Soon after the weekend, Qin Tian took Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao to their parents' villa. Lin Xiaoyao had been away from the imperial capital for some days. He missed the food of the imperial capital very much. When he saw the pancakes made by Liu Yuelan, he ate them happily and killed two or three sets at a time.

"If you want to eat, Auntie will make it for you." Liu Yuelan looks at Lin Xiaoyao, and she is very fond of this strange little girl.

"Mom, I want me to say you don't set up a stall. You and my dad usually have nothing to go out and do more exercise." Qin Tian massaged Qin Guangyuan and said at the same time.

Qin Guangyuan's health is getting better and better. Now he can set up a stall with Liu Yuelan at the door. After listening to Qin Tian's saying, he looked back and said, "I'm used to living hard days with your mother. I can't stop. Besides, setting up a stall and doing breakfast is not exercise? It's so good that you can earn a few yuan while exercising, and the neighbors can eat easily and rest assured...

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't speak. Knowing that his father's words are reasonable, he simply let them go. Anyway, there is no lack of money, and they are happy.

The family are chatting happily about their leisure time. All of a sudden, Qin Tian's mobile phone rings. They look down and are stunned. It's Jiao Cheng's daughter, Jiao Jie.

"Tiange, i... I'm afraid..." Jiao Jie kept shaking at the end of the phone, and her voice also brought up a cry.

Qin Tian quickly put down the things in his hand, "where are you? Speak slowly, don't worry

as like as two peas, I was home on the way home, brother, I was scared, I felt something was following me, but I... I couldn't see... "Jiao Jie was crying. It felt just like the time he was unconscious."

Qin Tian was also surprised. Jiao Jie became crazy at first because of some dirty things. I didn't expect to meet him again today!

"Don't be afraid. Go home first. I'll be right here." Finish saying that, Qin Tian put on his clothes and rushed to Jiao Cheng's home in a hurry!

At the moment, in a corner near Jiao Cheng's home, two figures, one old and one young, are standing stealthily, hiding themselves by the shadow!

Young. A little bit is an 18.9-year-old girl, looking at the middle-aged man next to him, respectfully asked, "master, what should I do with this woman?"

A middle-aged man named Chen Guang came to Songshan with his apprentice Chen Lei a month ago. By chance, he received a little favor from Zhang long. Based on the principle of cause and effect cycle, Chen Guang promised to help Zhang long, but unexpectedly, Zhang long was attracted to a girl with pure Yin!

Chen Guang was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night. He specially captured the ghost from the suburban mass grave and attached it to Jiao Jie. He tried to seize Jiao Jie's body by relying on the ghost!

But I didn't expect that Jiao Jie was also a man of deep fortune, and her little ghost was broken!

The middle-aged man was staring at Jiao Jie, who was running away in a hurry. His eyes narrowed slightly. "I finally met a pure Yin body. I must get her tonight!"

Over the past few days, Jiao Jie is in a trance, physically and mentally exhausted. She goes to see a doctor and takes a lot of medicine, but she doesn't get better, and she makes many mistakes at work.

Jiao Jie, who runs home, washes her face in the mirror. Her big eyes are covered with black, and even her lips are gray. It seems that she has some serious illness!

Jiao Jie hides in the bathroom, and her mobile phone finally rings. It looks like Qin Tian, waiting for a savior to pick it up in a hurry. "Brother Tian, have you come... OK, OK, I'll listen to you. Tiange, you come quickly, I'm afraid..."

"it's not dark yet. Don't be afraid of those dirty things. I'll prepare some things and come here soon!" At the moment, Qin Tian is on his way to the vegetable market. He calls Jiao Jie while driving.

As soon as Jiao Jie heard that Qin Tian had to prepare something, she immediately begged Qin Tian with a cry, "brother Tian, you... You should prepare faster, I'm really dying, I'm so afraid..."

the strong mental pressure makes Jiao Jie almost gasping. This unknown fear makes her a 20-year-old girl simply unable to bear it!

Qin Tian sighs. In order to earn more money, Jiao Cheng often works late at night. Her lover Wu Xiaoyan works three jobs. She can't go home until midnight. No wonder Jiao Jie is afraid.

"Don't worry, I will come as fast as I can!" Then Qin Tian hung up the phone.

To the vegetable market, Qin Tian selected a big and strong cock, let the stall dominate bleeding.

"Here, young man, take it. There are not many young people who can buy vegetables at such a young age. Here is a special price for you!" The stall owner said and handed the chicken to Qin Tian.

"Elder sister, you keep the chicken, you put the blood on me, I can use it!"

"What!? If you don't eat such a good chicken, you need this blood! " The elder sister who killed the chicken was surprised and widened her eyes. Her heart said that it was really everyone.

After a short time, the elder sister packed chicken blood in a mineral water bottle and handed it to Qin Tian. Qin Tian lost a hundred yuan banknote on the stall. In the eyes of everyone, he left the vegetable market without hesitation!

What's Jiao Jie's encounter? Qin Tian can probably judge it out. Besides those dirty things, there won't be anything else!However, this level of dirty things generally do not have any intelligence, it is impossible to come back to find a host again, if it does come back, it may be only one!

Someone is trying to kill Jiao Jie!

Is it Zhang long?

Qin Tian denied the answer for the first time. After Zhang Long knew his identity, he didn't dare to provoke Jiao Jie again even if he lent him a courage!

So who is it!?

Qin Tian frowned as he drove.

After a short time, Qin Tian came to Jiao Cheng's house. When he passed the corner, a cold breath caught his attention and stopped the car with a creak!

"Those dirty things, have you been here?"

The place where Qin Tian stopped was just where Chen Guang and Chen Lei had stood!

Time is not long, Qin Tian finally comes to Jiao Cheng's house. Before he can knock on the door, the iron door is pushed open with a bang. Jiao Jie rushes out in panic and hugs Qin Tian's arm tightly!

"Tiange..." Jiao Jie shivered with fear, and a pair of big eyes looked around in horror.

Qin Tian looks at Jiao Jie and looks worried! He didn't expect Jiao Jie to be so afraid!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Qin Tian patted Jiao Jie twice, and then walked into the house. He took out the silver needle and pricked it on the back of Jiao Jie's head with lightning speed!


With a light sound, Jiao Jie fell into Qin Tian's arms and fell asleep!

In Jiao Jie's state of mind, if you are so tense, you have to break down!

Soon it was dark. Qin Tian wrote a spell on the curtain with chicken blood and hid it behind the sofa. Jiao Jie also woke up at this time.

"Brother Tian..." at the moment, Jiao Jie has stabilized a lot, "brother Tian, will you be in danger?"

Qin Tian looked at Jiao Jie, who was worried about her face. She really inherited the tradition of the Jiao family and worried about others everywhere. "Don't worry. If it's just the level last time, I'm sure I'll get rid of it!"

The next time, Jiao Jie and Qin Tian walked into her room. As soon as she opened the door, a very obvious cold air rushed to her face. The whole room was shrouded in gloom.

"Brother Tian... My room..." Jiao Jie was worried.

"Jiao Jie, tell me the truth. Has anything strange happened to me when I went to bed recently?" Qin Tian asked seriously.

When Jiao Jie heard this, she immediately turned red and began to speak slowly after pinching for a long time. "I... I always dream of a strange man on me..."

ghost presses the bed!

These three words appeared in Qin Tian's mind in an instant! At this time, Qin genius finally paid attention to Jiao Jie's body, which was the legendary pure Yin body!

Some time ago, I just met a Tianyin Jue pulse. I didn't expect to encounter a pure Yin body so soon!

The probability of such a small event, incredibly can continuously encounter!

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing bitterly. It seems that the dirty thing is Jiao Jie's C Yuan Yin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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