What's the good news?

Qin Tian is also surprised, can not think of what good news will be!

Li Cheng's eyes were smiling. "We heard of an old Chinese medicine doctor who said that he could help you maintain your body. Please ask him to be a family doctor for you then."

"This old Chinese medicine doctor is very good. He used to be a private doctor for a queen in foreign countries. What he ate was harmless Chinese medicine." Li Cheng said.

Hearing the good news, Qin Tian didn't care, but Li Xinran was a little surprised. He was a family doctor in the past!

"But we have a family doctor in our family, so we can't use anyone else?" Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian with a smile.

"Does Xiaotian know about TCM maintenance? I don't think he necessarily knows this thing! " Li Cheng questioned.

Qin Tian can't talk nonsense. Now he can make his own pills. Is there anything more healthy and healthy than this pill?

"Mom and Dad, just give it to me. You don't have to worry about Xinran's body!" Qin Tian also promised to say.

"Well, we're just afraid you're too busy. It's hard to do something like that when you're not at home all the time." Wang Qin smiles.

To be sure, before Qin Tian, he liked to go out when he had nothing to do, so he was very few when he was at home, so he let Wang Qin have this worry.

"I can, mom. Don't worry about it." Qin Tian zhengse said.

Of course, he would not tell them that he was refining pills. When it was time for him to reach a higher level, he would refine some pills that were good for pregnant women.

These pills are all traditional Chinese medicine formula, there is absolutely no side effect, so Qin Tian feels that there is no need to go home to other old Chinese medicine, strange not used to it!

"Well, in this case, my parents won't say anything. I'm glad you can spend more time with you." Li Chengquan said.

"I will!" After this kind of teaching, Qin Tian also felt that he took good care of Li Xinran and gave her too little time.


The next day, Qin Tian drove Li Xinran to the company with Wang Qin and Li Cheng, then stayed for a while and left.

Because he is going to see Zhu Yu, her last internal injury still needs further treatment.

Qin Tian arrived at fengqiwu villa, stopped the car and walked in directly.

Suddenly, a cold wind came quickly. When I lifted my eyes, I saw three chills running straight to Qin Tian's eyebrows, as fast as lightning.

Qin Tian frowns a frown, a left side step, light to let go of three cold light.

"Very well!"

Three pieces of flaky throwing knives stabbed on the wooden door behind him, and half of them went in!

This is not over, followed by three black darts flying towards Qin Tian's heart!

Between electric light and flint.

Qin Tian didn't dodge this time, but raised his hand and waved in the air. His fingers just caught the three darts.

"Well, you've become so strong!"

On a simple tea table, Zhu Yu came up. Today, she is wearing a blue and white porcelain tight cheongsam, beautiful melon seed face, this temperament is not ordinary women can have!

"Is my Throwing Knife and concealed weapon OK?" Zhu Yu said with a proud smile.

"No, I didn't understand it!"

"If you praise me, you will die?"

Zhu Yu's tone has obviously become coquettish!

It is true that Qin Tian's strength is supreme now, but the woman in front of him is one of his few female friends in the imperial capital, a confidant of beauty, who has lived and died together!

Qin TianChao sat down on the sofa of the tea table, picked up a cup of hot tea, and said with ease, "lie down, ready to see a doctor for you!"

Hearing Qin Tian's domineering appearance, Zhu Yu teased him, "ha ha, how come you are not afraid that your wife knows, and I'm not afraid to go to your wife? You're not afraid that our affairs will come to light? "

"Today, my parents came here. I just want to be a good son-in-law and a good husband, so don't think much about it!" Qin Tian laughs.

"Tut Tut, a great master of Dan Jin is afraid of his wife. You are a strong man and you should be the son-in-law of the door!"

"I'm a low-key person. Do you think I'll do this kind of thing?" Qin Tian shook his head in silence.

"Well, do you know why I work hard? In fact, I want to be able to attack my enemy one day! " The woman's expression suddenly became serious.

"Is it Bushido? Do they still have people in the capital? " Qin Tian squints and feels incredible.

"No, I'm going to the east island one day and fight my enemies myself!" Zhu Yu has sipped a cup of tea, moistening his angry chest.

"As a friend, it's not interesting not to do something for you. I can only see you and make you better soon!"

After seeing Zhu Yu's illness, Jiao Cheng calls, saying that it's a business gathering in Beijing in Songshan City, with many of their former friends.

Because he promised Jiao Cheng, Qin Tian would go there even if he was busy.This business gathering is in a hotel called Tianda, which is the downtown commercial street of the imperial capital, which is far away from fengqiwu, so Qin Tian drove off early.

After arriving at the destination, Qin Tian knows that the hotel was originally opened by Shangzhuang. When he mentions Shangzhuang, Qin Tian also remembers the previous explosion.

I don't know if I will meet Shangzhuang this time. Last time this guy is so arrogant, I don't know what the scene will be.

The hotel is very magnificent, worthy of being a real estate. The specifications of the hotel are machine-made, and many people in and out of the hotel are rich or expensive.

Of course, a small boss like Jiao Cheng can come to eat occasionally, but most of the people who come to eat here are extravagant!

After going upstairs, Qin Tian, according to the message Jiao Cheng sent himself, walked into a luxurious box, where three tables were already full of people. A total of 40 people were present, all of whom were very young.

These are all people from Songshan city. They speak the local dialect over there. It sounds very kind.

After Qin Tian went in, he saw that he was sitting in the middle of the room. He was a fat guy with big ears. He was a bucktooth. He wore gold and silver. His body exuded a strong sense of upstarts!

"Brother, this is the Guantong of today's treat When Jiao Cheng sees Qin Tian coming, he also gets up and says to Guan Tong, who is sitting in the village.

Guan Tong glanced at Qin Tian, and saw that he was dressed in general. He didn't have the key to the luxury car in his hand. He just nodded, "sit on the side."

"Brother Guan, this is qintian, Songshan..." Jiao Cheng wants to explain something, but Qin Tian stops him.

"Come on, keep a low profile!" Qin Tian doesn't like to sit in the middle to have fun. He just wants to drink and talk about the past!

Just at this time, a woman came into the box. Seeing him, Qin Tian couldn't help being stunned. How could she be in the imperial capital?

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