
Zhang Minxian, the emperor's capital, is sitting on the sofa where Zhang Minxian has nothing to do. She is massaged by several shirtless men, enjoying the life of a queen.

"It's strange that the Lin family had problems with their working capital. Qin Tian suddenly gave them 5 billion yuan, which turned the situation around in an instant. It was very irritating."

"What's more, Qin Tian is still an expert in ancient martial arts. After the battle in the imperial capital, his reputation has become very famous in the ancient martial arts circle."

"Yes, so Mr. Kojiro, you must send the strongest experts, otherwise, you can't really fix this guy!"

"Our purpose is very simple, that is to get what I want from the Lin family. Now Lin Xiaoyao is no longer the imperial capital. I have no choice but to wait for you to come."

After a while, Zhang Min's brow frowned slightly, slapped a man around him and said, "I just itched!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Zhang. I'll pay attention to it!" The man around him was frightened and continued to massage her.


That night, after finishing his work, Qin Tian began to open wechat. Xuanyuanzi pulled him into a group chat, where he was discussing how to get these herbs to Qin Tian.

At the same time, it is convenient to ask Qin Tian whether these herbs are or have other questions. This is a very convenient thing.

With the help of these people, Qin Tian doesn't need to worry about alchemy for the time being.

At night, Li Xinran received a text message, and then quietly looked at the bedside silent man with closed eyes: "husband, did you sleep?"

Seeing that Qin Tian didn't answer, Li Xinran asked again, "Qin Tian, tell you something."

After a few seconds, Qin Tiancai opened and said, "I was about to fall asleep. If you have anything to do, just say it."

"Jiao Jie sent me a text message saying that she couldn't reach you. Do you need to call her? It seems that she has something to do with you. I heard that elder brother Jiao has also come to the imperial capital? " Li Xinran said with a smile that Jiao Cheng was Qin Tian's right-hand man.

"I know. When I get back to contact her, does she have anything to say?" Qin Tian asked.

"No, but what is your relationship with her?" Li Xinran asked with a smile.

"What's the relationship between me and her, not brother and sister? Are you worried about your pregnancy Qin Tian some helpless smile way.

"You can doubt me and Zhu Yu, but don't doubt me and Jiao Jie!"

"Well, I'll just ask. You're in a hurry!" Li Xinran's heart was satisfied, and her face was so red that she wanted to drop.

"Sleep, wife, good night!" Qin Tian said, estimated to emit a slight snore.

Li Xinran couldn't help being speechless in his heart. This guy said that he would sleep as soon as he could. He was a man of practice. He was so heartless when he was sleeping!

Listening to the steady breath of Qin Tianping, Li Xinran gradually felt at ease, and then the sleepiness swept up.

The next morning, when Qin Tian woke up, he first smelled a faint fragrance. This was not the smell of breakfast. Could it be that Li Xinran had already begun to dress up, and there was a fragrance on her body, which made the room fragrant!

But then she felt something wrong. She opened her eyes and laughed. She saw that Li Xinran's delicate body was close to him, and she put an arm like clotting grease on his chest.

Looking at such a light, Qin Tian is also temporary! Excited, looking at the woman's red lips directly kiss the past.

At this time, Li Xinran opened her eyes, she even woke up!

Found that the face is Qin Tian, Li Xinran can't help but a shy smile, mischievous feet want to kick Qin Tian's body!

But at this time, she found that her feet did not have a way to force, a step on the whole person is toward Qin Tian body pressure!

"Be careful!" Qin Tian couldn't help laughing and said.

Li Xinran is also shy and anxious, speechless said: "what time, I want to get up to work!"

"It's still early. Get up!" Qin Tian also got up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

Li Cheng and Wang Qin have been waiting in the living room early. After the baby sitter has finished breakfast, they shout that Qin Tian and Li Xinran come down to eat together!

After a breakfast, Qin Tian sent his mother and daughter out of the company. After arriving at the company, Qin Tian found Jiao Cheng coming.

After greeting Li Xinran, Wang Qin and others with a smile, he whispered to Qin Tian, "brother Tian, this time Jiao Jie will go to Beidi University for a signing party. Do you want to take advantage of this opportunity to find her tomorrow morning?"

After the last party in the hotel, Jiao Cheng told Jiao Jie about it. Jiao Jie was also very concerned about Qin Tian!

Although I don't know what kind of emotion Jiao Jie has for Qin Tian, as Qin Tian's brother, it's good for their development to let their daughter and boss have a closer relationship!"Last night she texted my wife and asked me for my phone number. It seems that she is anxious to see me. Let's go together." Qin Tianshuang quickly agreed to come down.

"Ah, then Xinran won't know about your special relationship with Xiaojie?" Jiao Cheng asks with some doubts.

"Don't think about it. What special relationship do I have with Xiaojie? Besides, it's not that Xinran hasn't seen Xiaojie before. OK Qin Tian said without good breath.

Jiao Cheng smiles and stands in a uniform: "yes, brother Tian, let's meet at Beidi University tomorrow."

"Go ahead. I'll go back to meet Xiao Jie tomorrow, and I'll sign up for a meeting then." Qin Tian smiles and says goodbye to Jiao Cheng.

Back to his president's office, he was dealing with some things. Zhu Yu came to him directly. Seeing the man like this, the girl was not angry and said, "why didn't you give me acupuncture yesterday? I need to get better earlier!"

This woman is really omnipresent. You can go to his home to find her, and now you can directly find the company. Instead, she should go home to look for her. She was told by the nanny to go to the company, and then she came after her.

"Well, do you want me to see your body every day?" Qin Tian couldn't help joking.

"You..." Zhu Yu's face flashed a trace of resentment, "to be honest, when can I be lucky?"

"It will take at least seven days to get hurt and gain flesh. You'd better talk about it in half a month. Just be honest now!" Qin Tian helplessly smiles.

Zhu Yu sat on the sofa in the man's office. "I want to come to your company. I don't know if I can be a medical consultant or something? I can help you develop medicine! "

"Research and development of medicinal materials?" Qin Tian can't help but feel a move when he hears this idea. It's also a way to get rich. He can't lose his old job!

"It's true. I want to pickle tonics, such as yangyandan and Huichun pills, which can definitely expand the market in the imperial capital."

This new company is a pharmaceutical company. It's just the right time, the right place and the right people!

"Well, I'm short of an assistant. If you don't mind, you can be my assistant to the president." Qin Tian laughs.

"What's the annual salary? I can't eat and drink, can I

"Half a million is OK?" Qin Tian said.

"No million, I won't do it!"

"The deal, then the annual salary of million, is to hire Miss Zhu Yu as my assistant to Qin Tian!"

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