"Master Chen, it seems that your apprentice can't beat this little brother who practices Taiji." Looking at the scene in front of them, those Tai Chi Masters and aunts couldn't help saying.

Chen Fu just laughed and looked at Qin Tian in front of him with some reverence. It seems that he has mastered Tai Chi and reached the point of arbitrary. It can be said that the Tai Chi of Qin Tian is no longer under Chen Fu!

The competition between them was like a duel. The faster they played, the faster Qin Tian suddenly changed his posture. He used the martial arts of Tai Chi, which made Zhu Yu's palm power into an invisible circle.

At the beginning, Zhu Yu's body just swayed slightly, and he was not deflected. However, Qin Tian's hands hit him, and the next trap came again. The strength of the circle after circle formed an invisible huge force, which made Zhu Yu unable to stabilize his body any more!

And then circle after circle, at this time, Zhu Yu seemed to be dancing, and could not finish it. In the eyes of these masters and aunts, Zhu Yu's posture was as graceful as a fairy. They couldn't help clapping!

"Wow, Lao Chen, how beautiful your apprentice dances

Zhu Yu's face turned crimson, angry and shy. Where was she dancing? It was clearly that Qin Tian beat her into a spiral. This was playing with him!

At the moment, she seems to be in the deep whirlpool, there is no strength to use, can only be left at the mercy of Qin Tian!

I don't know how many turns, she was directly made dizzy, and then full of confusion, directly can not find North!

Finally, Zhu Yu's feet stagger, askew fell in a person's arms, she blurred eyes, found that this person is not who, is Qin Tian.

They held their arms and looked at each other, blushing and embarrassed.

"Good, good!" At this time, my parents applauded one after another.

"Lao Chen, you are a good match for this young man." There is a big mother said with a smile.

Lao Chen also had a glimmer of joy in his heart. If Qin Tian could take a fancy to Zhu Yu, he did not know that it was Zhu Yu who had been cultivated for several years. It is a pity that Qin Tian has been married!

"What are you holding me for? Let me go!" Zhu Yu stares at Qin Tian to see.

Qin Tian comfortably hugged the woman and said with a smile, "are you sure you want me to let go?"

"Sure and sure!" Zhu Yu said she was about to break free from Qin Tian's arms, but soon, she regretted it!

Because her body directly fell down to the bottom, and fell directly on the grass!

"Ah, Qin Tian, you mean it!" Zhu Yu to the end of the time, angry cry out.

"Ha ha, you let me loose you. Who do you blame?"

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing, and the other uncles and aunts also laughed, which made Zhu Yu embarrassed and speechless. It was a disgrace to throw home!

"Come on, I'm not your match!" Zhu Bei clenched her lips.

"Do you remember, then?" Qin Tian asked with a smile.

"I..." When Zhu Yu thought he would kiss Qin Tian, he was so angry that he almost fainted.

"Shameless, ignore you!"

Completely no face to continue to stay, Zhu Yu took his handbag, directly went out to the front.

Qin Tian and Chen practiced other martial arts moves, and they didn't leave Nanhu until two o'clock in the afternoon!

Back home, Qin Tian did not know how many sweats, took a bath, went to the company to find Li Xinran.

Because he is really afraid that the woman's pregnancy work is too hard, some things can be handed over to his subordinates, and there is no need to be personally involved.

"Wife, the patient of Lin's medicine has been finished last time. What are you busy with?" Qin Tian walked into the office and said to Li Xinran with a smile.

Li Xinran saw Qin Tian coming so early that he couldn't help smiling: "it's not time to get off work, are you coming?"

"Worried about you, didn't you? I'm afraid you work too hard Qin tianwu said.

"The company has just been acquired, it must be busy, and then let the people below do it!" Li Xinran said naturally.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Qin Tian asked.

In this company, he is the first person under the president, except that he has no corresponding position.

"Let's go for an interview with people from the marketing department. I remember I took you to the talent market before. You should know how to interview, and how to evaluate talents. Do you understand that?" Li Xinran felt that Qin Tian was idle anyway. It was better for him to do something and gain insight.

"Good!" Qin Tian agreed.

Li Xinran simply picked up the phone and called outside directly. Within a minute, a young woman came in and asked respectfully, "Dong Li, do you want me?"

"Xiaozhang, this is my husband. You can take him to the conference room to interview new people at three o'clock!" Li Xinran did not raise his head and said in a hurry."Good!" Xiao Zhang's sister is also quite curious to look at Qin Tian and smile at it.

It's really a working woman in office uniform. I have to say that such a girl should be very popular in the company, and she is a marketing manager under the age of 30, which is really a bit of a level.

"Mr. Qin, it's time to prepare. Let's go and prepare first." The professional woman gave Qin Tian a polite smile.

"Just call me Mr. Qin. I'm not a general manager!" Qin Tian smiles.

Smell speech, Li Xinran can't help but roll his eyes, to his president's own improper, also blame who!

Qin Xiang's nose is strange to men. It's very nice to smell men's noses.

"Mr. Qin, my name is Zhang Zhiruo. This is an interview for young college students who have graduated for one or two years. Anyone involved in marketing can do it!"

"If Zhang Zhiruo is a good name, it is in line with your temperament, lady and emotional, and the temperament of working women!" Qin Tian Tut was surprised and turned a blind eye to her later words.

"Ha ha, Mr. Qin flattered me. Our Li Dong is a beautiful woman. No one in our company has more temperament than her!" Zhang Zhiruo smiles embarrassed.

I quickly entered the meeting room and found that many college students had already arrived in advance. There were more than a dozen of them. One of them was a well-dressed boy who was also looking at the marketing department with pride. He found that all of them were beautiful women, and his eyes were shining.

When he saw Zhang Zhiruo come with Qin Tian, he was attracted by the woman's appearance. Almost the water would flow out, and the appearance of flower mania was very obvious.

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