"I took the document with Lin Wanru, and I'm going down now!" Qin Tian is no nonsense, said seriously.

"Well, we'll wait for you here." Although Li Xinran tried to calm his own mood, but the tone is inevitably some anxious!

If other women, Li Xinran does not need to worry, because she has absolute confidence, I believe Qin Tian will not waver!

But Lin Wanru is different

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian laughed and said, "I'm a family member. I'm very happy to see you. Give me the document, otherwise I can't explain it!"

"Hum, Qin Tian, the king of Songshan, is afraid of his wife!" Lin Wanru has also restored her former high and cold and noble female president temperament, as if the passion of the right talent had not happened.

"No way, women are used to spoil, and she is in a special situation now!" Qin Tian didn't want to say anything more. He took the woman's material and went back.

"Wait, I'll go down with you!" Lin Wanru said in the slightest impoliteness.

Qin Tianyi Leng, bitter smile, anyway, Li Xinran already know, Lin Wanru want to see Li Xinran, he also can't stop ah!

They were waiting for Li Weiran at the top floor!

Two people's eye contact, each other stay in the same place, for five seconds, no one breathing, seems to be attracted by each other!

Li Xinran doesn't know why she has smelled the different atmosphere between Qin Tian and Lin Wanru, but she doesn't blame the man in her heart. Instead, she has some resentment towards the female goblin!

Nonsense, Qin Tian is my husband, how can you rob it?

No matter what the relationship was before, now that I am pregnant, you want to seduce my husband, you are really guilty!

Lin Wei squeezed his brows to Qin Tian, and Qin Tian was also smiling bitterly behind him, covering his forehead with his hand.

"Thank you, general manager Lin's contract documents. I don't need them in the future. I want to come by myself." The implication is that you don't have to contact my husband, and I don't need your help!

"Mr. Li, it seems that there is resentment in his words?" Lin Wanru indifferent smile way, and Li Xinran expression indifference.

Now the situation is like Li Xinran is the iceberg female president, and Lin Wanru is a lively and virtuous intellectual woman, one is smiling, the other is grim.

"No need to explain, I know what you think!"

"In the past, I thought Qin Tian had been treated unfairly in the Li family, and wanted to get him out of the bitter sea. Now I can't see that you like him very much. I can rest assured. Otherwise, I thought Qin Tian had been trapped again." Lin Wanru continued to smile.

Li Xinran's face was stiff, full of frost, and a pair of cold eyes were like the flying snow in the twelfth lunar month.

"You seem to know us well? Did you do your work in private? "

Li Xinran said that she walked to Qin Tian in front of her husband and took her husband's arm. "No matter what, it's the past. What I need is the happiness of the present and the future. You don't understand, because he is always my husband!"

Lin Wanru squints at Li Xinran. Although she tries to keep herself calm, she does have an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Who doesn't object to their men going out to meet women? But Qin Tian and Lin Wanru are really special circumstances, so she needs special treatment. Instead of being a shrew, she chooses to be tolerant!

Always is my husband, this word more understand, mean you don't think!

The scene suddenly some quiet down, until more than ten seconds past, Lin Wanru smile.

"Ah..." She sneered: "no one can guarantee that the person beside the pillow is always his own. Although you don't believe it now, it's hard to say it later!"

Qin Tian was embarrassed and touched his nose: "well, it's not good to say these things, Wan'er. Don't say those words to my wife. Our friends, it's not good for me to say these things!"

Qin Tian's words let Li Xinran's heart be moved, holding a man's hand more firm!

But Lin Wanru's eyes could not help but flash a trace of disappointment, and the sneer on her face suddenly stopped. She could see that Qin naivete loved Li Xinran very much.

"I'm just joking and telling some truth!" Lin Wanru is not a fussy person. Otherwise, she will become a street scolding shrew!

Li Xinran did not speak, so for a moment, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, as if he had won the battle!

Proud of their stable husband and wife relationship with Qin Tian, they have the upper hand in the competition of another woman who is not inferior to her own identity and beauty!

At this time, Li Xinran didn't say any sharp words. He was in a good mood and said to Qin Tian: "in fact, I can strike lightning. I'm a friend or a confidant. The boundary is clear, otherwise things will happen easily."

"Well, I'll send you the documents, which is a reward for your criticism and Education..." Lin Wanru said coldly, and then walked towards her own people!

In the moment when a woman walks away from her side, Qin Tian's heart is also a little helpless. What are these things?Why do you meet her here? If it's two people in private, it would be nice. It's also life!

"My God, you are so lucky!" Lin Wei couldn't help but tut her mouth, "I can see that Lin Wanru really likes you!"

Qin Tian couldn't help but look at Lin Wei with a black face. The other party instantly knew that he had said something wrong, and his face was embarrassed.

"It's OK. There's an appointment negotiation there. It's an enterprise in the capital of the emperor. I think it's at least necessary to start a company with a lease plan for the building, especially for small single family buildings." Li Xinran said.

With the current scale of their enterprises, even if it is to open a branch, it is not one or two floors of office floor can be solved, to do it has to be bigger!

For business matters, Qin Tian still has no interest, but he sat quietly beside Li Xinran, quietly watching and listening!

"Mr. Li, pay off once every ten years!" The other side is very tough to say.

"In ten years? It's not reasonable. In case there is something wrong during the period, it's not good! " Li Xinran felt that the other side was too overbearing, and generally paid by the year.

"This four story office building is located in the high tech Zone. The land price will certainly rise in the future. If you pay it off once in ten years, you can only make a steady profit. Otherwise, the rent will double in a year or two."

Li Xinran feels the same way, just afraid that Party A will break the contract or something like that. Can the money be returned?

What if you meet some scoundrels? And they are only temporary communication, and they have not even checked each other's real identity!

It's just that at the beginning of the talk, it's so aggressive. It's so outrageous!

"Let's think about it again, Qin Tian. What do you think?" Li Xinran turned to look at the man on one side.

Qin Tian looks at several people on the other side and suddenly sees something from the face of a dark mirror bodyguard. Isn't this the bodyguard of Chu Shen just now?

What does this mean? These people were arranged by Chu Shen. This is a pit

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