It turned out to be Shen Qianxi, the eldest daughter of the Shen family. Her white striped shirt, black legged pantyhose and short skirt look warm and fashionable. Her upper body is a light brown open collar middle long coat, which shows her tall figure.

The woman's figure is good, the face is also a beauty level, red lips and white teeth, skin like grease.

Such a woman is like a ripe apple, you can feel a kind of fragrance without seeing or smelling it.

At the moment of seeing a woman, Qin Tian's eyes are stunned. He suddenly thinks of Cheng Yi. The girl has not seen him for a long time.

How can such a woman with temperament come to this small business gathering in Beijing?

She is also followed by a man in a suit and leather shoes, looking at it should be a bodyguard. After she came in, she did not notice Qin Tian and walked directly to one side.

Such a beautiful appearance, this appearance in, instantly attracted the attention of many men, but they did not know, this is the eldest lady of the Shen family, the capital of the emperor.

But when you see someone else has a boyfriend, you don't have to say hello.

Soon the meal was served. Everyone introduced their work and industry to see if there was any possibility of cooperation.

When it was Qin Tian's turn, Qin Tian zhengse said, "an honorary president of Lin's pharmaceutical subsidiary!"

"Lin's pharmaceutical subsidiary?"

"What the hell is an honorary president?"

People can not help but issued a shocked voice, one by one looking at Qin Tian, showing an incredible look.

"Sometimes I'll go to work. When I'm ok, I'll come out and play with that!" Qin Tian laughs.

"What money is there? There must be no money for this Some people couldn't help laughing. "You'd better find a full-time job. It's like a part-time job."

"Come to our company. Since you have been a management position, the Department Manager and deputy manager of our company are suitable for you!" Guan Tong couldn't help laughing.

"No, I'm used to it!" Qin Tian sneered.

"You don't know, Xiaotian's family has hundreds of millions of assets. His wife is the president, so his honorary vice president is actually helping his wife!" Jiao Cheng explains with a smile, for fear that everyone will look down on him.

"What? Your wife is the president. Do you mean to be a bit of a soft potato or? " Someone asked in surprise.

"Although I'm Qin Tian's son-in-law, I'm not a soft eater. Don't get me wrong!"

"What? You are the son-in-law

Guan Tong exclaimed in a burst of exclamation. Everyone could not help laughing. When he looked at Qin Tian, he was all sympathetic.

All of a sudden, we have no idea about Qin Tian!

But at this time, Shen Qianxi on another table came directly to Qin Tian.

Seeing her or recognizing himself, Qin Tian said with an incredible smile, "how can you meet the eldest lady of the Shen family here?"

"What? I saw Qin Tian on the list, and it was Songshan. I came here. I saw you and almost didn't recognize it! " Shen Qianxi's voice is full of charm.

All of them were shocked and looked at the beautiful woman in an incredible way. Among them, Guan Tong and others suddenly shivered, and their faces turned pale. They said in horror: "this is the Shen family Shen Qianxi? "

Among the imperial capitals, the Lin family and the Shen family are more powerful, but the Shen family is relatively stronger.

Moreover, this is the eldest lady of the Shen family. A table and others are waiting for her. All of them are livid.

What's more, what's more, the eldest daughter of the Shen family should know Qin Tian, the son-in-law. It's a bit incredible!

"I'm Shen Qianxi. I want to talk to this strong man from Songshan." Shen Qianxi looks like he has something to do.

"Isn't it? What can we talk about? " Qin Tian sneered and said.

"That scientist named uncle Qiang, I want to know about the research project of Lin family!" Shen Qianxi said directly.


Qin Tian hesitated, because the scientific research project of their enterprise was coveted by Bushido people when they went back to Lin Dongqiang. Was it her Shen family who was the mastermind behind it?

Seeing Qin Tian pondering, Shen Qianxi looks at the man with a kind of eyes like autumn water, with a strong feeling of desire.

Looking at the woman's close walk, including Jiao Cheng and others have lost their sight, they are all shocked by her high cold temperament.

Guan Tong stood up directly, took out his business card and said with a polite smile, "Miss Shen, I didn't expect you to be here today. Today is my treat!"

When he said this, Guan Tong was even more excited. He didn't know where to put his hands. He was so happy that he wanted to know some powerful merchants through this relationship. Now who is more powerful than the Shen family?

If you can have a relationship with the Shen family, if you are in the imperial capital, it will definitely be a big deal!We see Guan Tong dare to say hello to Shen Qianxi, but we are also envious, thinking whether we should also say hello?

But Shen Qianxi Dan lip slightly light start, smile, looks very charming, "did not expect this gentleman to treat ah, I mainly aimed at Qin Tian!"

As soon as he said this, all the people present were stunned!

They all thought they just came to support the show, but they didn't want to come for Qin Tian. What's the matter?

What is Qin Tian's ability? Isn't this guy just a visiting son-in-law?

The next second, what happened, let everyone can't help but be surprised.

See Shen Qianxi directly put his hand on Qin Tian's shoulder: "find a place, we chat?"

It's like a lover meeting?

Qin Tian knows that she wants the research projects of the Lin family, or knows something about it, or even uses him to find the formula.

"How did Miss Shen know Qin Tian?" Guan Tong asked reluctantly.

Shen Qianxi no longer paid attention to other people and looked at the man in front of him seriously: "Qin Tian, I can wait for you, but you can give me the exact address and telephone number. Otherwise, after this time, I'm afraid I'll find you again. You'll hide, so today you have to talk to me!"

"I really don't know what happened to that scientific research project. It's useless for you to ask me!" Qin Tian said with a bitter smile.

However, Shen Qianxi smile, smile very soft: "it doesn't matter, I ask what you know to answer what is good? I finally caught you here. If you don't agree, I really don't want to let you go

Find a place to chat privately. If you don't agree, don't let it go?

Why does this tone sound ambiguous? What is the relationship between Qin Tian and the Shen family? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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