After Qin Tian said this, Chu Shen was overjoyed. In the end, he was young and full of vigor. He didn't seem to know how dark the wine market was.

As long as he is drunk, then Li Xinran can only fall on his bed!

"OK, give me some liquor, ten bottles!" Today, Chu Shen is really out of his way. Spending money is nothing.

Li Xinran pulled Qin Tian with his hand and said anxiously, "husband, don't do this, it will hurt your body!"

But Qin Tian didn't stop blinking at the woman, as if to say, everything to me.

Soon, Baijiu came back. Qin Tian had three full glasses of wine in front of him, while Chu Shen had only one glass of wine. The contrast was so obvious!

This cup looks like it's half a kilo. It's 50 or 60 degrees. You have to drink it directly. If you don't die, you have to peel off the skin!

Li Xinran saw that Qin Tian didn't care about her advice at all, so he kicked Qin Tian under the table under his feet.

Qin Tian still didn't have any reaction, just looked at the three cups of white wine with excitement in his eyes.

Qin Tian didn't respond. Li Xinran was kicking all the time. It didn't look heavy. It was like tickling Qin Tian. It made Chu Shen and others look like they were flirting!

Li Xinran's mouth curled up a radian, and then reached under the table, gently pressed Li Xinran's thigh!

Although only through the thin can't, but Qin Tian already can feel!

Beauty is beauty, any place is so charming, all over the body are inadvertently releasing light.

Being patted on the thigh by Qin Tian, Li Xinran also held him with his hand. In order to give him face, he just suggested in his eyes. Don't drink!

But Qin Tian pulled his hand away, a pair of you don't touch me.

Two people smash the action under the table, let others see as if is performing a good play!

Are you still flirting and flirting?

This scene is very clear. Shen's eyes are a little angry.

Whether you drink or not, you will be killed today. Li Xinran is my woman!

"My wife, don't worry. I just want to have a try. What's my strength like?" Qin Tian loosened his belt.

But seeing Li Xinran's coquettish and angry appearance, such amorous feelings, really let Chu Shen and other people's eyes shine.

It's amazing to be envious!

Such a woman was so robbed by Qin Tian, Chu Shen's heart is naturally not reconciled!

"Dare to fight with me, I want your wife to sleep for me!"

Chu Shen, with a gloomy face, took the glass and drank it himself first!

This process is extremely difficult, his whole face holds a breath, as if drinking poison, very uncomfortable!

"It's your turn. Don't talk nonsense!" After drinking a cup, he poured another cup and watched Qin Tian in front of him!

"Chu Shao is really brave and courageous."

Qin Tian was not polite. He lifted his neck and drank three cups of wine directly. During this period, he didn't even stop and rest!

The people who saw the box were shocked. They thought they had a good amount of wine. Usually, a kilogram of white wine was not a problem. But now Qin Tian has dried three cups directly?

"Yes, no wonder you dare to drink. It seems that you have a good capacity for drinking." Chu Shen continued to pour wine.

A yellow haired assistant on one side, looking at Chu Shen, snatched the glass and said, "Chu Shao, you should drink less. I'll replace you with this one!"

"I'm a good drinker, but I decided to give our partner a chance!" Chu Shen knew that another drink would be a catty, and he could not get drunk. He simply looked at the yellow hair on one side and laughed.

"Thank you very much for your appreciation." Huang Mao's face dries like dust directly, and then suffers a face. I dare not say it while painting.

This cup is half a kilo. Who can stand it?

"It's you, Qin Tian!" Chu Shen picked his eyebrows. In front of Qin Tian, there were three cups of liquor!

Qin Tian at this time secretly in the body luck, these alcohol to him is really not as good as boiled water!

"Ha ha, OK, I'll give you a chance to drink separately!" Qin Tian laughs.

This time, he stood up, raised his neck, rolled his throat up and down, and three cups of liquor dried up again.

At this time, all people do not speak, one by one staring at Qin Tian.

After they went down, they both began to feel dizzy, and their stomachs were burning!

We should know that if each of them wants to keep sober, that is, a cup of things, a catty of things will happen!

If you know this is Wuliangye, now Qin Tian has already drunk six cups. This is three Jin white Jin!

He is now not only nothing, but his eyes are crystal clear, as if he had never drunk before!

Then go on!The next round passed, two of them were drunk directly, and the remaining four drank more than half a kilogram. Among them, the last cup was drunk by four people, and they drank it in a stuffy gulp!

This time, Qin Tian poured his own wine, and poured three cups of his quilt. He also poured a full cup to the dizzy, red faced Chu Shen and others on the opposite side!

At this time, one of them looked down!

The remaining three are a little embarrassed. Now they drink too much. They seem to be unable to fight?

"What's the trouble?" Qin Tian smiles and shouts out to the outside, "waiter, bring in some boxes of milk and feed the Chu Shao's stomach!"

Qin Tian didn't want to start. He would drink to death!

It is a well-known thing to drink milk to relieve alcoholism. If Qin Tian's words of concern were heard in front of the wine table, Chu Shen would blush.

"Boy, is your stomach a cow? How could you drink so much? "

"Hehe, do you want to go out crosswise? You're all drunk now. I can't fight with each other! " Qin Tian pointed to the liquor in front of him and said, "go on

Hearing this, Chu Shen and others had already blushed. They came to the meeting and there were only five or six people. There was no one else. If they could, they would even call for help!

It's just who can be called in this situation?

"You come?" Chu Shen said, looking at the yellow hair on one side.

"Chu Shao, after drinking this cup, I will fall down. You can settle me down and don't throw me on the street!" Yellow hair tongue hair print said.

"I fart your mother's dog, so much talk!" Chu Shen slapped directly in the past, "you are not bragging, can you drink?"

No way, yellow hair can only be forced to drink.

Not finished drinking, the whole person directly lying on the table.

"Chu Shao, there is still half a cup!" Qin Tian indifferent smile way.

"I..." Chu Shen's face turned pale. "Mr. Qin, I know how you don't get drunk. Can I lose this situation?"

"If you don't drink, you will go out in a horizontal direction. You are all drunk to death. How to deal with your body is my business!" Qin Tian smiles very brightly.

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