Next time, Jiao Jie prepared a table of dishes for Qin Tian, so that Qin Tian called for the virtuous.

Soon, the sky was completely dark down, Qin days on the Yang than the average people are heavier, Yin evil things dare not come in. Qin Tian asked Jiao Jie to go to bed and take a bath and go to bed. He could not always stay with him.

Next time, Qin Tianquan Shen guard, hiding behind the living room sofa, running green energy will completely hide the breath.

But, let Qin Tian unexpectedly, Jiao Jie because of fear, every few minutes to see Qin Tian is not in, although the pace is light, but repeatedly always toss, dirty things do not dare to come!

"My God... I really dare not be alone in the room, can I... And you in a place?" Jiao Jie knew that he was useless, and asked Qin Tian with his lips.

"No! How is it usually, what must be today! " Qin Tianshen faces, "Jiao Jie, do you want to live in this fear all the time?"

Seeing Qin Tian so serious, Jiao Jie tears are coming down, "I... I.. Then, Tiange, you accompany me to go, wait for me to sleep, will you let me alone?"

Qin tiansighed, helpless said: "go."

Back to the room, Qin Tian stood by the bed, facing the bed Jiao Jie said: "how is usual, today must be how!"

Jiao Jie hesitated for a while, and then nodded shyly. "Can you turn over first, Tiange..." br >

Qin Tian doesn't know what Jiao Jie wants to do. He turns around with a face confused and hears the sound of soso. Later, Qin Tian turns back.

This turn back to be impossible, Qin Tians eyes beads are falling down!

Jiao Jie wrapped himself in the quilt at the moment, only holding a small head, and the bed, is in a set of pajamas!

Qin Tian smiled bitterly for a while and couldn't say anything. For a long time, he choked out a sentence: "you haven't really taken me as an outsider."

Qin Tian thought about it. He felt that it was not suitable for him to be in this room. He turned around and just wanted to go out of the room. Jiao Jie screamed and jumped to Qin Tian with his quilt in his arms. "Tiange, don't go, I'm afraid! I can't be here alone... "Br >

Qin tianmeng!

Jiao Jie is also a 20-year-old girl. All of them are. Although she is separated from the quilt, it is only the quilt in summer. She suddenly pours on Qin Tian, and makes Qin Tian feel like a horse!

The figure of pure Yin body is not ordinary indeed!

Qin tianqiang was holding on to the impulse and pressed Jiao Jie down!

"Listen, there is me here, those dirty things can't show up, you..." when Qin Tianyan says half of it, Jiao Jie is crying out again. "Forget it, you take the quilt to sleep on the sofa outside, I hide behind the sofa, you should not know my existence, naturally!"

Jiao Jie nodded at once. "OK!"

Regardless of what is inside. Wear, dressed in quilt and rushed to the sofa to lie down.

What Jiao Jie in TV is not seen at all, Qin Tian convergence breath hiding behind the sofa, until midnight, Jiao Jie is still tossing and turning to sleep.

Qin tiansighed, Jiao Jie did not sleep, it was difficult to show up, it seems that this evening is a white boil.

Suddenly, when Qin Tian thought that it would not come, a cold cold to harsh wind came in from the window, which made people unable to bear the sweat and put it up!

Qin Tian quickly used green energy to perceive the external trend, but before he found the dirty thing, he heard Jiao Jie snoring!

Sleep in a moment, it is absolutely abnormal!

At this moment, the dark corner of Jiaocheng family downstairs, Chen guangpan knee on the ground, his eyes are dark, and the twinkling in his pupil is the picture of Jiaocheng family!

He shared his vision with the dirty thing!

"Master, this girl actually sleeps in the living room!" Chen Lei frowned, and she felt something wrong, but he couldn't say it.

"Hum, I must break her tonight, regardless of where she is!" Said, Chen Guang Leng hum, a black shadow suddenly toward Jiao Jie rushed past!

"The time is slow, Qin Tian mouth contains chicken blood, and suddenly spray on his own silver needle, shouting:" the dead animal, take the life! "

Said, Qin Tian agitates the green energy inside, wrapped the silver needle in a moment, and suddenly throws out!

"Ah!" A sharp voice not like the voice of human voice from the mouth of the shadow, unexpectedly by Qin Tian this needle pierced the chest, exposed a transparent big hole!

"You... Dare you to do me a good thing!" The voice of the shadow is like a fingernail scraping glass, but it spits out words. The expression is very ferocious and terrifying!

"Bad you good?" Qin Tian sneered, "not only to bad your good things, but to break your evil animal's way today, so that you can do evil everywhere!"

Said, Qin Tian again took out a silver needle, daubed chicken blood, flew out again!

The black shadow knew the strength of the silver needle. Once again Qin Tian reached out, he hurriedly flew to the window and tried to escape!"Hum, want to run!" Qin Tian sneered and shook his hands. The curtain full of runes blocked the whole window in an instant!

The shadow bumped into it and suddenly ejected back!

Qin Tian didn't give him a chance to breathe. He took out two silver needles at a time, wrapped in green energy, and suddenly threw them out!

"Dare you A black shadow screamed, a burst of black fog spewed out, the target is Qin Tian!


Qin Tian snorted coldly. Although Qin Tian didn't know what the green energy in his body was, he knew that this energy was full of strong vitality and had a great restraining effect on evil things!

Sure enough, the silver needle, like a lamp in the dark night, penetrated through the black fog and hit the shadow mercilessly!

"Ah Another scream, the shadow was hit by these two streamers, and disappeared instantly!


At this time, Chen Guang spat out a mouthful of blood from the downstairs of Jiao Cheng's family. He was injured internally!

"Master!" Chen Lei quickly helped Chen Guang.

"Let's go!" Chen Guang, regardless of others, pulls Chen Lei and disappears into the night!

When Qin Tian reacts, the two people have already run away. Qin Tian has to look at their back and sigh a pity in silence!

If they fail to keep their lives, there will be disaster in the future!

Before long, Jiao Jie finally woke up. When he saw the black ashes all over the ground, he immediately screamed out!

"Tian... Tian Ge..." Jiao Jie looks hopeful, hoping Qin Tian can tell himself a good news.

"I've wiped out that dirty thing and seriously injured the vitality of the people behind it. They won't come to you again in a short time." Qin Tian said these words a little guilty, if he had reacted earlier, those two people would not have escaped.

Jiao Jie listened to Qin Tian's words and breathed a sigh of relief, "thank you, brother Tian. It's enough for me."

Jiao Jie and Jiao Cheng share the same quality. Some people work hard for themselves. No matter whether they succeed or fail, they will never complain except gratitude!

At this time, the door of Jiao's house opens with a bang, and Jiao Cheng returns home with her lover Wu Xiaoyan.

"Brother Qin, you're..."

Jiao Cheng's face suddenly turns blue!

My daughter, in the middle of the night, stood in front of Qin Tian with a quilt!

"It's not... Brother Jiao... It's not what you think!" Qin Tian's reaction came at once!

This NIMA, how come these days are all such misunderstandings!

The good thing is that Jiao Cheng understands Qin Tian's behavior and listens to Qin Tian's story completely. He is relieved and calms his face.

Wu Xiaoyan takes Jiao Jie back to her room for a rest, and Jiao Cheng coughs twice. "Brother Qin, cough, what, in fact... If you like Xiaojie, I don't mind if you've ever been married..."

Qin Tian covered his face for a long time before calming down, knowing that he could not explain clearly, so he simply didn't say anything about it.

"Brother Jiao, although this has broken down Xiaojie's crisis, they will come back in the future. I know what pure Yin means to them, so for the safety of Xiaojie and you, I suggest you change places." Qin Tian said solemnly.

"Change... Change places?" When Jiao Cheng heard this, his face began to look ugly.

It's not that he doesn't want to change it, it's that he really has no money.

Qin Tian seemed to understand his pain, and then said, "my parents' house is very big, and the old couple can't live out. If you don't mind, you and your sister-in-law will live there with Jiao Jie."

Qin Tian said this is selfish. Now he has more and more troubles. He can't guarantee the safety of his family. With Jiaocheng, he can live with his parents. On the one hand, he can talk to the old couple and ease the loneliness. On the other hand, he can ensure the safety of the old couple! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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