"Mr. Vujacic, are we dazzled or haunted

The man who called Wu Jiaxi Qi frowned, "what is haunted but not haunted? Don't frighten yourself!"

He is a martial arts practitioner. He has stepped into the peak of dark power for more than ten years. He is very strong in force and naturally does not believe in ghosts and other things.

The other two were not impressed.

But he was also curious, so he took a telescope and looked at it in front of him.

When he saw clearly what the situation was, his face changed instantly!

He could see clearly that a man standing on his feet on the circle of survival was sliding towards the cruise ship!

But how could this man seem to have seen it somewhere?

After the man approached, he was finally dazzled by the light of the cruise ship. He blurted out, "this is the man who killed Tai Yiwu Lang!"

"You see, don't you? It looks as like as two peas and photos.

"It's him. We're looking for him for revenge. Now he's got it himself!"

"Yes, what is the boy doing here? We are not ready yet

Vujacic's heart sank and he felt bad.

At this time, Qin Tian had already approached in the eyes of the people on the cruise ship, and then a little under his feet, flew directly onto the cruise ship and landed safely on the floor.

He glanced at all the people on the boat with a deep look in his eyes. They all shivered. The volatile energy from his whole body made them feel a kind of incredible uneasiness!

Three dark power peak masters, stand out, and then look at Qin Tian in front of them seriously.

"Master Qin, you're a young man with a strong Dan Jin level. It's incredible!" Wu jiaxiqi is brave enough to look at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian looked at them with a very cold tone, "are you Bushido people? I heard that you are gambling here, hindering the access of fishing boats. I'll come and help clean up! "

Three dark peak masters, suddenly a burst of horror!

They did not expect that fan Yanyan even called Qin Tian. They would have taken good precautions!

With Qin Tian's strength, it is to clean up, which can definitely let them these dark strength peak of the strong people fly away!

In fact, they are still waiting for people to come from Dongdao, so they have no plan of action, but they don't want to listen to him. What a pain!

"Mr. Qin, it's all a misunderstanding. We're going to take the cruise ship away." Said Vujacic with a smile.

"How can that work? Is it like a criminal who does a bad thing and says that I will never do it again, will the law not pursue it? "

"What is Mr. Qin trying to find out about us..." One of them asked in surprise.

"You should know what happened to Tai Yiwu Lang?" Qin Tian smiles indifferently.

Smell speech, plop, three dark peak of the master, can't help but directly kneel on the ground, behind him more than a dozen people frighten shaking kneeling together.

"Master Qin, your strength is obvious to all. We all know that taiyiwulang was defeated by you. We didn't mean to avenge you. Please give us a way to survive. We'll go back to Dongdao immediately and never attack again!"

"Yes, you can swim back to East Island." Qin Tian said coldly.


Several people are all shocked, swim back to the East Island here? The plane takes hours!

The three dark peak masters, one by one, looked at each other, and could only brave their heads and jump into the sea.

Better to die later than to be killed directly!

Seeing three masters with dark peak, they were so awed and scared of Qin Tian that they even jumped into the sea and swam in the direction of deep sea What if you come across a shark or some kind of piranha?

And even if they have inner strength to support, can they really swim to the East Island? It's impossible!

But no longer the Imperial Landing, even if it is to bypass other places is also half tired, in case there is a tsunami in the evening, it will be even more miserable, where to float to!

"You don't have much value. Do you do a lot of bad things? Bury with this ship Qin Tian looked at these ten younger brothers, and his face was grim.

"It's impossible. If you don't try, how can you know if your strength is really so boastful?" A brain is short of root tendon younger brother suddenly big drink a, toward Qin day directly rushed up!

Other people saw here, but also rushed up together!

Qin Tian looked at them with a cold smile. He grabbed the collar of the first one and threw him directly into the sea.

More than a dozen other people waved their fists to fight against Qin Tian, but without touching his clothes, they were kicked into the sea like Qin Tian or directly flew out with a fist.

One by one, the scene of falling into the sea, like dumplings!After a while, I quickly solved these young brothers who were arranged here rashly. These people are all Chinese, not Dongdao people.

Looking at the cruise ship, Qin Tian's hands on the green energy slowly farm tools, and then into an extremely high asked, and then a slap to the bed.

At the moment of the collision of the swallow on the deck, the flaming swallow was stunned!

They soon saw that in the blazing fire, a figure suddenly bowed and glared, and his body rose like a spring!

At this time, all of them were shocked. Qin Tian jumped in the place where the boat survived and slowly returned to the shore!

Fan Yanyan looked at the distant cruise ship caught fire and saw Qin Tian begin to return. He pointed out that Qin Tian was really a high-level worker!

"Qin Tian, are you really good? So many people have been solved!"

"What's more, isn't there three ancient martial arts experts in the industry?"

People were shocked, and they didn't know how Qin Tian finished the task.

Soon after Qin Tian came back, fan Yanyan was surprised and surprised to Qin Tian.

"Go back This is Qin Tian's shocked expression.

It was as if he had done a trivial thing.

Fan Yanyan also nodded, these people are the damned people, Qin Tian threw them all into the sea, is their retribution!


At the same time, in a luxury villa in the Imperial City, a middle-aged man in a red shirt and a Huayang suit is reckless. He looks extremely gloomy as he watches his people upload news from the port in the west of the city.

In the end, he smashed the cell phone and scattered the parts.

Behind the middle-aged man stood a group of big men in suits. They did not dare to come out because they knew that the boss was angry.

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