After arriving at the interior of Baiyun Mountain scenic spot, he walked to a blue moon lake. There is a road to the center of the lake. There are several guards standing on the road door, and ordinary people can not enter.

These men who are in the street are all ancient martial arts masters. They see Xuanyuan Zi, bow to them, and then release him and Qin Tian directly.

The two people walked through the path and reached a spacious island in the center of the lake. There is a three story pavilion with a square meter. The whole blue moon lake is full of ancient flavor.

The decoration here is very delicate, not generally let the air dry sun that kind of Pavilion, but there is a feeling of tea house.

In the hall on the third floor, a group of people have come. They are sitting around the balustrade of the pavilion or standing and watching the scene. It is vaguely seen that this has been divided into several groups!

"Master Xuanyuan Zi, you have come, how can't you see the Qin master you said?" A man in black training clothes asked Xuanyuan Zi that his attitude should be friends on Xuanyuan Zi's road.

The man in the black training suit also stood several old middle-aged men who bought flower armour, or those in the imperial cultivation circle.

There are also some hall owners and elders of Wuzhong of the three municipal council. They have seen Qin Tian, so they have been surprised to see the young man behind Xuanyuan Zi!

"This is the Qin master I said!" Xuanyuan son gave way to see Qin Tian behind, to introduce to you.

"No? Ha ha! "

Some people laugh directly, and then the laughter gradually becomes a series, only those who participate in the three city meeting of martial arts did not laugh, but looked at these people with serious expression.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, are you not wrong? Ask a young boy to come and support the field. It seems that we will be laughed at by Master Zhuang Sheng again! " A middle-aged man sitting on a bench laughed politely.

"River ark, Mr. Qin is not allowed to disrespect!" Xuanyuan son can not help but scold this middle-aged man.

He has been fighting in the imperial capital for so many years, and his reputation doesn't need to be much. Today, it is difficult to come to Qin Tianjing. Naturally, it is impossible to let these people make no excuses!

This ark is not prepared to come, he brought his own elite this time, and invited Yan city from the long-standing master of practice, too Yan Taoist, ready to fight Zhuang Sheng.

Now, he saw Xuanyuan son looking for a young boy, he certainly did not politely laugh.

After all, the gathering spirit bead is something many rich and practicing people want, almost a level of looting. When he defeated Zhuang Sheng, he can't sell it.

So in front of the strong martial arts, any auction is fake. I let you sell to me, you will have to sell it, or you will kill you, you have nothing.

This is the heart of some people, so this is at any cost to invite the master. Of course, if no one can beat master Johnson, then they can only go through the auction procedure, they are going to fight for money.

Seeing Xuanyuan son scolding himself in public, Jiang Fangzhou is naturally even more upset. He is Yan Cheng. He thinks that the young people in the circle of emperor Du practice are rubbish. There is no chance to be able to get ahead. Because the practice organization here is self-contained and never publicizes his martial arts and skills. How can young people make progress?

I heard before that a young man of Bushido combined the skills of ancient Chinese martial arts and East Island Bushido to kill four sides, making many people laugh and die!

"Xuanyuan son, you call this boy a master. I don't believe that such a young boy is a master. Can I compare it with the real person I invited to be a real child?"

"It's not that I despise him, but a young, outsider and a famous old man for decades want to compare it to be insulting!" Jiang Fangzhou side an old man wearing Daofu also disdain said.

Xuanyuan Zi also wanted to say that Qin Tian was the one who was able to fight in three cities, but someone stopped the argument.

An old man with a look of fairyland and proud face, opened his eyes and smoothed his beard, and said, "since all are here, who are you going to fight with me today?"

He opened his mouth, in the pavilion, suddenly everyone dared not speak out. This old man who looked like some fairyland was the Master Zhuang Sheng who defeated many of them these two days.

Seeing his majestic appearance, Xuanyuan Zi and jiangfangzhou unconsciously gave way to a little, and the face was ashamed, and the venue was released.

Qin Tian also casually found a place to sit down, at this time a middle-aged man around him put up his thumb and said: "other people don't know, I have seen your magic skills, you will never be bad with him!"

Although this is a small voice, but many people have heard, everyone can not help the face of the show of contempt.

There are also people who believe that a young monk can surpass the Super Master of Dan Jin for more than ten years!

After Xuanyuan Zi sat down, there were also some friends in the practice circle who came to him to cast a puzzled look, which seemed to blame him, and could not find a master. How could he find such a young boy?The face of their imperial capital's practice circle has been beaten up recently, which makes them even more shameless!

Xuanyuanzi had a bitter smile on his face. He didn't know how to talk about it with them. He asked Chen Fu about the cultivation level of Qin Tian, but the other party didn't know. He just said that he had Dan Jin's strength!

In addition to some practitioners, there are more than a dozen men in suits and leather shoes. They are all local rich people who are very keen on these spiritual weapons. They also want to see with their own eyes what the martial arts of the master practitioners are like!

These rich people have seen a lot of the world, but they have never seen a master of practice. Today may be a great opportunity!

"Master Zhuangsheng, I come to ask you for advice. I come from Jiangcheng!"

At this time, an old man in sportswear and gray hair stepped out and stood face to face with Zhuangsheng!

Seeing the strong man come out, xuanyuanzi was whispered to Qin Tian: "master Qin, this is what I told you. The master from Jiangcheng is named Xu. Everyone calls him Xu laoguai. He has a good reputation in the northern practice circle."

"Well!" Qin Tian just nodded. He sat there with his eyes on the outside of the railing from time to time, as if the scenery outside attracted his attention.

Master Zhuangsheng looked at old Xu with disdain, and said haughtily, "Mr. Xu, there is a more spacious space below. Let's fight below. It's safer for people on the top to see it!"

This is an island, the pavilion has 100 square meters, not to mention the space below, naturally enough.

Everyone saw two people go down, one after another gathered on the third floor railing to look down, one by one full of expectation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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