This speech, the whole scene is full of admiration to look at Qin Tian, young can say such words, really let people admire ah!

"No way. I am proficient in ancient Chinese martial arts, and I can integrate with our martial arts and Taoism, and give you the best and avoid short. How can I lose to you, the boy?" Too 15 Lang obviously not satisfied, showing a crazy look, "you are Chinese magic, can not last, see how I crack your magic!"

Taiyiwu Lang said this to Qin Tian, also to listen to himself!

She is master Dan Jin. She has been trained and experienced for many years. She has strong confidence enough to doubt herself when fighting. Once fear is in her heart, her strength must be reduced!

Just after finishing, taiyiwu Lang took a deep breath, and the skin of his body also appeared a wonderful change, shining the luster of metal!

This is the skin of steel!

The iron cloth shirt that taiyiwu Lang cultivates with steel boxing has reached a peak. With the fist skill of just fierce and no match, she has the iron defense on her face!

Seeing this martial arts similar to Chinese iron cloth shirt, it has been cultivated to the extreme by the East Island people. People can't help but envy and hate it. The hall owners also take a breath of reluctant!

Originally thought what iron cloth shirt finally became steel and iron bone, what knife and gun not enter is exaggeration speech, did not think today appeared a living example, really let them sigh!

Of course, taiyiwu Lang is a kind of effect which is made from outside and inside, which is different from traditional iron cloth shirt.

Because of the unity of internal and external and steel boxing, his attack power has been improved, and the defense is not really as effective as iron cloth shirt!

After the skin of the whole body became steel color, this too 15 Lang Oxus will show thousands of hands Guanyin, and attack Qin tianmadly!

The talented maten also made a great part of his kung fu from this old man, so Qin Tian did not have any defense!

Only the attack of maten and taiyiwu Lang can not be said by the same day. This attack includes his lifelong cultivation. Once launched, the momentum is like the top of Mount Tai. In addition, the bell of the earthquake and the explosion in the air are like a rhinoceros hitting Qin Tian!

"It's a good fusion, it's very new!" Qin Tian expressed a very calm expression, and said quietly.

Then, he reached out with his hand!

This refers to the plain and strange, as if there is no change, nor the bullying momentum made by the master, as if there is no inner strength and real Qi!

But when Qin Tian's hand and his hand hit together!

The face of too 15 Lang really changed wildly, and I felt very bad!

Because he just came to Qin Tian, feel as if the air has been drained!

It seems that there is a lot of air coming from the air in his hand and then it bursts out towards him together! The air blocked him from thousands of palms!


There was a strong sound of impact in the air.

A startling explosion came between the two people, as if the air in the whole arena area had exploded. The wind blew up, and let the people under the stage turn back unconsciously!

Not only that, some people can't open their eyes. They can only open their eyes after a strong wind blows.

Looking at the arena again, I just saw too 15 Lang retreating backward, and covered his chest with his hand, and there was a deep blood hole in his chest, and the blood was flowing constantly!

Too 15 Lang can not believe to look at the anxious chest, he is a golden bell cover ah, his steel defense, unexpectedly by Qin Tian to break?

He had to believe it, because the color of the skin of the whole body quickly faded and soon returned to normal skin color.

"What is your technique? Or what martial arts? " Too 15 Lang heart incomparable shock, an idea can not suppress from the mind jumped out of the mind, want to live the words can only escape!

Today, I have met evil spirits here. Where can he deal with such a person?

Qin Tian is too strange, this is the biggest enemy he has ever met. If he doesn't escape, he will be killed directly by Qin Tian!

So he thought about it, and immediately changed his body shape and the whole person suddenly flew up like a big bird, and rushed out towards the gate of the martial arts school!

Even the wounded disciple Ma Teng ignored. He just wanted to escape immediately and return to Dongdao. He studied Qin Tian's martial arts well. If there is no way to conquer it, he will never come to China for a step!

There are such great talents in the Chinese martial arts field. In the next 20 years, if there is no great genius or find the right way, he can not come!

"Ha ha, but I can't escape. I have a good flight skill!" Qin Tian's mouth appeared a smile, a single hand into a sword finger, towards the direction of too 15 Lang escape point past!In an instant, a green light arrow flew out of Qin Tian's fingers!

It's like martial arts!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, taiyiwulang's body was directly punctured in the middle of the air, and then fell to the ground from the middle of the air, and was frozen instantly!

At this moment, taiyiwulang's body is stiff and can't move. His face is shaking and his eyes are struggling. He is filled with fear and despair, shock and regret, and anger. However, he can't escape the gate of the martial arts school. He just feels that his body is getting colder than before!

At this time, the whole scene was dead and quiet, and many people had the scene and action of Qin Tian fighting in their minds!

At this time, the maten people had already shivered all over. This time, the shaking was not pain, but the courage to resist and escape!

Qin Tian no longer pays attention to these Dongdao people, but looks at the place where the museum owners are.

"There seems to be a traitor. Did you catch him?" Qin Tian sneered coldly.

"That fellow has been detained by us!" The master of Tianding martial arts school said angrily.

"That's good!" Qin Tian smiles and walks slowly towards the stage. His task is completed!

Other people always look at qintian place. If they don't see it with their own eyes, they can't believe that they can have such strength as Dan Jin in their twenties. But also killed the experienced Dan Jin master.

"Lao Chen, what level is this young genius? Is Dan Jin successful? " Some people couldn't help asking curiously.

"I don't know. I can't see through him. Can you see through it?" Chen Fu also laughed.

Everyone thought very scared, can not see through the strength is the strongest, in an instant, when you look at Qin Tian, it is like looking at God!

Bai Jun, who had always despised Qin Tian before, wanted to kneel down directly to Qin Tian. When he looked at Qin Tian, there was only awe in his eyes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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