Qin Tian modest smile said: "I don't know, anyway let me try it!"

Chen Fu saw that Qin Tian agreed to this, and no longer said anything, so he felt that the three success forces were just the primary level of dark strength.

"By the way, I think you don't need one hand. It seems that I'm too bullying. I want you to compete with me with only one kind of martial arts. Can you agree?" Zhu Yulong blinked and said.

The reason why she dares to challenge Qin Tian is that if Qin Tian only plays the robe of dark strength, it is definitely not her opponent. It is meaningless to win with one hand!

"Xiaoyu, your condition is to add difficulty to yourself!" Chen Fu also couldn't help but smile. His apprentice really made trouble for himself.

Zhu Yu did not care about his master's ridicule. He looked at Qin Tian in front of him and said, "how do you dare to duel with me?"

Looking at this little girl that full of confidence, Qin Tian's heart instantly happy up, but also feel that this kind of limited strength of the duel, is quite fun.

It's not fun if you don't fly with one punch as before!

"Well, I will grant you this request!" Qin Tian said with a smile, "I still lack a martial arts, Mr. Chen. I'll learn Taiji from you."

Smell speech, Chen Fu and Zhu Yu are scared, Qin Tian even want to use Tai Chi and her fight? This is too small a person!

What's more, it's useless to learn and sell now, isn't it?

Zhu Yu soon came to his senses and said, "you are learning tai chi from my master now. When can I compare with you?"

"It doesn't take long for Lao Chen to explain Tai Chi to me. I'll just learn to sell now!" Qin Tian said, as if learning Taiji as simple as eating and drinking water many hours ago.

Zhu Yu snorted. Tai Chi is so simple, but it can only be used to attack at the level of her master Chen Fu. It's hard to grasp the existence of fast and slow!

Zhu Yu didn't believe that Qin Tian could defeat her by practicing a few times. If he lost, he would destroy his spirit and make him arrogant!

"Master, since master Qin has said it, you can teach him!" Zhu Yu urged.

"Well, in this case, I'll give the professor of Bi Sheng's perception to Qin Tian, and then give some advice."

After some exertion, after Qin Tian had mastered some moves, Chen Fu said with a smile: "Xiaoqin is not polite to me, but this Kung Fu is of no use to you. You can do one or two moves."

Qin Tian also nodded and said with a smile, "OK, ready to start!"

"Is that all?" Zhu Yu is a bit muddled, Qin Tian just knows how to draw, and directly compare with him? And still only use the strength of dark strength, which makes her very unconvinced ah!

"Tai Chi is the simplest martial art in the world. It is so simple that there is no move or name. In fact, the name of the white crane shining its wings is just a good name. What's more, we usually see that people who play Tai Chi are just slow and soft performances, not really fighting Taiji!" Chen Fu said.

"It means that what Qin Tian has learned now is different from that of general Taiji?" Zhu Yu asked.

"Yes, so don't be careless." Chen Fu said.

"What, the moves we see in martial arts novels are all fake!" Zhu Yu is also very interested in it. If you look at a group of old masters who are playing Tai Chi, it is true that many people play it. They are old and slow. This kind of exercise is just to Nourish Qi and keep fit!

"Some of the martial arts skills of ancient martial arts have been transformed. For example, in today's Taiji, what is subdued by softness and what's more, it's all wrong impression. The real Taiji moves are very strong and fierce!" Chengfu said.

Qin Tian was surprised to see that Taiji was not simple. He didn't expect that the hidden skills were not simple!

"Cut, even if it's not simple, but Qin Tian only knows how to draw, what can he do? I don't believe I'll lose to him! " Zhu Yu said scornfully.

Chen Fu took a look at his apprentice, then said with a smile to Qin Tian: "you just need to use your strength to fight!"

Qin Tian also nodded. He could see that Lao Chen hoped that he would win, so as to extinguish Zhu Yu's arrogance and let her practice hard. Don't be too impetuous!

"Well, let's get started." Qin Tian looks at Zhu Yu with a smile.

"Are you sure you don't want to learn more?" Zhu Yu calculated silently, Qin Tian's study ended in two minutes, so short a time to fight, this is not to earn defecation appropriate!

Qin Tian was very determined to say: "no need!"

"Well, in that case, don't forget, you lose and give me another god New Year's Day!" Said the woman, gritting her teeth.

"Well, if you lose, kiss me!"

"You..." Zhu Yu burst into a burst of anger and rushed directly.

This is the cotton palm that she recently cultivated to a higher level. She attacked Qin Tian, elegant and fierce. It seems gentle, but in fact it is extremely fast.Qin Tian didn't use more than 30% of the immortal Qi in his body, but his reaction speed was far faster than that of human beings. Seeing Qin Tian's cotton palm attacking, he gently put his hand on the woman's arm, using the sticky skill of Taiji, and took Zhu Yu's attack to one side, which did not hit Qin Tian.

Zhu Yu's face was surprised. Qin Tian cultivated Tai Chi so skillfully in just a few minutes?

Old Chen also secretly marveled at Qin Tian's talent. His martial arts talent was really shocking!

After a few rounds, the two stepped aside and went back to fight again.

Zhu Yu will cotton palm play incisively and vividly, the shadow is heavy, let the ground can not help but hang a strong wind!

At this time, Qin Tian has already understood the skill of using strength in Taiji. No matter how hard Zhu Yu takes the palm, she can easily resolve it. Moreover, she takes Zhu Yu's attack, which makes her a set of palms powerful. The press conference is less than 30%!

Zhu Yu was taken to the East and west by Qin Tian, and she could not help being impetuous. She knew that her greatest fear at this time was impetuousness, so she became more and more calm and looked for the flaws in Qin Tian's Taiji!

"You really don't give up!" Qin Tian secretly smiles a way.

Taiji ancient martial arts master and people, usually can play strong, no place to use, the more the fight is more impatient, and finally can only defeat, just as Zhu Yu is now this kind of impatient character!

Three minutes later, Zhu Yu still played hundreds of moves, playing the advanced moves in the cotton palm, and Qin Tian's Taijiquan was more and more perfect. No matter how Zhu Yu attacked, he could do nothing!

At this time, those Taiji masters and aunts were all staring at each other. They had never seen a girl who could be so elegant and flexible, so quick and quick to move her hands!

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