Qin Tian shook his head speechless. Does he still need to question the relationship between himself and the Lin family?

"Then I'll go straight to your Dean." Qin Tian said and let the nurse front desk lead the way!

The little nurse looks depressed, you have been exposed, and the face to go to the Dean!

Dr. Shi saw that the boy even dared to go to the Dean, and instantly picked up the mobile phone to call the security guard. If he let this guy go to the Dean, he failed to stop the liar!

The action of two security guards is very fast, directly rushed into the office, to deal with such a small swindler, there is no need to the security of the whole hospital!

"Get him out of here!" Doctor Shi looked at Qin Tian and said to the security guard.

Two bar ao'an, will come to catch Qin Tian at the moment. Unexpectedly, his hand just touched Qin Tian's shoulder, and he was shocked so that his whole body was paralyzed, and he could not move in an instant!

After all, this is Lin's hospital. Qin Tian just made them lose their ability to move in an instant, and didn't hurt them!

However, this sudden skill also shocked Dr. Shi and the little nurse. They just saw the little nurse as if she had been pointed by someone!

Looking at the young man coming towards him, Dr. Shi said in a loud voice, "what are you doing? We'll call the police if we do it again! "

Qin Tian didn't have any politeness. He went directly to Dr. Shi, with an indisputable expression: "take me to see your Dean, immediately!"

Qin Tian's voice was so frightening that he heard doctor Shi's whole body French food. "President Xu is on the third floor. Now he should be pacifying Wang Jianmin's family."

"Let's go, then."

Dr. Shi is grateful to you for leading the way. He leads Qin Tian to the intensive care unit on the third floor. The little nurse also follows them. Looking at Qin Tian's self-confidence, is she really the cousin of the legendary Lin family?

Most of the places on the third floor are seriously ill patients. The families of each family are communicating in the corridor or the door, sighing and saying something, full of sadness.

Wang Jianmin is in the innermost part of the ward. Sang Er walks through the corridor of other patients' families and comes to the end of the corridor. He sees several men and women, all of whom are Wang Jianmin's family members!

In addition, there is a man with eyes in his fifties, the president of the hospital, and a middle-aged man in white, surrounded by several family members!

Among these accelerations, a dark man with a worried face said to the old Dean, "Dean, is my father in a good condition now? No, we can only find foreign doctors. We can't delay any more."

"We have already contacted the general manager of the group and said that he would send some acupuncturists to come here, and surely Mr. Wang would be sobered up!" President Chen Hong said.

"What doctor are you looking for? Is it a little famous? " The patient's family asked again.

"This, we group Lin family look for, should be OK, after all, won't joke with Mr. Wang!"

What else did President Chen want to say, but he saw doctor Shi take Qin Tian into the room. He looked a little ugly and said to the president, "Dean, this man even said that he was sent by Lin's group!"

Hearing the speech, people can't help looking back. They are all shocked at each other in an instant. They are all surprised!

President Chen received a call from Lin Xiaoyao in the morning, saying that a good doctor would come and let them treat them well!

Didn't think it was the young man in front of him? Is this true or false?

Because have not seen, so Chen Hong is also very surprised that Qin Tian is too young, Leng for a moment just stretched out his hand to say: "Mr. Qin?"

"Yes, it's me!" Qin Tian looks serious said.

"Er, er, it's you. I'm President Chen Hong. Miss Lin said," let me receive you when I get here! " Chen Hong held out his hand directly.

Seeing Qin Tian shaking hands with the old Dean, Dr. Shi and the little nurse on one side were stunned!

It turns out that this young man is really the one called by Lin?

Wang Jianmin's family members also made an incredible expression, so young? reliable?

"Dean, are you sure you're not mistaken? Is this young man here to treat my father? " A man in his thirties looks pale!

Anyone who sees Qin Tian for the first time will not regard him as a skillful doctor. Wang Jianmin will not rest assured that he will be operated on by a young man of his own age!

"SMS is still here!" Qin Tian takes out the mobile phone to everybody to see!

Chen Hong looked at it and said with great certainty: "it is indeed. This is the genius sent by the first lady of Lin's group. There is no doubt about it!"

People immediately believe that this is Lin's invited people, the moment a facial expression is not good!

Too young!

Even the attending doctor on one side can't believe his eyes. He has more than 20 years of professional experience to treat rich people like Wang Jianmin. Is he so young or appointed by the group?Dr. Shi stood at the back. He felt remorseful. He even looked away. It was the man sent by Lin. if he blamed him, he might lose his job!

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry just now. I didn't think you were sent by the boss!"

"I didn't mean to..." The little nurse was also quick to apologize, otherwise it would be hard to say afterwards.

The president also frowned, and then said with a straight face, "since you have offended the friends of the boss's family, you will be fined a month to halve your salary!"

Doctor Shi and the nurse nodded quickly. Fortunately, it was the general salary. It was terrible to stop. After all, a job is not easy!

Qin Tian waved his hand, and now he has no time to take care of these two people.

"What's wrong with being young? Can't I see a patient when I'm young? "

The family members of patients in their thirties were immediately upset, "is that my father, Wang Jianmin, an ordinary patient? Any doctor? "

"My dad, he has tens of millions of projects on his shoulders. If you mess up or delay, can you afford to pay for it? What is the responsibility? "

The other side is very arrogant, said the president and others are afraid to speak.

"May I check it first?" Qin Tian also does not refute, he can understand the feelings of patients' families.

Finish saying, also do not wait for family member to agree, walked into this intensive care unit directly.

President Chen and the other three attending doctors also quickly followed in. They all wanted to see if Qin Tian really had material. If not, they had to stop it in time.

Otherwise, something will happen and Lin's hospital will be destroyed. After all, such celebrities and reputation are not joking!

At this time, several nurses in the intensive care unit were watching Wang Jianmin, who was unconscious in the hospital bed

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