But at such a time, how could Qin Tian be hit by him?

I saw that the cup was about to hit Qin Tian's face, but suddenly stopped!

Yes, it seems to be fixed by something, and then burst into pieces in mid air with a whoop!

At this time, everyone was shocked. It was incredible. What kind of routine is this?

Then I saw Qin Tian raise his hand, these broken pieces of wine cup flew directly towards Guan Tong!

"Ah, ah!"

On his face and neck, all of a sudden are fragments, blood directly flows out, looks particularly ferocious pain.

"You..." Guan Tong screamed. I don't know what happened here.

"Are you qualified to do it to me? Whether in Songshan or in the capital, you are nothing

Qin Tian's voice dye scene people are stunned, one by one incredible looking at all this!

It happened so fast that they didn't respond to it. Guan Tong was injured!

"Boss Guan, what's the matter with you?" People around him rushed forward and asked with concern.

Because this thing is really too sudden!

"Kill him for me!" Guan Tong felt the pain all over his face and yelled.

In an instant, several people, who should be the bodyguards of Guan Tong, surrounded Qin Tian directly. Other people can only stay away from the distance, will get out of the field!

All of them were businessmen from Songshan who came to the imperial capital for development. Who could have thought that there were bloody fights?

"Don't be impulsive. Everyone is a fellow townsman!"

"Lying trough, fellow townsman, you are so cruel, give me a fight!"

These people one by one with wine bottles on the direct toward Qin Tian thoroughly approaching.

Qin Tian looked at them with a sharp tone and a cold look. "You are the ones who are impatient to live. If you do not want to provoke me, I can only teach you a lesson. Don't think you are the boss of Songshan in the imperial capital, and pretend to be like this one by one!"

"Son of a bitch, your son-in-law is hating me?" Guan Tong was cleaned up. It's not glass dregs. His face was covered with blood. He looked at Qin Tian and said, "Damn it, I'll tell you, you can't get along in the emperor. I'm not a bully! Don't leave if you have the kind. I know the manager of this hotel. I'll call the professional security guard to come here. I see you're a force to me! "

"If you don't kneel down and pull out your teeth today, I can't let you go!" Guan Tong said he took out his mobile phone and began to call!

The four bodyguards were also depressed when they saw the boss calling for help. Do you need to mobilize the public to deal with this guy? They can solve it!

In fact, I saw Qin Tiangang's action when I closed the door. I'm not an ordinary person. Since I want to play, I have to be cruel. I have to be miserable!

"Brother Guan, do you have to play like this?" Jiao Cheng asks anxiously.

"It's not you. Who are you looking for? If you look at me like this, can I let him go? "

Close with the eyes now scarlet, game dejected look, it is almost dead!

"Little day, let's go and ignore him! It won't be easy when the servants come! " Jiao Cheng thinks that it is not without a problem to go out with thick skin.

After all, when the servant comes, he will catch a turtle in the urn. He thinks that Qin Tian may have a way to deal with it, but he can't do it easily. Now he's all injured. He can't be a burden to Qin Tian!

"If you want to go, there's no way. Close the door for me. I'll see how they can get there." Guan Tong swears that he has already killed his heart, not only for Qin Tian, but also for Jiao Cheng.

Qin Tian looked at everyone's tense appearance and couldn't help laughing: "who said I was going to leave? Brother, you are sitting here. I don't care who injured you before. Today I want to tell everyone that I can move, but my brother can't! "

Qin Tian said and directly pulled Jiao Cheng over.


"We are brothers, brothers are united. What should we be afraid of? Don't leave! "


Jiao Cheng sees that Qin Tian is so firm that he doesn't want to be in charge of it. He'll beat him up with his brother. Anyway, when he comes here to do business, he gets beaten up.

Seeing their brotherhood, Guan Tong bared his teeth and swore, "I'm so moved that I'm going to cry, but it doesn't seem to be of any use. You'll ask me for mercy now, and then I'll think about how to forgive you!"

"Dream, don't you think you're hurt enough?" Qin Tian shakes his head, this does not know this Guan Tong must, oneself sends to the dead?

Seeing that Qin Tian is still so arrogant, others are helpless to shake their heads, each other has decided that this boy must die.

Some people began to advise: "Guan Tong, are all fellow villagers, or forget it, don't make such a bloody scene!"

"That's right. Qin Tian, you should apologize quickly. Maybe it can be better!"

We all think that Qin Tian is really too much, so there is no good result!

What else do you want to persuade? At this time, the door of the box slammed and was roughly pushed open. Then, several men in black suits came in. They were all in vests, muscles, fierce eyes, and murderous faces. They were people on the road!More than 50 people present were nervous when they saw these big men coming in, because they didn't expect that there was a relationship between them and the owner of the hotel!

The boss, this site is managed by underground organizations. These people in black are the people of underground organizations.

The leader was a young man, who was a little fat. As soon as he came in and saw the blood on his face, he said anxiously, "who hit you? What's going on? "

"Ball brother, this is the guy!" How can you look so proud of yourself!

Brother Qiu focused his eyes on Qin Tian's body. Seeing his ordinary figure, he couldn't help raising his mouth. "Boss Guan, I'm afraid this boy can't hold on. How much money are you going to pay?"

They always want money for beating people. They don't just rely on any kind of loyalty to collect money before they are willing to fight!

"I'll give you two hundred thousand yuan to make this boy disabled and hospitalized." Guan Tong reported a number, it seems that there is some pain in the flesh.

"200000? I'm five brothers. Each of them has no one hundred thousand. I can't bear the responsibility for this crime! " Ball brother said with displeasure.

"Seven hundred thousand, then." This time is not ambiguous, this face can not be lost!

"Well, that's seven hundred thousand!"

"These two people, let them be hospitalized for a month!"

"If you've been in hospital for more than a month, you've got a fracture!"

After several people discussed, they surrounded Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng respectively.

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