and small, and they like such beautiful women!

But in the capital, there are many famous people here. And these people are not from the capital. Some of them are the top young masters in every city. They may only know each other once or twice, and they are not familiar with each other!

"Is this Mr Shen Chushen? Sorry, this is my sister-in-law. This is my brother-in-law. You are out of play! " Lin Wei smiled coldly.

"Well?" The man in the white suit couldn't help but focus on Qin Tian, and said without good spirit, "I thought this guy was a bodyguard, etc., but I didn't expect that, a good flower was inserted in..."

"What is it on?" Qin Tian asked calmly.

"Ha ha, you know, and ask me?" The man in white suit got up and left. Qin Tian wanted to pull him up, but Li Xinran stopped him!

"Husband, don't get into trouble!"

"All right, take a look!" Qin Tian remembers this guy. He is not a man who is very careful, but he is absolutely not allowed to be directly scolded.

Lin Wei saw Qin Tian so, but also some helplessness, reminded: "this is the son of the chairman of Beijing Tengfei group Chushen, in the e-commerce platform is ranked top 10, strong family is also 10 billion groups!"

"Well, they, our company has a little cooperation with them, but it's a small scale!" Li Xinran reminded him that, fortunately, Qin Tian didn't beat him, otherwise something would happen.

At this time Qin Tian saw a familiar Qianying!

A red evening dress for women, long hair floating, high-quality cold dignified, cold face in a few assistants under the crowd into the hall!

Qin Tian looks at her beautiful face and smiles. "Lin Wanru is still unchanged, and still refuses to be a thousand li temperament!"

Of course, this is not said, but in the heart of the dark.

"Husband, I'll go over there and see some acquaintances!" Li Xinran urged at this time.

"I'm going to get rid of it. You and Lin Wei will go. You and Lin Wei will protect her sister-in-law!" Qin Tian patted Lin Wei's shoulder, and walked to Lin Wanru directly!

"OK, my God, rest assured!" Lin Wei smiled quietly.

Li Xinran knew that Qin Tian didn't like to negotiate and was not embarrassed. He walked with the acquaintance who was facing one side with Lin Wei.

Lin Wan, like a cold temperament, attracted many people's attention. Her attention was no less than Li Xinran. They were women of different styles, but they were the same beauty and attracted everyone's attention.

Qin Tian looks at her, and walks by smiling. When he faces her, Lin Wanru only noticed the man. The cold jade face was stunned instantly!"Qin Tian!"

The woman's red lips are slightly open, and her beautiful eyes are wide, as if she saw a miracle, and grabbed Qin Tian's arm.

"Ah, how are you?"

"Miss Lin, be reserved, isn't that good?"

Seeing Lin Wanru suddenly grabbed a man's arm, the people on the scene suddenly showed the shock color, some almost scared the wine cup fell down.

"Why is this boy? How many girlfriends does he have?"

In a moment of hate eyes, Qin Tian smiled, pointing to the bathroom on one side, "I want to go convenient, what about you?"

"I'll go with you!" Lin said, as she said.


The people who were present could not help but show the shock color, looking at Qin Tian and Lin Wanru, which is simply, difficult to describe with words!

If the eyes can kill, then Qin Tian has been cut by thousands of knives!

"Don't follow me, just be here!" Lin Wanru turned to his own people and shouted.


Several people looked at each other and showed a shock.

Lin Wanru's assistant private bodyguard was also startled. Their female president has always refused to be a thousand miles away. Now she is so kind and enthusiastic to a man that she even wants to go to the toilet together

Lin Wanru is not the kind of red dust lust woman after all. She stepped on the heels of high heels and asked with a smile as she walked along: "how are you in the capital of the emperor? I haven't sent you a message back recently. I always thought you were in Songjiang! "

"Then you don't pay enough attention to me. Where am I in Songjiang all the time!" Qin Tian walked to the corner of the corridor, stood firm footstep, pulled out a cigarette, looked at the woman, smiled!

This scene happened to be seen by Chushen. He appeared a sly smile at the corner of his mouth, and walked back to Li Xinran, and said something in a catchy way. His hand pointed to Qin Tian and Lin Wanru on the side of the hall corridor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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