But seeing Jiao Cheng's tired body, he still took a turn on his left foot, and seemed to be injured. Qin Tian was surprised. Who made him become such a situation?

Qin Tian walked past, patted him on the shoulder, Jiao Cheng saw Qin Tian suddenly startled, and then surprised him.

"Brother, how are you here?"

"I also want to ask you, what have you experienced, how can you come to the capital to transport goods and have injured your feet?" Qin Tian asked.

"I am now working as a logistics company, and I have worked with people on the side of capital. This foot is beaten..." The focus of the face of helpless color.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian's expression was serious.

"This..." Jiao Cheng was embarrassed and ashamed, and he seemed to feel embarrassed to say the same.

"What difficulties can I tell you!" Qin Tian patted Jiao Cheng's shoulder again, which is his good brother!

"Not very good, I know you have the ability, but I want to solve this matter myself!" Jiao Cheng also smiled bitterly.

"I am your brother!" Qin Tianshen said in a solemn voice, "even if you want to solve it yourself, you should tell me?"

Jiao Cheng's heart can not help but flash a little warm, and then shook his head with a bitter smile: "Qin Tian, I really admire you, you have achieved your career, family happiness, I invested in business before has been cheated millions, now almost to start a home by hand!"


Qin Tian has a silent color. Although he is not very clear about the current situation of Jiaocheng, he was still good when he went back to Songshan last time. He didn't see that he had difficulties in this respect?

"It seems that you have been hiding things from me. It seems very happy on the surface, but it is difficult in private!" Qin Tian sighed.

"It's OK. I can keep earning without money, and I can solve it myself without bothering you!" Jiao Cheng shook his head bitterly.

"So, when I'm finished today, I'll find myself happy to have a meal with you!" Jiao Cheng laughs.

"It's not a hurry to eat. I want to know who hurt your leg?" Qin Tianxin all grabbed it directly. "Business matters, I don't interfere with you, but fight things, you have to tell me!"

"Fighting? Forget it, my God, I know you are very good in Songshan, but here is the capital. There are many people who we can't afford. They are the devil from hell! " Jiao Cheng said that the corner of his mouth slightly convulsed, even the body was a little shaking up.

Seeing Jiao Cheng so painful, Qin Tian knows that he must have just been hurt. Anyway, since he came to do the project in emperor Du, then he could learn it slowly later!

"Jiaochengge, I don't know what terrible things you have experienced, but I can help you!" Qin Tian said calmly but concerned, "by the way, what business do you do? Is the shipment

"Yes, I do this, so I am very busy!" Jiao Cheng didn't want to say anything about the fight because he was worried about Qin Tian's danger.

If Qin Tian has something to do, it will be bad with the children in his stomach. So Jiao Cheng knows that Qin Tian is very powerful, but he doesn't want him to take risks. It is unnecessary!

"Then you can help with the company that is happy. She has already acquired a new company, and maybe she can cooperate with you in freight company!"

"I am a small one. Can't we cooperate?"

"That's fine. Anyway, it's not just working with you alone, long-term stability, and ensuring that you won't have trouble with customers!" Qin Tian laughs.

"This..." Jiao Cheng wants to say something, but his cell phone rings.

Although it didn't open the hands-free, Qin Tian could hear the clear roar from his mobile phone: "Jiaocheng, when will my goods be delivered, is it delayed again?"

This hoarse angry voice, let Qin Tian can not help frown!

"Good. After the car, drive it to you immediately!" Jiao Cheng quickly hung up the phone, and then said to Qin Tian with a smile, "business is busy, don't worry about me ha, I finished a few orders, and then went back to Songshan!"

Qin Tian just nodded, "when will you eat with us?"

Jiao Cheng thought, "there is a Songshan business friend party. Do you join us? I see the group has sent the notice, we can go and see! "

Qin Tian shook his head. "No interest. Go to another restaurant and eat it!"

"OK, brother, I will go first, and talk back!"

Back to the private villa, it was night. Qin Tian had not long made dinner, and Li Xinran came back from outside.

Took care of the woman, recuperated Li Xinran's body, the door was knocked off.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran looked out of the yard and found that Lin Dongqiang was there. He was accompanied by a woman, even Lin Dongqiang and fan Yanyan.

Seeing fan Yanyan, Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. The policewoman was not killed by the gangsters. It was really some skill.

Lin Dongqiang came in and said with a smile: "little day, Captain fan investigated some eyebrows in the last explosion. You can talk about it. I'll talk about it happily!"Instead, Lin Dongqiang used to talk with Li Xinran about the habit of living in a villa and the development of the company. This topic seems to be unable to solve the problem for a while!

"What happened to the last time you left with the gangsters?" Qin Tian asked with a smile.

Fan Yanyan looked helpless. "It's very dangerous. After he drove the car out, he wanted to shoot me with a gun. Fortunately, I was quick enough to stab me with a knife."

"Tough enough, or you're going to die!" Qin Tian smiles.

"This time the organization is big enough. It's from Dongdao!" Fan Yanyan said solemnly.

Hearing this, Qin Tian can't help but think of the scene of the last martial arts competition. Those Dongdao people should not only be a few people, but also have masters behind them!

"Most of the people in Dongdao are Bushido people. I'm afraid you can't cope with it!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"That's why I'm looking for you. I don't want to direct the police, because it's not an opponent at all!" Fan Yanyan said helplessly.

"No wonder you're all alone. You think you're not in danger alone?" Qin Tian helplessly smiles.

"Isn't there you now?" Fan Yanyan frowned at Qin Tian, "I've known you with Lin Dongqiang. You can help me with your strength?"

"Not only to help you, but also to help uncle Dongqiang. We have moved now because we are worried about the danger!" Qin Tian knows that the purpose of these Bushido is not just to open a martial arts school to promote Bushido!

It is very likely that some illegal businessmen have been connected behind the scenes, which is not simple!

"Good!" Fan Yanyan said cautiously, "last night, we inspected an abandoned port on the west side of the city. There was a suspicious ship on board, which is likely to be their base area."


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