Everyone has been scared out of his wits. Why is Qin Tian still standing there?

Is he looking for death? This is the soul!

The soul is invisible and colorless. How can it be defeated? It's impossible!

"Master Qin, come back!" Xuanyuanzi also cried out anxiously.

But it's too late. The evil spirit coming out of the mielingzhu has already locked in Qin Tian. It seems that he hates the Pearl because he attacks it, and is making a vicious roar!

While appreciating the evil spirit in the air, Zhuangsheng looked at Qin Tian angrily: "boy, can't you think of it? Even if I destroy the Pearl, I will let you follow it to be a devil

However, after he said this, Qin Tian gave a cool smile. Instead of fearing the evil spirit on his head, he looked at master Zhuangsheng in front of him like a clown.

I saw the evil spirit hovering on Qin Tian's head, and the roar gradually stopped, and Qin Tian's mouth kept muttering something, as if it was communicating with the evil spirit.

In a moment's world, Zhuangsheng, who did not know why, saw the evil spirit suddenly turning his head down and staring at him with a strong murderous spirit.

The evil spirit is gradually approaching. Zhuangsheng feels the pressure. Is this going to bite him back? Of course, master Zhuangsheng is not the master of this evil spirit. Now it seems to have obeyed the orders of Qin Tian!

Before Zhuang Sheng reacts, the evil spirit penetrates into Zhuangsheng's body at a speed that can be detected by the naked eye!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

A frenzied scream came out of master Zhuangsheng's mouth, but within a few seconds, his soul was sucked up by the evil spirit, and he could not make any sound again.

Then the whole body fell to the ground.

The evil spirit released by Chuang Sheng was simply self inflicted and killed himself.

Others were relieved to see that the big swindler had died so miserably. Some even wiped the cold sweat on their forehead with their hands.

After bending over Zhuangsheng, the evil spirit gradually stood up. It was Zhuangsheng's body, and walked towards Qin Tian with some stiff steps!

"Ah? This is a walking corpse

"The ghost is possessed!"

"Young man, come back quickly!"

At this time, everyone was full of worry, and there was no way to retreat!

However, Qin Tian still stands in the same place calmly. He slowly takes out a piece of zodiac jade from his intimate pocket, and condenses a little green energy on his palm!

People are surprised to see that the jade doesn't look good? It's not like a magic weapon.

But the jade in the condensation of green energy, exudes a mysterious power.

These things are actually Qin Tian in Wuji Pharmacopoeia door-to-door study society, they have not read the infinite Pharmacopoeia, naturally do not know what he is doing.

In the startled eyes of the gathering people, Qin Tian held the jade with his thumb and forefinger, as if throwing a coin and shooting at the evil spirit in Zhuangsheng's body.

This action is like a child. He ejects marbles. It's ordinary. But when the zodiac jade hits Zhuang Sheng's body, it explodes!


In an instant, a flame was burning on Zhuang Sheng's body. The roar of the evil spirit became louder and louder, and finally gradually disappeared!

Zhuangsheng in this burst of fire, gradually self Immolation, instant turned into powder!

After finishing all this, Qin Tiancai slowly picked up the zodiac jade, which is a dragon Zodiac jade. It is very effective to restrain these evil spirits.

Wipe out the evil spirit and pick up the zodiac jade. Qin Tian finds that many people unconsciously kneel on the ground. Some of them are lying on their knees. They look at Qin Tian in awe, as if they are looking at gods!

From cracking master Zhuangsheng's magic, to defeating it, and then selling it to kill evil spirits, it's just the time to lighten the flint.

Those who had opinions on Qin Tian before and those who mocked him felt hot at this time. They knelt down and worshipped Qin Tian. They were all stunned!

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Tian saw so many people paralyzed kneeling on the ground, could not help but smile depressed: "all up, no ghost!"

"Shit, if I'm possessed, I'll be burned to death!" Someone said speechless for a moment.

"Yes, this is terrible!"

"If anyone buys this bead, it will open one day and evil spirits will be attached to it. It's terrible!"

"This village life is damned. It's been damned for a long time, damn it!"

A group of people once again reached out to wipe the cold sweat on their brows. They were so scared.

Yunxuanyuan is also the first step to come up, asking how to see that there is a problem with the bead?

"This can only be meaningful but can't be expressed in words. It's meaningless to say it. Anyway, you are used to judging people by their appearance, and you always think that young people have no strength!" Qin Tian looks at everybody indifferent smile way.Hearing the words, the people regret for a while, and it is really inappropriate to say the inappropriate words.

"Qin Zongshi is really a master. He is like a God. Let's see it very wonderful!"

"Yes, it's so powerful. It's not a normal hand!"

"The gods are vast and the power of the law is boundless!"

One after another started to flatter, and blew it directly to Qin Tian.

Just now, people who are still satirizing Qin Tian have become awe and respect. It is faster to change their faces than to read books!

Jiang Fangzhou also said with a flattering face: "today, I knew that even Qin Zongshi was such a strong man in the world. It is not simple!"

"Well, you didn't have that attitude to me before?" Qin Tian looked at the river ark with a smile. He didn't forget the old man's ridicule and contempt for him.

Jiangfangzhou was looked at by Qin Tian with such a sneer, and was also Khan da da. His body trembled, and he knew that Qin Tian's strength was absolutely above him.

Just now Qin Tian's means are enough to prove that this boy has absolute strength to deal with him, because he was not a rival of Zhuang Sheng, but Qin Tian played the same!

"I did look at it just now, Mr. Qin. You should think I have no eyes. I don't think it should be lard that blindfolded my eyes. I hope you don't blame me!" The boat trembled.

People see a big city, even so to Qin days, but also some speechless, in the practice circle, strength is respected, regardless of your identity.

Qin Tian smiled with interest and said, "rest assured, I will not be to you, you have no use for me!"

"But I remember you. When I meet again, I remember to do something for me, or I'm not welcome!" Although Qin Tian's tone is calm, it gives people a sense that I have mastered your life.

Jiang Fangzhou also heard the heart gave birth to a chill, nodded: "good, come back to Emperor again, must give Mr. Qin some gifts, help you do something!"

As the Yancheng big man, the power of Jiang Fangzhou is not small. Qin Tian now keeps him a small life without investigation. It is a blessing for him!

"The means of Qin Zongshi are just opening our eyes!" Taiyan also came to apologize and smile respectfully.

Qin Tian put his hand at hand and didn't think it was.

From now on, among several cities, it is not only the capital of the emperor, but also the famous people in Qin Tian!

When he left the lake center, yunxuanyuan sighed: "unfortunately, this gathering pearl is false, if it is true!"

Qin Tian knew that Xuanyuan son had something in his words, and smiled and said, "Mr. Xuanyuan Zi, you can help me find such a Zodiac jade, and I can give you Yuandan God!"

Zodiac jade?

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