There was no way, but Chu Shen had to be brave enough to kill the half cup.

"Brother Li, you and I have drunk so much wine at the first sight. How can we say that we should stop here today?" Chu Shen smiles awkwardly, "well, I signed the contract and gave it to Miss Li free of charge for ten years?"

Smell speech, Qin Tian can't help but look at Li Xinran on one side. At this time, the woman is still in a dull and depressed state. She can't imagine how Qin Tian drinks it. It's all five or six kilograms of liquor?

God, is this still human? This is no longer the category of human beings. It's unbelievable!

"Well, that's a good brother. You should sign the contract as soon as possible." Qin Tian looks at one side just have the contract of negotiation, the slightest impoliteness says.

"OK, let's write 0 for the rent..." Chu Shen was already afraid. He was punished by carelessness. This boy is just unable to drink. This guy is against the weather!

"Thank you so much, Master Chu!" Li Xinran also smile, she did not expect Qin Tian this move than empty handed white wolf to also let people feel shocking ah!

"You're welcome!" After Chushen signed the contract, he felt an itch in his throat and rushed to the bathroom!


Kneel down on the toilet directly and vomit madly!

At this time, Qin Tian sent the contract to Li Xinran's body, smiling at the woman's complacency, and Li Xinran rolled his eyes to the man. Such a look at each other made people see all kinds of amorous feelings!

"What are you doing there? Come and help me... " Chu Shen staggered out of the bathroom, but the body in front of the little brother has all lying on the table.

After a few minutes, the alcohol will gradually evaporate!

"Oh, it's all down. Mr. Qin is still strong..." Chu Shen couldn't help but sit on the ground, closed his eyes and didn't want to move.

"Husband, how can you drink so much wine?" After Li Xinran saw them fall, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Ha ha, your husband, I'm a master of ancient martial arts and a medical expert. After drinking these drinks, the alcohol is forced out of the sweat glands by me with genuine Qi. It's as if I haven't drunk very much!"

"Really angry?" Li Xinran heard a burst of incredible, this is the first time to encounter this statement.

"That's right. Is it clear that the meaning of" vaporizing water " Qin Tian laughs.

"Did you not get angry just now and fart all the time?" Li Xinran couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, it can be said, but I farted soundlessly, and the box itself is the smell of wine, and no one was aware that I was emitting alcohol essence all over my body!"

"Husband, your capacity of drinking is too invincible, so you can eat and digest later, don't you need to take a shit and urinate?" Li Xinran asked curiously.

"That's not as good as that. You have to digest and absorb nutrients, and the solid needs to be liquefied and then gasified. This process takes a long time. Where is it so easy?" Qin Tian explained.

"Well, then we..." Li Xinran after a burst of curiosity, looking at the box table on the ground, people falling in all directions, funny asked.

"What are we doing?" Qin Tian looked at the woman's amorous feelings and delicate posture, because he had drunk so many drinks, his body was still affected. At this time, he felt a strong heat burning slowly on his body.

This kind of heat always exists, and I don't know when it will end. It's the effect of drinking more alcohol. Although it can force out the alcohol gas, the body still receives a little paralysis.

No wonder everyone said that it's easy to get drunk after drinking. It seems that I haven't been drunk for a long time. I don't understand this truth. Now I find that alcohol can still make people feel exciting!

Alcohol and beauty mixed together, is absolutely the most lethal thing for men, with a strong lethality!

"Husband, let's go home and talk about it." Li Xinran felt like wine all over her body and just wanted to leave here quickly!

"Well, I don't know if Chu Shen will repent tomorrow when he wakes up. I want to take a picture of him!" Qin Tian laughs.

"Ah, do you want that?" Li Xinran couldn't help but make up for it in his mind. That picture is just fantastic!

"Of course, you turn your head and I'll strip them of their clothes!" Qin Tian said with a bad smile.

"You It's dead Li Xinran blushed and turned away, afraid to look behind.

After three or two times, Qin Tian stripped Chu Shen and Huang Mao's clothes, and then laid them on the sofa together, creating a kind of visual picture of doing foundation!

"Shit, it's more fun than fighting Qin Tian snapped down a few photos and was very happy!

"What's the matter? I dare not look back." Li Xinran closed his eyes tightly, just like he was blind!

"Ha ha ha ha, OK, I don't know if my sister came in and saw such a picture, would she be scared to death!" Qin Tian put away his mobile phone and came to embrace the woman's waist."It's so bad to die!" Li Xinran said shyly and coquettish.

"How about going back tonight and we're going to break it?" Qin Tian looks at the woman, the eye flickers again, the corner of the mouth leads a trace of evil smile arc!

"If you don't worry about affecting children, you can, but don't..." Li hesitated, and said himself.

"Well, I'll take you back first!" Qin Tian can only force the fire in his heart, and together walked out of the box.

No coincidence!

Qin Tian walked out face to face and saw a man in sports clothes staring at the door far away.

Looking at his appearance seems to have been waiting for a lot of time, just see Qin Tian hugging Li Xinran face happy smile to come out, he can not help but be shocked!

The situation is not right. Shouldn't it be Qin Tian who was thrown out and waited for him to take it away and clean it up?

Why Qin Tian took away the beautiful woman instead, what is this situation?

I can't help thinking, the sportswear man walked towards the box. When he pushed open the door of the box, a burst of wine into his mouth and nose, which made him choke himself!

But the more exciting picture, let him see almost spit out!

"Chu Shao, what's the matter?"

He watched two red fruit men sleeping close to the sofa, unconscious and crying in a hurry.

However, let him shout, Chu Shen has been unconscious, that tiny mouth, it seems to sleep very sweet!

"No, that boy must be a little bit overcast!" The experienced sportswear man turned and walked out quickly!

He looked at the body that was close to him, and immediately he shouted, "Qin Tian, stop for me!"

This person is named AHAO, but Chu Shao was called temporarily in the capital. He was strong and cautious in his work. He once carried countless lives and was extremely fierce!

"Well?" Qin Tian has no words for a while. It seems that he still has to take the hand!

"What did you do for us, Chu shaodu?"

"I just take photos and threaten him. What's wrong?" Qin Tian said politely.

"I'm going to kill you mean boy!" AHAO made a crackling sound on the knuckle of his finger, and approached Qin Tian with a fierce momentum. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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