"You are injured in the chest. If you go to the hospital, you may have to open your belly. The procedure will be very complicated." Qin Tian warned.

"Ah? Don't you Zhu Yu was stunned for a moment, and he had a feeling that he couldn't think of.

"What do you think? I can use acupuncture and moxibustion to help you to recuperate and slowly correct the damaged areas. These are all acupuncture and Qi strength treatment methods. Can the hospital's voice have my strength? " Qin Tian said without good breath.

At this time, Lao Chen did not come back, because he had other things to do in the martial arts school, so now his family is Qin Tian and Zhu Yu.

Zhu Yu heard the direct muddle forced, some can not believe the appearance, as if Qin Tian is lying!

Qin Tian continued to be upright and said: "your heart pulse is very seriously damaged now. If you don't let me give acupuncture treatment on your chest, you may be in danger of life. If you go to the hospital to open your belly, it is also very dangerous. You can choose by yourself."

"Ah! Is there no other way? Can you stop looking? I'd rather die than show you! " Zhu Yu was immediately ashamed and afraid. Don't go too far!

"Miss Zhu Yu, you are a martial arts practitioner. Why do you care about these little things? And I'm a doctor now. I'm not who I am. You have to understand this. If girls are like you, aren't all gynecologists out of work? "

"Not the same, OK?" Zhu Yu is a little angry, although Qin Tian's martial arts accomplishments are very high, but after all, they are people of the same age. How can she get through this psychological barrier?

Seeing that she was still so stubborn, Qin Tian said with a straight face: "Zhu Yu, if you delay again, I'll knock you out, and then I'll give you an injection. You can do it yourself!"

"If you're in a coma and you don't know what I'm doing, wouldn't it be better?"

"Dare you Zhu Yu's beautiful eyes glared at Qin Tian in an instant.

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't want to be like this. I have to finish my work and go home. My family is still waiting for me."

"Anyway, you can't be angry. It's so easy for me to hit coma. Either you're awake or you're in a coma. You can do it yourself."

"You Zhu Yu was also so angry that he clenched his teeth. He had no choice. Finally, he bit his teeth and said, "Qin Tian, after you cure me, I will practice my martial arts and avenge you! In order to recover my innocence! "

"Ha ha, very good, ambitious ah, I like it!" Qin Tian couldn't help but laugh. He was treated as if he had been defiled. He was so conservative!

After a rustling sound of undressing, Zhu Yu said, "come here!"

Qin Tian turned around and found that she still kept the most inside of the cover, which is reasonable, after all, other places do not need to be carried out, it can only be so!

Just look at the time, can not help but nose a fire, some uncontrollable blood!

To tell you the truth, even Qin Tian has seen many beautiful women, but at this time is also shocked by the size of women!

Zhu Yu didn't speak at this time. She just closed her eyes and saw Qin Tian didn't do it for a long time. She said anxiously, "you hurry up? Don't look... "

"No, I'll disinfect the needle!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Don't be serious. Why didn't you disinfect just now?" Zhu Yu always thinks that man is a bad thing, is not trustworthy!

After Qin Tian settled his mind, he poured his green energy into his eyes, and his eyes became sharp in an instant!

Then he began to give the needle, this set is his unique needling method to rob God needle!

Zhu Yu gradually felt the warmth of his body and opened his eyes!

I saw that the man's eyes did not have any other bad luster, the expression was also very serious, even because of the high concentration, some small sweat on the forehead.

Not only the dazzling needling, but also the feeling of body, which soon convinced Zhu Yu completely!

"Yes, your medical skills are really excellent. I believe you!" Zhu Yu said sincerely.

"Ha ha, you still need to believe me!" Qin Tian had no choice but to exhale.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Tian took back the silver needle. Zhu Yu felt that the pain in his heart was gone, and his limbs were restored. Li Liang quickly put on his clothes!

"That God's new year's Day is really effective. After my acupuncture and moxibustion for a while, your meridians have been healed by 60% to 70%. However, I still need to give you a Peiyuan pill, which is the only one!" While appreciating Zhu Yu's action of wearing clothes, Qin Tian said slowly.

Zhu Yu blinked his big eyes at Qin Tian: "you see all my body, even if you give me a doctor, I will not thank you!"

"It's heartless. Two Shenyuan pills, that's 20 million yuan. Take them out to sleep. Women don't know how to sleep until Hey, hey Qin Tian helplessly smiles."Shameless! My life is more valuable. I will save your life if I have a chance. I will return to you when I can. Let me give you 20 million without it! "

"Don't give me money, with your strength can not save me, it is better to give me a small three by example!" Qin Tian joked.

"Dream!" Zhu Yu groaned with his white eyes.

"Well, you have medicine here. I look at it early. I'll make Shenyuandan here this afternoon!" Qin Tian looked at the last pill has gone, some of the heart is sorry.

"And me? I don't feel pain now? " Zhu Yu stood up and said.

"It's better to lie down and sleep. It takes a few days to grow meat in the injured area. Try not to walk around!"

Zhu Yu nodded, so serious injury to him but became, seems to be very simple things, but also a bit of fun!

One afternoon, Qin Tian refined three gods New Year's day, in the heart is a little comfort, but he is also tired, poured on the sofa heart full of heart haggard!

After a rest, Qin Tian stepped out towards the door and closed it by hand!

Back to the villa of Lin Xiaoyao's house, he saw a man standing in front of the courtyard door, looking calm and relaxed!

Qin Tianmi eyes found that it was like square earthquake, young version of square earthquake.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Qin Tian frown.

Zuolinfeng knelt heavily on the ground, then he kowtow and said, "please accept me as an apprentice!"

Zuolinfeng can not help but cry and laugh. This left forest peak is really able to stretch. Before that, he was so proud in the arena, and now he knelt and kowtow?

But he is not a man in martial arts. Even if he took zuolinfeng as an apprentice, he could not teach her anything. He knew martial arts and didn't want to take it, because it was too troublesome!

The plan to come down should be to help his wife Li Xinran prepare the branch affairs well, because she is pregnant, inconvenient, everything needs to go with Lin Xiaoyao.

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