Qin Tian frown, it is really some serious, this does not know how many days have been lying down, so continue to coma on the end!

When he went to the head of the bed, he saw that Wang Jianmin's eyes were closed and his face was a little pale. If his electrocardiogram was not still showing the beating frequency, most people would think he was dead!

President Chen made an eye sign to the attending doctor around him and went to the front side directly for convenience. He explained: "Mr. Qin, at present, we judge that the disease rate of boss Wang is probably the severity of coronary heart disease. He has been injected with injection before, but there is no effect. It is suspected that there are other causes. Therefore, we dare not do coronary heart disease surgery for him for the time being !”

However, since the attending doctor said that coronary heart disease drugs were useless, he directly infused green energy into his eyes, and then opened to see the situation in the patient's body, found myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, and there are some other abnormal symptoms besides the blockage of the lumen!

After seeing clearly, Qin Tian's pupil shrinks suddenly. He searches in the Wuji Pharmacopoeia, which records a description of the ancient martial medicine symptoms of three Yang scorching fire!

Wang Jianmin must be because of the huge business pressure, the work demand will need to drink and smoke, resulting in heartburn is relatively strong, these are modern scientific instruments can not detect out, must be experienced old Chinese medicine hope gas sister to see a little clue!

Almost all of the temporary hospitals are western medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine inside has no ability. We can't see that Wang Jianmin's situation is related to the Yang fire of traditional Chinese medicine. But the reason of Qin Tian's body can be seen at a glance!

Qin Tian thought in his mind and took out a package of silver needles. Then the attending doctor and the Dean were surprised, "Mr. Qin, are you going to treat boss Wang with acupuncture?"

"Yes Qin Tian said coldly.

Everyone didn't expect Qin Tian just took a look at it, didn't check the pulse, and didn't have the inspection instrument, so he was going to use acupuncture treatment?

The other attending doctors were worried, and Chen Hong was also flustered. He said quickly, "doctor Qin, you didn't have a check. Why do you have to give the needle? Is it because of the complaint of doctor Bai just now?"

"That's right, isn't it careless of you? This is too risky

Qin Tian said indifferently: "you don't worry, since I dare to give the needle, I can certainly save my father. Since Lin's boss is willing to let me come, I know how my medical skills are!"

Hearing Qin Tian say that he has a plan in mind, Wang Jianmin does not believe it!

He felt that to let such a young man see his father for treatment, Lin's hospital was not only unworthy of its name, it was just a trap. At the moment, he couldn't help but say: "Dean, did not expect that you would treat a severe patient like this, and call one person to see a doctor with full confidence? I want to go to the people's hospital immediately! "

"Don't worry, your father's disease can be treated with Sanyang jiaohuo. If it is not treated in time, it will be more serious when he is transferred to another hospital!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"What bullshit Sanyang jiaohuo, this is coronary heart disease, what are you talking about?" The patient's family was in a hurry.

President Chen and the attending doctors are also scared to look nervous, they have not heard of this kind of three Yang Jiao fire treatment method, is it amazing?

In fact, they do not understand very normal, this kind of difficult and miscellaneous diseases only recorded in ancient books, but now medical science can't find out the cause of the disease. So if we can't treat the imbalance of Yang and fire, the patient will be in a coma all the time!

Yang fire and dampness are actually the opposite. Cupping can remove dampness and acupuncture can balance Yang fire!

Although the patient's family members' doubts and anger became deeper and deeper, Qin Tian, as an attending doctor, was benevolent, and no matter what the patient's family members said, he was still very strong in saying: "the Sanyang jiaohuo I mentioned is the acupuncture method for treating difficult and complicated diseases, which is recorded in the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine. I will explain it to you later The first thing is to cure Mr. Wang first! "

"I don't know what you are talking about. Dean, who allowed him to treat, you give it to me..." What else does the patient's family want to say, but the needle is already in!

Then they saw a performance of amazing magic!

Qin Tian's acupuncture is superb. I'm afraid to miss some details when I see Qin Tian's hand movements like this!

It's amazing. Although they can't understand Qin Tian's magic technique, they are surprised to see such acupuncture and moxibustion.

In everyone's surprised and worried eyes, Qin Tian once again took out the rootless silver needle and stuck it into Wang Jianmin's heart. The immortal spirit was directly injected into the silver needle. This time, the printing press was flooded with a thin green chill.

All the people present were shocked.

"Ancient martial arts?"

Chen Hong also knows Chinese medicine, can't help but exclaim in the mouth!

Qin Tian didn't speak, but he was busy with his own, praying in his heart that the so-called Qin Tian could have wonderful medical skills to bring the dead back to life!

Qin Tian dredged the pipeline with silver needles, and at the same time used his own "green energy" to turn some exuberant Yang Qi!Time slowly dissipates, the patient also slowly changes.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

At this time, Wang Jianmin, who had been in a coma, suddenly coughed. It was obvious that the blood gas channeled through the heart vein, and the heart fire all dissipated, which meant that Qin Tian's operation was a success!

When the patient wakes up, the dean and the doctor look at each other with shock in their eyes.

And the patient's family members directly rushed up, surprised to call out, "Dad, you finally wake up!"

The originally dreary ward instantly became jubilant, everyone in the laughter, Qin Tian slowly put away his silver needle, and then took out the medical record book, what was written on it!

"Doctor Qin, I can't believe that you are young and have such profound medical skills. It's so shocking!"

"Thank you so much, young man. We wronged you just now..."

"Mr. Qin, you are really a great benefactor to us."

"Mr. Qin, you leave an account, we will repay you well!"

Seeing the excited appearance of the patient's family members, Qin Tian chuckled indifferently, "rescuing the wounded and rescuing the wounded is my duty as a doctor. I'm very pleased to be able to save a life."

Although these people were disrespectful to him just now, he, who was used to these scenes, did not care at all.

Wang Jianmin on the hospital bed has sobered up. Hearing their conversation, he can't help but focus on Qin Tian in front of him, struggling and saying, "is this he who saved me? Thank you very much, Wang Jianmin

"Boss Qin, you are very empty now. You'd better lie down first." Qin Tian advised Wang Jianmin to the hospital bed and said with a smile, "I remember that Wang Jianmin's boss made a fortune in Songshan City, and then rose in the imperial capital. Speaking of us, we are still fellow townsmen."

"Eh? Is the doctor of Qin also from Songshan city? I don't know who your father is. Maybe we know each other! " Wang asked in surprise and respectfully.

"My family belongs to the Qin family, in the imperial capital!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Ah? No wonder you come back to the imperial capital for development. Congratulations to the Qin family Wang Jianmin laughed. "Since Mr. Qin doesn't need the reward of property, I'd like to pay her a visit to the Qin family in person. In addition, I hope to have some cooperation."

Qin Tian nodded, and this trip didn't come in vain

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