"Recently, it has been reported that it is not possible to land on the shore and board the harbor. Other fishermen's boats are not allowed to pass by. It is very overbearing. It has been reported to us. I suspect it is a martial arts man!" Fan Yanyan continued.

"These people dare to be so arrogant?" Qin Tian was stunned.

"Yes, one of the people is reckless, a face we have already investigated and captured by stealth planes!"

"Who is reckless?" Qin Tian said with a little curiosity.

"Recklessness is nickname, others don't understand us," Fan said. Only know that he was a member of zhangjiazhangmin Shangwu Association, but later they said that they had left Shangwu society and started the traitors business. It had nothing to do with their martial arts association and did not know any information about him! "

"Zhang Min monk Wu will not cooperate so much. Do you think it really doesn't matter if this reckless monk martial arts will be?" Qin Tian laughs.

"You mean?" Fan Yanyan could not help frown, she thought Qin Tian only knew how to fight and martial arts, and could not imagine that he had such an idea.

"I just think about it. I don't want to say anything until everything is gone!" Qin Tian smiled.

In fact, he vaguely felt that the martial arts association must be connected with this martial arts doctrine, so Zhang Min was interested in the scientific research project of Lin Dongqiang.

"It's a bit of a problem in this way, we're not enough for both of us!" Qin Tian's eyes were very calm, "how many people can you call up?"

"They don't seem to be the martial arts rivals!" Fan Yanyan bit his teeth and said, "it's better not to let them go. There are three ancient martial arts masters on the reckless boat. They are ready to take the initiative. We can't beat them even with dozens of people!"

"Even if the ship is broken, it is just a straw and snake, and it doesn't play a little role. So I just asked you to deal with the three masters! "

"I see. Let's go and see now!" Qin Tian didn't think about it for the night.

"It's just time, but have you had dinner?" Fan Yanyan looked at Li Xinran and Lin Dongqiang talking about business affairs, I was embarrassed to ask.

"Just enough, I can go out and have a little activity!" Qin Tian said, twisting his muscles and bones.

Three masters of martial arts? Too 15 Lang are destroyed, don't say what three masters, that is, loose bones and muscles!

Fan Yanyan saw Qin Tian agreed, and was also very happy to drive to a place away from the abandoned Wharf in the west of the city!

Here are several scouts watching the situation, see fan Yanyan and Qin Tian come, all respectfully greeting.

"Mr. Qin, people have been in bed, but we can't get close!" One of the scouts said.

"Is there a speedboat?" Fan Yanyan asked, looking at the scouts.

"Yes, but the sky is not dark enough, and then it will open again when the black dot is over!"

Fan Yanyan nodded and said to Qin Tian, "Mr. Qin, go to the speedboat with us first. It is a long distance!"

Qin Tian nodded, followed them to the boat on the lower shoal, and indeed a large ship appeared in front of him.

These scouts also followed, but fan Yanyan said, "you don't have to come, Mr. Qin will go alone!"

"Understand!" The men also said bitterly, originally they wanted to see what the strength of Qin Tian had, but only to continue to hide, do the investigation.

Under the night, the sea, looking at it, found that there were several ships parked on the sea not far away, which blocked the whole abandoned port from the sea!

"It is them. These ships are too overbearing to stop at the port for sea. People can't get close!" Fan Yanyan pointed to the front and said.

Qin Tian said softly: "you said three martial arts masters on top?"

"Yes, it's on the biggest cruise ship!" Qin Tianzhi pointed to one of the ships, "Mr. Qin, if our speedboat is near, will we rush directly or around it? I'm afraid they'll bomb directly after they find out, these people are carrying guys! "

"No, you stay here and give me a life buoy!" Qin days words let fan Yanyan and the boat driver all face surprised!

"You're going to swim over with a lifebuoy?" Fan Yanyan opened his eyes wide, looking at Qin Tian in front of him with disbelief.

Qin Tian didn't speak. They thought Qin Tian was going to swim, because it was almost imperceptible under the night and could be close to the opposite cruise.

But what did not expect is that Qin Tian stepped on the survival circle with his feet steadily, and then moved quickly forward.

The survival circle is like the engine, moving silently on the sea, rippling layer by layer.

It's amazing it's in!

Fan Yanyan opened his eyes and found a stream of air flowing back in the survival circle at the foot of Qin Tian. This is to use the air force to drive the lifebuoy to slide forward!Amazing!

What kind of ancient martial arts practitioners can achieve such a picture.

In the eyes of the boatman and fan Yanyan, Qin Tian's figure gradually disappeared, until they had no human figure.

On the deck of the largest cruise ship in the distance, there are more than a dozen young men looking around, blowing the sea breeze and smoking. In the inner cabin of the cruise ship, three middle-aged ancient warriors are sitting on a table, each holding a beautiful woman with heavy make-up, drinking and eating meat, which seems to regard the cruise ship as a paradise!

While eating and drinking, a little boy in the bow of the boat suddenly called out, "look, there seems to be a man approaching on the sea?"

"What's that under his feet? Come along? "

"Isn't it? Will you be too bored to amuse us The other little brother looked at it, but he didn't care.

"No The little brother looked at the front with a simple telescope, "there's really a man!"

Seeing his insistence, the others took out their telescopes and looked at the sea ahead. Under the darkness, there was indeed a man sliding towards their cruise ship in the distance!

And the speed is faster and faster, the guy's hands are behind him, it seems very relaxed and fun!

Anyone who looks at this situation will be creepy. Is this the ghost on the sea, or the magical thing of the Pirates of the Caribbean?

"Is this really a person? It's getting closer. Let the boss know them! "

For a moment, three ancient martial arts masters also came to the bow of the boat, and looked at the front in surprise, "what's going on?"

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