Hearing the speech, Qin Tian couldn't help laughing.

This woman is interesting, this is perhaps she can take out the biggest sincerity? After all, she also knows that people like Qin Tian are not short of money and power. This guy's fist is so powerful, where can I help you!

But she learned that Qin Tian and many women had ambiguous relations, men are like this, why not themselves?

"I don't know how much you know about me. I'm married. I don't like it when you say that!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Well, let's talk about something else." The woman did not seem to want to continue on this topic, so she directly asked, "do you have any development needs when you come to the imperial capital?"

Qin Tian sighed and said, "something happened in Songshan. I'm comfortable living there, but it's not challenging. We want to start a business in another city!"

"I don't need your help. On the contrary, I like to overcome difficulties by myself. This kind of life is fun."

The people at the front desk heard Qin Tianshuang's words, but they were surprised to see that they were strong people. Could this be all right?

Shen Qianxi suddenly stretched out a hand, put it on Qin Tian's shoulder, and slowly approached the man's neck!

Qin Tian didn't move, let the woman close to him, just like a stiff stone, his eyes were very firm!

"In fact, I don't need Li Xinran to be poor. If I don't know what you need, I will meet you!"

Shen Qianxi's eyes are like silk, and her teeth are clenching her lips. This is a very sophisticated type.

This moment of amorous feelings, let qintian whole person have some dry heat up.

For the sake of the 10 billion yuan and the development of the enterprise, this Miss Shen family is really going out of her way!

The scene on the sofa of the two people's front desk instantly makes a pair of men and women in the front desk look embarrassed, but they soon also smile, which is a scene of a pair of cheating men and women.

They also see through and don't say anything, just pretend that nothing has happened!

Qin Tian felt that he seemed to be a little polite to her, or would he really kick his nose on his face?

He quietly took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, took a sharp puff, and then directly sprayed it on Shen Qianxi's face.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Shen Qianxi was choked by the smoke and coughed. He looked at Qin Tian discontentedly, "what are you doing? Let me smoke secondhand? "

But who knows, Qin Tian suddenly raised his hand, pressed her on her neck, and forced her to lean on the sofa, not to let her body close to him: "I always feel that it is not easy, Zhang Min wants this research project, so he does not hesitate to cooperate with Bushido people, you also want this scientific research project, so you are willing to contribute yourself?"

"You were not such a woman before. I wonder why you have to find me?"

Shen Qianxi was fixed on the sofa by Qin Tian's neck. Their eyes met each other for a while.

Qin Tian's eyes were deep and gloomy, full of vicissitudes and heavy breath. He sat side by side with her in one hand and held her neck in the other.

"Oh Cough... " The woman couldn't help but breathe out, and her lips couldn't close at all. She muttered, "you let me go You hurt me. What do you want? "

"I don't know what you're doing. I just told you that there is no breakthrough from me. In addition, don't make any suggestions from the Lin family. They are our relatives!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

When Shen Qianxi saw the man's eyes like this, he was very flustered and flustered, just like a little rabbit who had been frightened and trembled!

She also has the spirit of Miss Shen and the temperament of the queen of the imperial capital business. She seems to be a weak and helpless little girl!

"Don't worry, I'm not Zhang Min, I won't fight and kill!" The woman's eyes shimmered, and a blush appeared on her pretty face. "I know you saved Lin Dongqiang. He will listen to your words, and I will try to get the benefits you think you like!"

"Let me make it clear that this is a win-win cooperation, not our Monopoly! If Lin Dongqiang doesn't want to meet with me, I'll look for you. I don't mean anything to you! " Shen Qianxi felt that Qin Tian seemed to be in a hurry. Was it because Bushido and Zhang Min forced him to be anxious!

"Anyway, I'm warning you not to play tricks. I know that you businessmen can do everything for your own benefit, but I'm sorry, I'm not an ordinary person!"

"Well, I understand!" Shen Qianxi nodded his head pitifully.

She thought that in the imperial capital, on her own territory, she could be stronger in front of men, take the initiative to tease each other, but did not expect Qin Tian to warn her from the beginning.

Shen Qianxi's heart is not ang Xin, but to see the man's eyes so firm, she had to obey, because the front desk sentence is absolutely not a joke!

Seeing that the woman was finally obedient, Qin Tian restored the original letting son, directly loosened the woman's neck, stood up and took a cigarette and said, "I'm going back to the party. Don't follow me!"Shen Qianxi looks at the back of the man leaving. His expression is incomparable indifference, just like a beautiful robot. He looks at him directly!

Back in the box, everyone saw Qin Tian coming back. They were all surprised and asked curiously, "what's the matter? Have you reached any cooperation?"

"What good does she give you? You won't say no directly? "

At this time, we looked at Qin Tian's incomparable curiosity and jealousy, for fear that he would make a big fortune.

"It's good, but I don't want to have anything to do with her, so it's just a smoke!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"This Are you too pretentious towards Miss Shen? To tell you the truth, we can't watch it any more! " Guan Tong is not happy with the response.

Since there is no good, they are not polite!

"What attitude does it matter to you?" Qin Tian sneered at him.

Guan Tong was so angry that his eyes began to smoke. He said, "it's my treat today. Since you're here, what's wrong with you?"? If you're not happy, get out of here

If it wasn't my brother Jiao Cheng, would I come back here? It's you who are not the stuff. You can ride on other people's heads if you treat them? It's a bad pen Qin tianlengleng response way, not polite at all!

"Dare you scold me?" Shut with the whole person stunned, incredible looking at the man in front of him, "you eat my even, you scold me evil pen?"

"It's not scolding you, but you're just a bad pen!"

Hearing the insulting words, Guan Tong blushed. He immediately sat up from his seat, picked up a glass of wine and smashed it at Qin Tian's head

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