Hearing Qin Tian say so, Zhang Zhiruo and other interviewers are all helpless. Obviously, Gao Yixiang is going to implicate his uncle!

"Good!" Gao Yixiang gave a cold smile, "look at your expression, don't you believe it? If you preach, I'd like to see if you can keep your job as an interviewer! "

Good hegemonic words, the people present dare not intervene in this war without gunpowder smoke, so they are quiet and optimistic about the play 90%.

Because the new officials took office three fires, they did not understand Qin Tian's attitude, so they preferred not to speak when they were not familiar.

Sure enough, Gao Yixiang called directly in the conference room. What he said was the dialect of a certain place. He understood and half understood.

After a minute or two after the phone dropped, a fat middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked into the meeting room. He always felt something was wrong. Before he had time to ask anything, Gao Yixiang got up and welcomed him excitedly: "uncle, I have reached my ability, but someone revenges me with kindness, because I said a few more words with manager Zhang!"

Gao Yixiang's uncle, Goldman Sachs, is the deputy director of the company. He is also a big leader. However, when he looks in the direction of Gao Yixiang, his face is stunned and his body trembles!


Goldman Sachs slapped Gao Yixiang's face directly, making him face a bright red slap print!

"Uncle, how do you hit me?" Gao Yixiang's face was suddenly shocked.

Goldman's voice angrily cursed: "bastard, he let you get out of the way, what do you want me to say?"

After that, Goldman Sachs immediately turned to Qin Tian and said, "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, my nephew, I haven't seen anything in the world. I'm a man of one mind. Don't be wise with him. I'll let him go now."

As the top management of the company, how could Goldman Sachs not know that this is Li Xinran's husband and also a director of the company?

On the surface, Li Xinran is the chairman of the board. In fact, many people know that the really powerful person is Qin Tian behind him. Without Qin Tian, there would be no Li Xinran's present status and achievements.

"Well, I don't care!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Boy, you should apologize to Mr. Qin quickly!" Goldman said solemnly to Gao Yixiang.

"Uncle, if you beat me, why should I apologize to him? Don't you say that you only have two or three people in the company who dare to order you? Do you need to give him face? " Gao Yixiang was slapped and angry at this time!

Goldman Sachs was speechless, and immediately glared like an electric: "you are stupid, that's what I usually boast to you. There are many shareholders in the company, including CEO, vice president, chief executive officer and general manager Get out of here, and don't come back to this company again! "

If Qin Tian is offended by this unwitting nephew, then Goldman Sachs will be a fool. In any case, it is impossible to do such a loss making business.

"Who is he then?" Gao Yixiang asked unhappily.

"The president, the husband of the chairman, is also a director of the company!" Goldman said, satisfying his nephew's curiosity.

"Mr. Qin, I'm wrong. Those who don't know are innocent. I hope you don't blame me and my uncle!" Gao Yixiang is a person with high intelligence quotient. He pleads with panic and says, "can you give me another chance to have a normal interview. If I really can't, you will eliminate me again. I'm convinced."

"It's also a way of interviewing. There's only one chance. You've missed it!" Qin Tian said indifferently.

Other people waiting for an interview heard a little bit. After all, the business is so big that there is an open glass door. They know that the original interview actually had a president. It's so terrible that the pressure rises all at once!

What sales manager, deputy director and chief physician are not as domineering as the husband of a chairman of the board, but also the future CEO!

At this moment, those beautiful interviewers, when looking at Qin Tian, their eyes are full of awe and admiration. Their eyes seem to be taking on stars, and they seem to have some thoughts on him.

After a round of interview, five decisions to three, Qin Tian looked at the information, and then comprehensive decision said: "we need three beauties!"

Looking at the happy face of the beautiful interviewers, Qin Tian also smiles. In fact, he is not good at interviewing with people. Anyway, he has written a test in front of him, which shows his attitude and character. His younger sister is more modest and has a unique advantage in sales, so Qin Tian naturally chooses younger sister!

"Are you going to choose one of the three assistants?" Zhang Zhiruo asked.

"Not at the moment. I'm not involved in the company's business yet." Qin Tian smiles, actually this interview he just came to string a scene!

At present, he still has Bushido to deal with and martial arts sect to kill. How can he have such a leisure and calm down to engage in commercial development?

"Ah, all right!" Zhang Zhiruo just jokingly asked, "they don't have enough experience. If you want me, I won't give it to you."

"If you want me, he will transfer you to be an assistant to the president, not to them!""I'm a department manager. You asked me to be an assistant to the president. This has crossed several levels!"

No kidding. For a listed company like this, the assistant to the president no longer counsels a director or general manager. A deputy director like Goldman Sachs has to bow down in front of the assistant president.

In this company, the salary of the assistant to the president is higher than that of the Department Manager. The assistant president seems to have no real power. In fact, he has a high degree of participation. He needs to assist the president in handling matters, and can issue orders and so on.

A director and deputy director will never offend an assistant to the president. Otherwise, it is the existence of seeking death.

And several people behind Zhang Zhiruo have begun to congratulate her.

After sitting in Li Xinran's office for a while, Qin Tian's mobile phone suddenly rang. He saw that it was a stranger's phone, but it was very familiar.

After connecting, an old man's voice came: "Hello, master Qin, I'm xuanyuanzi!"


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