"Dad, doctor Qin saved you this time, and he's a fellow townsman. How can you say that you have to pay him?" One side of the young man said unconvinced, and then took out a five million check.

"Yes, since we are fellow countrymen, I am your elder. If you don't know what to say or not to say, you still have to accept the reward, because the kindness is so deep that we feel sorry for it." Wang Jianmin is also persuasive.

"I don't need money. If there is cooperation, you can talk to the Qin family. That's enough! Moreover, as a member of the Lin family, I am naturally obliged to treat Mr. Wang! " Qin Tian lightly declined the five million.

Seeing Qin Tian's refusal, they can only think of looking for cooperation with the Qin family, otherwise they are really sorry.

"Mr. Wang, you just woke up and have a lot of things to talk about? Pay more attention to rest. This is my prescription for you. It's very clear how to take it! " Qin Tiandi has just written the white paper.

"Wow! Thank you very much Wang Jianmin was so surprised that he took the note. He was worried that he could not see the words clearly. However, he didn't want Qin Tian's words to be beautiful and powerful. What a feast for the eyes!

The patient's family members and the president sent Qin Tian out of the hospital, and then the courtyard watched him leave!

"It's amazing. It's so amazing. I've never seen such a talented doctor."

After Qin Tian walked out of the hospital, he was not in a hurry to go back. Li Xinran was also busy with various things in the company.

He drove through the streets and came to a hotel by the South Lake of the capital.

"You said you could be reached anytime. I'm under your hotel. Where are you?"

After sending a short message, Qin Tian drew out a cigarette and smoked slowly. After a short time, the message was restored, and a woman's angry voice came from it: "what do you want to do with me in the daytime? Isn't it better to do things at night? "

Looking at the short message sent by Lin Wanru on the mobile phone, Qin Tian can't help but show a trace of bitter smile. When did this woman's tone become so fierce and so coquettish?

But the feeling of missing can't be concealed!

Soon Qin Tian made a direct call to take time in the past, the phone just rang, was connected by Lin Wanru.

"Surnamed Qin, you finally know to call me, I thought you would only secretly send text messages, afraid of wife to this extent?"

"I was in the hotel and was about to go out. I didn't expect that you suddenly came to the message. Stop the car and get up immediately. I have a meeting later!"

Qin Tian heard the discontented voice inside the woman's phone, but also laughed and said, "give me the room number, go up to find you right away!"

After getting the information, Qin Tian hung up the phone.

Sometimes, if you owe too much, you have to pay it back, just as Wang Jianmin has to pay back his own favor!

The more broken ties are, the worse it will be. Maybe after this time, Lin Wanru has gradually accepted their present relationship and won't make further extravagant demands?

Qin Tian's heart is like this, he does not have evil, just want to extricate themselves, want to give them a relief between the relationship.

From the last business meeting, Qin Tian finally has time.

Arriving at the door of the hotel, Qin Tian knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened from inside.

In the moment of opening the door, Qin Tian saw a figure, pulled him in, and then slammed the door.

Qin Tian looks at the woman in full dress. It seems that she is going to go out. The suitcase is ready. Obviously, she is going to leave?

"Isn't it? Am I so timely? Are you going back to Songshan

"What do you think? If you don't come today, I swear I'll never see you again in my life The woman threw herself into the man's arms.

"Ha ha, it's so difficult to control her emotions after opening her heart? But in the end, it's still iceberg's female president. It's cruel to say it's broken! " Qin Tian held the woman in his arms and said with a smile.

"I don't care. It's rare for a little woman. I want to release the little beast in my heart!" The woman said, not waiting for the man to open his mouth directly to block the past!

Qin Tian's words directly hold back to go back, and then gradually spread the body, slowly released the small beast in his heart.

After a series of suffocating kisses, the woman blushed and gasped: "there are two hours left. If it's not within one hour, I'll change my flight!"

"No..." Qin Tian was bitter and astringent. He felt that he was in the mouth of a tiger, and it was hard to escape.

"What do you say?" Lin Wanru slowly unfastened the button with her hand, "you have disappeared for so long, you have to make up for me!"

Qin Tian smiles bitterly, but his heart is full of complicated emotions. He smiles at Lin Wanru in front of him: "it's really beautiful. I don't know what kind of man is worthy of you except me!"

"What a man says is a liar!" Lin Wanru said no more and took Qin TianChao to the bedside.It's more than four in the afternoon.

This is the most special noon that Qin Tian has had. He can't forget it all his life.

When he woke up, there was no more Lin Wanru in the hotel room.

On his cell phone, there was a short message: "I left, and my fate is the same. Thank you for making me a woman who really knows how to meet, a real woman. I will never forget this noon time, no matter where we go in the future, often contact. "

Qin Tian looked at a few short sentences, and felt a thousand feelings in his heart.

"She's still gone!"

The words on the text let Qin Tian feel empty and down in the moment. Qin Tian walked out of the hotel door and closed it with his hand and left the empty guest room.

Qin Tian didn't go back. He needed to calm his mood, drive slowly, feel the lively atmosphere on the street, listen to the dialogue of everyone in the street, and write down everyone's face. It is also a kind of improvement of the realm.

In the dark, Qin Tian could not help looking at a big truck, and the driver he drove was familiar with.

Now, turn right and follow.

The train bypassed several streets and stopped in front of a large warehouse.

Then he saw several people coming down the car, one of whom was dressed in decent clothes, directing other strong men to carry a box of things.

Looking at the young Qin Tian squinting his eyes, I can not imagine Jiao Cheng even came to the capital, and also drove to transport goods?

In terms of his strength, it should not be so. Now, is there any project?

This is his good brother, and I don't speak to the emperor. What is the strange thing in it?

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