"Waste, all waste!" Knowing that the cruise ship was burned, the three masters were also missing. Many of them were killed and wounded, and they were reckless and directly smashed their mobile phones!

And the little brother who escaped said that the other party was just a person rowing the survival circle to board the cruise ship, it was even more angry!

These people are not in the Martial Arts Association for a long time, so they don't know who Yunfeng is, who is Yunfeng. It is very suspicious to hear about this matter!

"Is there any young man like this in Dilu?" The recklessness was a bit shocked.

Fan Yanyan invited someone, a person to deal with so many people, it is beyond imagination!

"Grass boss, the three East Island people you have come to seem not very good!" Opposite sofa on a blonde blue eye, high nose of blonde man said coldly.

The man looked about 26-7, tall and powerful, and had a piece of chicken on his arm, much stronger than the average man looked.

"Impossible, this is a martial arts master, the strength is the peak of dark power, according to the principle should be a must exist!" Reckless heart is puzzled, why does the bereaved master not even answer a telephone?

"Is it dead? Dark power master is so strong, it is very strong existence, unless fan Yanyan has more powerful masters around, Mr. konidi, what do you think? " Recklessness has no idea what to do.

"What kind of energy and dark power you have in China, I don't know. I just know that the secret of human body strength is to constantly strengthen your own strength and speed up your own speed, and make your body stronger and stronger!" The blonde man said with a slight disdain in his eyes.

He is a master in the field of comprehensive combat. It is a famous existence overseas. He has fought in the arena for hundreds of consecutive battles without losing. Although he no longer participates in the comprehensive combat competition, he is still at the top of his strength.

In konidi's idea, the stronger the body and the greater the advantage when he fights with others. What explosive force does he see in the TV films that the Chinese martial arts are not strong? If the strength is insufficient, the skill is also futile in the flower, and it is directly knocked down by a blow!

Because he did not meet any strong and dark power masters in China, he always despised these, let him fight interest is not!

I heard that konidi was disdainful. Recklessly, he didn't refute it, but thought that the konidi was much more powerful than the three East Island Bushido!

"Miss Zhang has given me a task. I need to finish it as soon as possible!" Reckless Heart helpless said.

"Ha ha, anyway, as long as I have enough money, I will help you do things, it is very simple!" "Cornedy smiled quietly.

"Rest assured, money is only a matter of too much!"

Once the champion of comprehensive combat, the peak period retreated. Only a few people knew that konidi was hired by a large international mercenary organization and became the main head of the region. Now it is the field of Huaxia!

Recklessness also through special channels can contact konidi, and originally Zhang Min has made a heavy gold, must kill this cloud maple, and also use the ancient weapons to defeat him with force!

Because Yunfeng represents the hope of the young generation of ancient Chinese martial arts, only when he is knocked down, can Zhang Min look up in front of the public and be proud to be a person!

"But we can't be reckless, we need to plan well!" Said the rash and solemn.

"I will not do it until you plan," said Cornetti in very poor Chinese instead of answering immediately

"There's no problem with this!" Reckless ambition is very strong, not only limited to a city, or it will not be separated from martial arts, from the school, long-term occupy the west side of the city.

And he has made a survey of the overseas line, and then he has helped a lot. He is only doing things with Zhang Min's money. In fact, his goal is that the underground forces of the whole capital are their own!

So, a talented young man from outside can't stop him!


The next morning, Qin Tian drove to the company with Li Xinran, and then returned to the villa community near Nanhu. He wanted to see how the old Chen and Zhu Yu recovered!

Because it was morning, early villa area did not see them, Qin Tian guessed that they must go to the South Lake to cultivate, and simply went to the South Lake.

I saw that Chen had not practiced Taiji at this time. He began to practice some skills that looked more vigorous. There was a kind of fierce force between eyebrows, and he had a little more tyranny.

Zhu Yu cultivates her set of flying if Immortal hands, which is more vigorous than the last time!

Qin Tian looked at it far away. He knew Zhu Yu must have wanted to surpass his idea. He laughed and appreciated Zhu Yu's ethereal and immortal posture.

"Isn't that the great Qin master?" Chen found that Qin Tian was also surprised, and came to greet him.

Qin Tian looked at Chen's body, probably already felt his injury was almost completely recovered, smiling and said: "old Chen, your internal injury is OK? You can use the inner force! ""Yes, it's natural to arrive at DanJin. Ha ha, thank you for the great master Qin's new year's Day!" Old Chen said with a big smile on his face.

"I'm almost good. Thanks to God's new year's day, I can get better so quickly." Zhu Yu is also a smile, eyes full of gratitude.

"Are you not? You are thanks to the acupuncture I gave you Qin looked at Zhu Yu's body in the sky!

"You What are you looking at? " Zhu Yu thought of the last thing, could not help frowning, said angrily, "you come just in time, I want to compete with you!"

Qin Tian heard, some of the heart is crying and laughing, this little girl's injury is just good, will start with him? It seems that she has always held a grudge over the past acupuncture!

"Xiaoyu, master Qin saved your life. How can you be so rude to him?" said Chen

"Master, I sincerely want to ask Master Qin for advice. You didn't say that before. Would you let me learn more from him?" Zhu Yu naturally won't say why he wants to compare with Qin Tian.

"This..." For a while, Chen Fu didn't know how to refute his apprentice!

He is also a Wuchi. His apprentice has the courage to challenge Dan Jin's master. He is also happy in his heart!

It's just a big gap, isn't it?

"Or Qin Tian, you only have 30% km to fight with her?" Chen Fu said with a smile.

"Yes, I use three success forces, and then let her have one hand!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"You look down on people!" Zhu Yu broke out in an instant.

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