"Yes, it's zodiac jade!"

Qin Tian said in a proper manner.

Hearing him say this, those who follow behind the real person also came out together, each with curious color.

"What's the use of this thing?" Xuanyuan seems to not understand what it means in it.

"Don't mind. Just try to find a way to help me. Now, six!" Qin Tian said in a proper manner.

"OK, I remember. I'll find a way to help you collect it!" Xuanyuan son is just the face of regret, has become an excitement and excitement.

This zodiac jade ignites his hope light, and makes him have a direction. As long as he gets this thing, he can exchange for Shenyuandan. How exciting it is, how exciting it is!

Many people don't know what the zodiac is, think it is the twelve zodiac works of art, in fact, for Qin Tian is absolutely a very useful thing, get the hand is right!

Then the twelve zodiac came together, that is to find the wealth left by the ancients, as for what Qin days do not know!

"Mr. Qin, is the zodiac jade more powerful than that Pearl of extinction?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Zodiac jade is not a kind of artifact, but I like to collect it. There is no other meaning. You can find it as well. If you can't find it, it is like this!" Qin Tian said to everyone.

One by one, he looked at several pieces of zodiac jade produced by Qin Tian, and recorded it in the dark.

"It's a pity, Master Zhuang Sheng has a bad heart. If he is a good man, this bead is useful to our practitioners."

"This pearl, his biggest function is to seal some evil spirits or drugs, if the attack power, it can only be medium!" Qin Tian said calmly.

"Did Qin Zongshi see that the spirit weapon with stronger attack power than the Pearl of the dead spirit could not be achieved?" Asked the rich carefully.

"It's natural. I have seen a jade bracelet. It's not available!"

The face of the people heard the words was full of fanaticism.

"But for me, I don't rely on these psionic tools, but pills!" Qin Tian also politely revealed the fact that he had pills, but did not say that he would make pills!

After that, Qin Tian took out a god yuan Dan.

"Is this?" Xuanyuan Zi was shocked to see this thing. "Xuanyuan Zi should know that this pill has made Chen Fu become a strong Dan force from his injured state!"

"Yes, it is this thing. Indeed, there are pills on the body of Qin Zongshi!" Xuanyuan son excitedly said.

"Is Mr. Qin willing to auction this thing?" Asked a rich man carefully.

"I have promised this thing. If anyone can help me find more than two Zodiac jade, I will give it to him!"

When he said this, the people began to talk about it.

Jiang Fang is also respectful and expected to ask: "Qin Zongshi, how did this medicine come?"

They killed and didn't believe that the pill was made by Qin Tian himself, so they were curious about the source. And Qin Tian not only has one, but also returned one to Chen Fu.

Can say this pill is also worth millions of levels ah!

The spirit of the immortal pearl can enhance the attack power of ancient martial practitioners, while Shenyuan Dan can make the practitioners advance. In a sense, the value is not lower than the Pearl, especially for the continued people, it is worth a lot!

"Where did Qin Zongshi bring it, it is not what you can understand, ask so much why, this is extremely hidden thing, say out you still don't bother people all day?" Xuanyuan son hurriedly help to solve the encirclement said.

"Yes, this God Yuandan can make the top level practitioners step by step, and can also ward off evil and avoid evil, repair physical trauma, calm and calm down the mind, and prolong life!" Qin Tian slowly said the effect of the God yuan Dan.

In fact, these people are only visitors to want, they really care about can be advanced, this is the value of this pill!

These practitioners have been drooling. They come to the capital from other places today. They didn't get the Pearl. They even saw another hope!

"Then Qin Zongshi, can you really help find more than two Zodiac jade in exchange for Shenyuan Dan?" Jiang Fangzhou said with a proper color.

Qin Tian smiled and said, "of course, there is another way, that is, medicinal materials, I need some precious herbs, such as Yuzhu grass!"

Qin Tian knows that if we want to make more pills, the medicine is the key. People have more strength and send out the medicines they need. Someone comes to send them. That is better!

To be others, to be yourself!

At this time, the rich on one side also showed the excitement. They are all rich and powerful people. If they are medicinal materials, they can exchange pills, but they are willing to try it!"If you like, I'll write out a copy of the medicine you need!" Qin Tian's mind came up with a lot of herbs that he could not find.

Many rich people have opened their mouth, all the requirements of Qin Tian are flattery, just ask him to write more!

"You can search for it first." Qin Tian's heart secretly felt funny, such as Polygonatum odoratum, this kind of medicinal materials can be said to be extremely rare, the whole northern land is missing, can find a!

However, these rich people have made sure that they can find it, and listening to Qin Tian's words, it seems that they can really give them Shenyuan Dan.

One after another big bags that go back to start collecting pills.

At this time, Qin Tian received a call from his wife Li Xinran!

After connecting, where came Li Xinran some unnatural voice: "Qin Tian, tell you something, my parents have come to the imperial capital!"

"Is it? Are your parents in law here? " Qin Tian smiles with some excitement.

"Yes, I think we might as well buy a house like this. It's very embarrassing for the Lin family to live like this!"

"Then buy it directly from the Lin family. They still owe us so much money." Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Well, you're cheeky. Go ahead and tell me. You don't have to move anyway." The woman said with a smile.

"Well, when will your parents arrive? I drive to the airport to meet them? "

My mother-in-law Wang Qin and father-in-law Li Cheng, I guess they also come here to have a look, or to travel. After all, such a precious daughter will be missed after a long time outside!

"It's here. We're at home. When will you be back?" Said the woman with a smile.

"All right, I'll be right back!" Qin Tian smiles.

After Qin Tian entered the home, Wang Qin and Li Chengdu came up to greet Li Xinran with a smile. Most of the questions were about children.

Wang Qin, in particular, said that she was from the past. She introduced her experience to her daughter and worried about her body, so she had to come over. She came over and thought that Li Cheng was too boring to be alone in Songshan, so she asked him to come with her!

"It's a family anyway. It's OK to live here. Wait for the birth of my grandson." Qin Tian laughs.

"It's not sure whether it's with or without the handle." Li Cheng smiles.

The family had a happy dinner, then went nowhere and rested on the sofa.

"By the way, your elder sister, she..." Wang Qin suddenly thought of something. She wanted to stop talking.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Li Xinran asked.

"They want to mix some shares and money at home. I didn't agree. I said it was your company and Qin Tian's company. We had no right to make a decision." Said Wang Qin.

"They are not suitable for business. It's true that they mix money. I won't agree! Their life is not bad at all

Hearing Li Xinran say so, Wang Qin also nodded, "fortunately you found a good son-in-law, otherwise you can live really bad now!"

Li Cheng also laughed and said with a relaxed tone: "I have some contacts in the imperial capital. If you need business talents, I can introduce them to you!"

"What's more, daughter, this time we've come back with good news for you!"

"What good news?" Li Xinran asked curiously.

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