Thinking of this, Qin Tian smiled and said, "if you come to talk, no, call your boss behind the scenes!"

"The boss behind the scenes?" Several negotiators looked at each other, and one of them did not hesitate to make a direct call.

Less than a minute after the phone hung up, the door of the business box was opened from outside. Li Xinran looked at her eyes. She found out that the person who came in was not who, but Chu Shen.

This time, behind Chu Shen, there are two big and big men. Looking at this momentum, it is clear that they are not here to negotiate, more like to find a fault!

"It turns out that this company is yours Li was very cold and stable.

"Miss Li, unfortunately, I can't imagine you actually talked to me about business. Since that, let's sit down and talk slowly!" Chu Shen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and when he looked at Li Xinran, he showed a kind of imperceptible greed in his eyes.

And the two face of the bodyguards directly stood at the door, looking like it was not good to go out.

"Come on, we are going to return a company, there is no need to talk to you!" Li Xinran was still cold.

Facing such a dandy young master, Li Xinran has long been used to it. He just wants to find opportunities to approach him. Li Xinran has seen such a rich generation as he loves so much!

Chu Shen is also used to Li Xinran's indifferent attitude, he said in his spare time: "Mr. Li, you just think about paying one year? If you want to save it, I'll give you a half discount and pay you one year! "

"I'm not happy to rent it for you after knowing it's your company!"

"You mean to look down on me and somebody?" Chushen's face changed instantly, as if it had been ready, changing face faster than reading books!

"I didn't look down on you, I just don't want to be in touch with you!" Li Xinran's eyes were filled with wonder, with a flash of cold light!

Although they have cooperation, they only cooperate with their subsidiaries, and they have no half a gross relationship with him. Now he wants to work with himself directly, and Li Xinran doesn't want to be close to him!

Chu Shen saw Qin Tian on the side of the melon seeds, a look of indifferent, licked the corner of the mouth, ha ha ha smile: "you look down on me, play me? I'm called, and I'm not working together? "

"I think you are looking for things intentionally. I will not cooperate. I will not be able to be you and force me?" Li Xinran did not have a good breath, she also can not help angry!

"Ha ha, I wanted to give you a discount, I can not imagine you should play with my mind so much, so I am sad!" Chu Shen mouth corner of evil smile more obvious, eyes recklessly against the Li Xinran that beautiful jade face, waiting for the beauty to be slowly conquered by themselves!

Although Qin Tian was eating melon seeds, his eyebrows were frowning and fell into a kind of thinking.

He was thinking about how to make this boy take his mouth?

"Then how do you want to forgive us?" Qin Tian raised his head and said.

Chushen's mouth appeared a smile, looking at Qin days when full of envy and envy.

This kind of coward is worthy of the two beautiful women. He is not convinced.

But since Qin Tian asked, Chu Shen was not polite, and said with a smile and giggle, "it's very simple, let your wife accompany me to drink a few drinks!"

"It's just that simple?" Qin Tian has some unbelievable appearance.

Chushen said with a smile, "of course, it's very simple!"

After that, he clapped his hands, and then saw two waitresses coming in outside, carrying plates in hand, and a man with a bottle of red wine and two wine cups in!

Such a posture is obvious. Obviously, they are ready outside, and they want to drink. Therefore, this is very careful and has a very clear way. It can be seen that it is an old Jianghu.

In fact, he just likes these famous, identified women, like the feeling of conquest, because men have a pure natural desire for fresh women.

Now, seeing Li Xinran, Chu Shen has a natural desire, and can't be relieved!

can I do my job for you Qin Tian said with a smile.

"If you do it on your behalf, I'll have one and you have three?" Chushensi said politely.

"Obviously, if you get drunk in Qin Tian, your wife is my woman. Li is more comfortable with this drunk!"

Chu Shen thought of course that, and even if I Chushen did not drink you, I have several people around me, we fourorfive people still drink you?

"Husband, don't drink with him!" Li said anxiously.

"It's OK. That's all right. I'll have one with three of you!"

"It's you who have three drinks and we have one!"

"You are shameless, let my husband and you drink, it is so unfair!" Li Xinran couldn't help scolding, "is it a man?"

"Ha ha, is it a man, when your husband is drunk, you will understand!" Chu Shen looked at Li Xinran's chest and said."You..." Li Xinran was ashamed and indignant and stopped talking.

Because now Qin Tian has already opened the wine bottle, a pair wants to make a big fight.

"When the wine is opened, these two bottles are obviously not enough. In addition, don't go back on your word, or anyone will have to go out in a horizontal direction!" Qin Tian can actually do it, but he just likes to play dead.

"Ha ha!"

Chu Shen and others couldn't help laughing. This guy drank so many of them alone. How dare the people be arrogant?

"Well, we're like old friends at first sight. If we don't get drunk, we don't go back."

When he said this, Chu Shen still looked at Li Xinran and found that her face was red with anger, and seemed speechless to Qin Tian's impulse.

And when he looked at the woman's chest, he was attracted by the arc. It was so eager!

Under the peony flower dies, does the ghost also have the romantic!

In the eyes of Chu Shen, only buried in front of Li Xinran to absorb nutrients, it was suffocating existence!

Three people, with two young and strong bodyguards, as well as the rich and young people growing up in places like Chu Shen, can Qin naively drink them?

Therefore, Chu Shen now seems to have seen that after Qin Tian died of drinking, his sexual happiness tonight is incomparable.

"Very well, let's just say that. No one is allowed to deny it, or we will go out in a row!" Chu Shen began to pour wine.

The same cup, such a high number, three drinks like this, must be very difficult to top.

Qin Tian looked upset and glared at him and said, "that's good. I'm a happy husband. I have to stand up. I can't fall behind in drinking."

"What's more, these red wines are not high enough. You can change them to white bars, Maotai or Wuliangye, and just bring them up directly!"

Li Xinran's face has turned blue. How does her husband look like a second Leng? When others say that, he pretends to be forced to rush upward? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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