"Boy, you dare to trick our Chu Shao, you don't want to live!" Ah Hao looks at Qin Tian and Li Xinran beside him with a fierce smile.

Sitting and waiting for a night, waiting for now, he had long wanted to make a move, and the whole person was like a mountain pressing towards Li Xinran!

The huge fist with the roaring wind hit Qin Tian's chest, if this blow can be hit, Qin Tian must be the body bone fracture!

Seeing the pressure of this fist, Li Xinran also called out: "husband, be careful!"

This cry, instantly attracted a lot of people around to watch, everyone saw that it was Li Xinran, the beautiful woman's husband, who was going to be beaten?

One by one put down the glass and each other's communication, slowly focus on the eyes.

I saw, at this time late then fast, Qin Tian looked at the opposite of the high-speed impact of the fist, did not have the slightest Dodge, looked at the fist with a smile!

Ah Hao, who was shocked by the attack, saw that Qin Tian didn't dodge. A cruel smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. This boy is finished!

However, what happened next made ah Hao all of a sudden dumbfounded, because his fist was enough to break the power of his ribs and hit Qin Tian, but the other side did not move at all, as if he had never hit him!

And what about him?

I had to take back my fist. I felt as if I had hit a steel plate. The bone of my hand was so shocked that it hurt so much!

This is not steel plate, this is really hit Qin Tian!

How can this young man's body seem to have a strong force in the shock, let his fist hit in the past, it is like hitting on the elastic steel plate!

The implication is that Qin Tian's body is more powerful than steel plate!

At this time, ah Hao was shocked. He looked at Qin Tian in front of him. He was so delicate that he didn't look like a talent for martial arts. After all, he was young.

Did you practice the same Kung Fu as a gold bell and iron cloth shirt?

Suddenly, evil from the edge of the gall, he did not believe, Qin Tian can also against the sky, next his attack is not a simple fist!

Ah Hao's hand is shaped like a claw. With a strong wind, he grabs Qin Tian's face directly!

"I want to see if your face can resist my Eagle Claw skill!"

"Well, I can't help myself. I don't want to fight today. It's you who want to die!" Qin Tian shook his head and raised his hand to catch AHAO's eagle!

And then!

Qin Tian raises his feet and kicks from the bottom up!

Ah Hao rose from the ground and flew out in the air!

A few meters away, heavily fell on the ground, chest ribs directly broken, mouth can not stop blood flow out!

This is a serious internal injury, this kind of internal injury is similar to the old Chen's, the feeling of chest burst, let this ah Hao, the next life is not good!

Li Xinran suddenly opened her beautiful eyes and grew up. She couldn't believe watching this scene!

Although she saw Qin Tian's power again and again, every time there was a strong surprise in it.

If Chu Shen could see this scene, he would be surprised. Such a strong ah Hao was killed by another ordinary guy Qin Tian in a second?

People also can't help but send out a burst of exclamation voice!

This foot is really powerful, clean and neat!

It's amazing that a man of 200 kg will be kicked like a football!

"Are you invited by Chu Shen? I think you speak the dialect of the capital of the emperor, which is the local people! " Qin Tian looked at ah Hao, who was lying on the ground and vomited blood. He asked in a very indifferent tone.

"Yes But who are you and me? " Ah Hao was kicked like this. He was very unwilling. He wanted to be lucky, but his body was in great pain, and it was hard to use it!


Qin Tian walked over and kicked him in the thigh again!


There was another scream. Ah Hao rubbed against the ground and was hit five meters away. At this time, he covered his thigh with his hand and screamed.

"Is it fierce?" Qin Tian's business is like coming from the nine hell. Ah Hao and others who had coveted him before, such as falling ice cave, shivered all over!

Ah Hao, full of fear, no more arrogant look, he felt that if he had a hard mouth, Qin Tian would have killed him in full view of the public!

Chu Shen?

At this time, all the people in the hall understood that it was the conflict with Chu Shen Nao, and they even started fighting.

"I ask you, did Chu Shen invite you to come and kill me tonight?"

"Yes..." Ah Hao uttered his voice in pain.

Everyone was shocked. No one could have imagined that Chu Shen was so rebellious that he secretly bribed the desperado to target Li Xinran's husband. Didn't he seek his own death?"Honey, forget it, let's go!" Li Xinran looked at the presence of so many pairs of eyes in the eyes of them, can't help but come to take the man's arm, worried and said, "go, don't hit!"

"Hurt someone, want to go?"

At this time, the manager in the hall of the meeting hall quickly reflected that there were more than a dozen security guards, almost all of the security forces of the hotel!

This group of security guards surrounded Qin Tian and Li Xinran and refused to let them go out.

At this time, the manager of the hall went to Qin Tian and said coldly, "no beating is allowed in the meeting place. This is the rule. Please go to the police station with us!"

"Are you sick? Didn't you see that he hit me first? " Qin Tian said coldly, "and what are you, or are you also a lackey of Chu Shen? I hit the owner, you want to bite me? "

"You..." Qin Tiansi's unkind words changed the face of the manager in the hall. This guy was cruel and didn't speak with any virtue!

"Boy, you hurt people, you know? What's more, fighting here must be sent to the police station. This is our rule here. As for whether you defend yourself, it's not my business! " The manager of the hall was said to be a dog by Qin Tian, and even more unconvinced when he said it in person!

"Who dares to touch me, my God!"

At this time, an anxious voice called out!

When they saw the crowd come out, they found that they were the people of the Qin family, the capital of the emperor. The leader was Qin Kuo.

This time, there are more than ten people from Qin family. It seems that all of them are in suits and shoes, tall and strong!

Because of Qin Tian's financial support, Qin Kuo intentionally developed his own forces and recruited many powerful people to his command. Among other things, the strength of these people is definitely better than the security of these ten hotels!

Seeing Qin Kuo come out with people, the face of the manager of the hotel venue suddenly becomes ugly!


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