
Qin Tian was surprised to hear the name. He had never heard of such a name when he was walking around!

"Who are you?" Qin Tian walks out of the office and asks in a low voice.

"Immortal Qingyuan is my younger martial brother. Who do you think I am?" The other side's voice was thick and cold.

Isn't immortal Qingyuan the expert of geomantic Taoism who was killed by himself in the party organized by Zhang Min last time?

"Do you want revenge on me?" Qin Tian leaned against the wall and asked curiously.

"My strength is not enough to fight against you, and my younger martial brother and I are not the same. I appreciate your talent and talent, and know that you are brilliant in the martial arts of three cities. How can I kill such a genius at will The other side is indifferent to smile.

I think it's also true man of the Qing Dynasty who did bad things for Zhang Min for money. Are all the people around him bad? A teacher from the same school is not necessarily a friend, but the other side's appreciation of their own words, it is very comfortable!

"What are you, then, that you are not here to admire me?" Qin Tian said in a cold tone.

"Well, from the northwest came a great master of Dan Jin, nicknamed master Zhuangsheng. These two days in the imperial capital, he was fighting with the people in our practice circle. No one is his opponent!"

"What does this matter have to do with me? Do you want me to save your face?" Qin Tian asked.

On the other side of the phone, xuanyuanzi's lips trembled for a moment, pondered for a moment, and then cautiously said, "well, that Master Zhuang Sheng brought a strange artifact with great power. He said that as long as he could beat him, this spirit tool could be used by people!"

"Trial? What artifact? " Qin Tian suddenly came to interest!

"It's a spirit bead. As long as you apply the force of Qi, you can drive it to launch. It's like a bullet. It's unpredictable. It's a very lethal treasure!" Xuanyuanzi tried hard to recall, and his tone was very surprised!

Qin Tian was interested in this kind of thing, not to mention its value. For him, it is of great use value. "It means that you can also turn around and point to where to play?"

"Yes, it will automatically return to the hands of the inflictor, unable to block it!" Although xuanyuanzi's tone is somewhat exaggerated, he feels that he can't say too much about his own experience!

"Eh? It's so amazing. I'd like to meet Master Chuang Sheng for a while! " Qin Tian wants to know that there are such legendary ancient martial arts practitioners in the world.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, xuanyuanzi's tone was extremely happy. "Master Zhuang Sheng will continue to discuss the fighting methods of some hall owners who have not yet returned to Huiwu in three cities tomorrow. If master Qin wants to see him, I'll come to pick you up tomorrow. Please tell me the location near you! "

"I live in Wanda Square, you can drive here!" Naturally, Qin Tian doesn't live here, but it's also nearby.

"Good, master Qin. We'll see you or not!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian returned to the office. Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian and said with a smile: "will you come to work tomorrow? Zhang Zhiruo said that your interview was not bad. You are a talented person. Come to adapt to the position of President tomorrow? "

"This..." Qin Tian smiles awkwardly, "I still have something to do, don't be too busy!"

"Hum!" Li Xinran couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Come to the imperial capital together, you've been busy. I'm too bored by myself, so I bought a company. As a result, if you don't help me, I'll be more busy!"

"Oh, my wife, can I take a day off?" Qin Tian came to embrace the woman, put his hand on her Weilong's stomach, said intimately.

Li Xinran said angrily, "if you go to play with that beauty again, I won't approve it!"

"Of course not! I'm going to deal with some things related to ancient martial arts tomorrow. You know I'm collecting Zodiac jade. Any spiritual treasure is very important to me! " Qin Tian zhengse said.

"It's these strange things again. You should be careful!" Li Xinran said worried.

"Well, you have to be good. Don't put too much emphasis on it." Qin Tian said with a smile.

He knew that no matter what danger he had, as long as he didn't hang up, he would be the greatest happiness, otherwise he would be finished if he left his mother and daughter!

The next morning at ten o'clock, xuanyuanzi personally took the driver to the Grand Plaza.

Xuanyuanzi and his younger brother, Qingyuan Zhenren, are two different people. He looks very elegant and has the taste of a teacher. He is also dressed in modern clothes. He is not stereotyped at all.

After preliminary understanding, Qin Tian knew that they belonged to the Jingu sect. However, the sect had been hidden for many years, and it was in vain. He had not contacted with his brothers in the same sect for more than ten years.

After introducing his own situation, xuanyuanzi asked politely: "master Qin, there are still two practitioners from Jiangcheng and Yancheng who dare to come to the imperial capital today to have a look at master Zhuangsheng's magic."

"Master Zhuangsheng said that his julingzhu could not only kill enemies in the air, but also warm up his body, calm down and dispel all kinds of harms. He specially released the news that he would auction julingzhu, which attracted many rich people's attention.""It's the purpose of Master Zhuang Sheng to sell things and make money. What kind of fighting is just to build momentum!" Qin Tian said lightly.

Xuanyuanzi indifferently said in the novel: "does Mr. Qin know why I asked you to see this Ju Lingzhu?"

"Why, I don't need to know?" Qin Tian Ao ran said, anyway, no matter what the purpose of these people, even if it is harmful to him, he will not care.

"Ha ha, if master Qin wants this pearl, I can find a way to buy it for you, but only if Mr. Qin can give me a Shenyuan pill!"

Smell speech, Qin Tian eyebrow a frown, "how do you know I can refine Dan and have God yuan Dan thing?"

"Oh, master Qin, don't worry. I have a good relationship with Chen Fu. Can you understand that?"

Qin Tianyi Leng, old Chen want to let himself give him pills, help him to advance?

"If you can get the Pearl, and this thing is as you described, I can give you a Shenyuan pill!" Qin Tian said without hesitation.

"Well, master Qin is really good at talking!"

To be sure, although Qin Tian is only in his twenties, his style of work has become more and more steady and sophisticated, and he is no longer that boastful style before.

After a while, the car left the city and came to a place of Baiyun Mountain. From the sight, it was a green mountain and green Dai, which was very abundant.

"You are not fighting in the Baiyun Building in the scenic area, are you?" Qin Tian knows that Baiyun tower is a famous scenic spot with a history of hundreds of years.

"That place is a historic site. If the fighting method is destroyed, it will be bad. It is on a spacious Pavilion in the blue moon lake. Some tourists can't get close to it!" Xuanyuanzi said.

Qin Tian nodded. It's better to disturb the masses less about these ghosts, ghosts, and gods. In this way, he was quite looking forward to it.

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