At this time, Zhu Yu looked at Qin Tian without blinking, and stood there in a daze. Even when Qin Tian came back to her and sat down, she didn't realize it!

She always thought that Qin Tian was just like her master. Dan Jin was close to the level, but she didn't want this guy's strength to surpass her master Chen Fu. However, he still needed Chen Fu's advice.

Because all the moves that this guy used on the stage came from Chen Fu who knew him that day. They were all in this!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yu's heart can not help but a surge of ups and downs, she thought, this guy is the inner strength of the incomparable, lack of martial arts, if he more guidance, the future certainly unlimited existence!

It's terrible. This guy is at the level of heaven in the cultivation of ancient martial arts!

Dan Jin is Xuanjin. It's said that it can make people live forever. It's all legends, because no one can reach such a state!

At this time, there were still eyes looking at him. Qin Tian was still a light hearted man under the stage. He didn't care about the shock or admiration of all the martial artists. As for everyone, he was regarded as a strong Dan!

In fact, he just has "immortal Qi" in his body, which is the green energy that has been said before!

This thing can continue to cultivate and improve, anyway, this unique way of cultivation makes Qin Tian's heart just secretly happy, will not say these things to people!

At this time, Chen Fu took the initiative to go to Qin Tian's side, and said with a smile: "Brother Yun, congratulations on your great victory!"

"Ha ha, thank you for your advice, otherwise I really don't know how to defeat these masters from Dongdao." Qin Tian said with a polite smile.

The elder is the elder. They have the experience that young people don't have. This is what the strong need. No matter how high the young talent is, if there is no elder's guidance, it is easy to waste the talent!

In the past, Qin Tian felt that many things were in other things, which led to his just entering the level of cultivation. In such a case, he should seize the time to practice well!

Chen Fu nodded, "is Xiaoyu OK now?"

Old Chen's eyes are full of worry, I don't know what to say, because for him, the biggest loss is Zhu Yu!

If Zhu Yu is suffering from the same pain as himself for many years in the future, it's really not worthwhile!

"I gave her to swallow God's new year's day, steady heart pulse and Qi strength, but can't luck, later want to recover, may also need some other corresponding pills!" Qin Tian knows that Zhu Yu's injury is different from that of Chen before.

Lao Chen also nodded repeatedly. Although he was also worried about his apprentice's injury, Qin Tian, a master of Dan strength and above, could refine alchemy, which was much more reassuring!

Seeing Zhu Yu still looking at himself in a daze, Qin Tian also laughed, stopped the woman's small waist, and took her directly to the outside of the martial arts school!

Who are the next Champions and they have nothing to do with it!

At this time, Zhu Yu found that her waist and limbs were held by Qin Tian in this way. She couldn't help but move in her heart. Her heart was tight, and she was about to open. She didn't want to exert her strength. Suddenly, a burst of intense pain came from her heart, which made her limbs begin to be weak in an instant!

But in order to stand firm, the condition reflexes, reached out to hook Qin Tian's neck, so the East movement also let many people see, appears incomparably ambiguous!

"My God, this young master is not Zhu Yu's boyfriend, is he?"

"I don't know. It looks like it. I don't know where it came from."

"It's amazing. I've never seen such a strong master. I can look forward to it in the future."

While discussing the relationship between Qin Tian and Zhu Yu, many people lament that Qin Tian's talent and strength are so powerful that it is hard to be envied!

After walking out of the martial arts school, Zhu Yucai said, "master, Qin Tian, will I abolish it directly..."

The woman's heart also felt a little pain, too late to consider Qin Tian holding her appearance, he directly worried up!

"It's OK. You let Xiaochen treat you well. He's a doctor. What are you afraid of?" Old Chen said.

Zhu Yu knew that his life was completely put on the man's body in front of him, and he could not help but hook his hand tightly around the man's neck and embrace him intimately!

Feel the whole body is a little uncomfortable, complexion began to blush, the whole body began to heat!

"Don't be nervous, don't think about it!" Qin Tian said in a soothing tone, making people feel at ease, "if you think about your injury, it will only aggravate your injury!"

"How do you know that I'm crazy? I'm just worried! If you don't let me down, I feel like I can still walk? " Zhu Yubei said, clenching her red lips.

Qin Tian also shook his head, but held him tighter and walked towards the direction of the car!

In the martial arts school, Zuo Linfeng is the champion this time by default, because Bai Bai Jun is no longer able to fight, and is still eliminated.As for Ma Teng Ren, it has been abandoned. Zuo Linfeng is the most shameless champion this time.

"Zuo Shao, the man named Qin Tian has left!" Side of a beauty touched left Lin Feng's arm, remind said.

"Well, can you help me find his address?" Zuo Linfeng said reluctantly.

Qin Tian's Dan Jin strength is still deeply engraved in Zuo Linfeng's mind, and all the beliefs established in his heart are defeated at this time!

What is a strong man and what is a genius? A talent like Qin Tian is the most powerful one. He will be the leader of ancient Chinese martial arts in the future!

With such strength, can he see the taillights of qintian all his life?

Zuo Linfeng's heart was in a state of deep sea, almost out of breath, until his friend Xie Kaiqi shook his arm and suddenly woke up!

"Zuo Shao, are you ok?" Although Xie Kaiqi is also shocked by Qin Tian's strength, he can't be calm for a long time, but he won't be as disillusioned as Zuo Linfeng!

Zuo Linfeng's eyes were complicated, and he bit very tightly. After a long time, his eyes suddenly became very firm. He gritted his teeth and said, "I want to worship him as a teacher."

"Ah?" Xie Kaiqi is completely confused.


Moon Bay Beach Villa.

Qin Tian came back with Zhu Yu in his arms and put it directly on the sofa. Then he said, "I'm going to take off your clothes for acupuncture treatment. Do you have any comments?"

"Don't Take me to the hospital first? " Zhu Yu said anxiously, if in front of Qin Tian like that, it's not to be ashamed! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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