"You, get up and die!"

Ball brother points to Qin Tian zhengse in front of him and says.

"Sorry, your words make me want to laugh!" Qin Tian laughed directly!

"Looking for death!" A big man next to Qiu Ge ignores it at this time. He raises a fist and hits Qin Tian directly with his fist!

"Watch out, brother!" Jiao Cheng can't help but exclaim. These people are organized underground. They fight as soon as they say. They never say anything else. It's too much!

But in the eyes of everyone's shock, Qin Tian raised his hand and directly grasped the fist that the man had hit!


Only heard a dull sound, the man's fist was directly crushed, without any delay, just like crushing popcorn!


The shrill scream sounded in this box, which scared everyone to take a breath. They could not believe their eyes!

What kind of immortal hand speed is this? It just grabs it and then crushes it?


Then Qin Tian didn't have any hesitation. He kicked the ball out of the room and kicked him off. He hit his brother behind him and knocked down three people. The other two were caught by Qin Tian and then thrown out one by one.


Guan Tong's four bodyguards saw that the situation was not right. The man brought by Qiu brother was beaten directly like this?

Guan Tong was also a little confused. Seeing these people fall on the ground in all directions, he was no longer shaking at the corners of his mouth, and his whole body was twitching. It was just incredible!

One minute.

The ball brother one door is hit the star star, his several younger brothers are also thrown to pieces, the arms are also a burst of hot hair pain.

Seeing such a situation, dozens of people in the audience were shocked. I don't know how this incident happened.

Jiao Cheng can't close his mouth. He can't believe that Qin Tian has become so strong. He can easily defeat the enemy with all his actions. It's not easy!

He has never seen such a powerful master. Today he is stunned. Is his brother the legendary master of ancient martial arts?

With such skill, it's really tough to the extreme, so you can easily blow these thugs away?

Some beautiful boss see Qin Tian so strong, but also face showing excited color, if there is such a husband, then the sense of security do not know how strong?

"And you? What are you doing? " Qin Tian looks at the four bodyguards in front of him.

Although Guan Tong is still not there, I understand what happened. However, all the people who watched the ball brother fell down. If he counselled him, it would be too humiliating. He pointed to Qin Tian angrily: "give me the sword!"

Four people with folding daggers approached Qin Tian respectively!


At this time, other people in the box couldn't help but scream, because they were so afraid that such things happened in their lives. Because they had money and cherished life, they were scared to death when they saw these daggers!

"May I help you, little day?" Jiao Cheng is also born with Qi and blood. He takes out a stool unwillingly!

But there is a hand to hold his arm, that is Qin Tian's hand.

"Brother, you're hurt, and I'm not afraid of them. I'm going to tell the person who hurt you today. Although I don't know who it is, I will tell him that my brother can't hurt you! "

"Well, you should be careful." Jiao Cheng is worried. It's a knife. It's different. If Qin Tian has something wrong, how can he tell Li Xinran?

"Be careful!"

Jiao Cheng sits back in the chair worried.

At this time, a dagger on the opposite side had already stabbed at his shoulder. If you were not careful, it would be the heart!

Watch the dagger hit me!

This time, Qin Tian didn't respond quickly, but he was moving slowly, slowly reaching out his hand, but he directly grasped the other's wrist!

Then the hand shook, the dagger fell from the opponent's wrist, and then fell on his hand!


The dagger went straight into the man's palm, and then kicked off again!

The remaining three people also rushed up one after another, but the results were almost the same, and they were all directly shot out.

They thought they could pretend to be forced to frighten Qin Tian, but it turned out to be such a result. It's incredible!

Now the door of the box has been smashed, the dining table has fallen down, the glass bottles are all over the floor, and the people who fall on the ground do not know how to cry in pain!

The whole audience was shocked, did not expect the final outcome is like this, this is the commercial reception?

It's just Qin Tian's one-man operation show. It's incredible!This is really terrible. People from Songshan have changed their eyes when they look at Qin Tian. Is this still human?

Jiao Cheng also found that Qin Tian came out and wandered around these days. He didn't know what he had learned. His strength was even so strong as this!

"Brother, have you studied with any master? Why has it become so powerful? " Jiao Cheng claps Qin Tian on the shoulder excitedly.

This is the same sentence that many people here want to hear.

Qin Tian laughed and said, "I was hiding my strength. I learned a little after I came out of the imperial capital, so I'm stronger now. Don't be surprised!"

"Ha ha, it's amazing. If someone says I don't believe it, brother, I really believe it!" Jiao Cheng pats Qin Tian on the shoulder excitedly.

"I asked you to say who hurt you, but if you don't say, why should you be bullied like this?" Qin Tian smiles, as if playing a happy game, does not seem to care what other people think of them now.

There is hesitation in the heart. Now they are more and more curious about Qin Tian. Is this person really from Songshan? When did Songshan have such figures? They have been in the emperor all year round. They don't know what happened in the past two years.

Ball brother and others went out and called out to the outside: "boss Lei, a stranger has hit me, please take our place!"

Qin Tian can't help laughing when he hears the name of thunder boss. The name is very loud. I don't know what the task is!

"Who are they talking about Qin Tian asked.

Without waiting for Jiao Cheng to answer, Guan Tong, who is shivering in the corner of the wall, finds a chance to refute and be arrogant: "you're finished, you can fight again, you can't fight against Lei ye, you're dead!"

Qin Tian's mouth with a touch of evil smile: "is it? If I don't die, kneel down and eat my brother's socks? "

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