Want to come to Qin Tian opened "Wuji Pharmacopoeia" began to study up, looking for some Dan medicine house, want to find some low-cost, significant efficacy of pills!

Soon, Qin Tian saw a prescription named "Huichundan".

Huichundan is a kind of low-grade tonic pill. The refined medicinal materials are also marketable. However, it is developed by ancient martial medicine, and its efficacy is certainly better than that of Chinese and Western health care drugs on the market.

Therefore, with the support of Li's Pharmaceutical Group, mass production of Huichundan is absolutely easy!

"Is there any result? Need my help? " Zhu Yu asked impatiently, she sat here looking at Qin Tian for half an hour, but also anxious!

Qin Tian came back to his senses and said with a smile, "I found a prescription!"

"What is it?" Zhu Yu curiously together in the past, she also want to do her duty to help Qin Tian, so that she can sell a good impression in Li Xinran there.

Qin Tian didn't answer. He took up his pen and wrote some materials and refining disloyalty on the draft paper.

After writing, he said with a smile: "let's go, go to the pharmaceutical R & D department, and do it according to the above method. It should be OK!"

Zhu Yu nodded vaguely and followed Qin Tian to the R & D department.

"Rejuvenation pill?" Some researchers in the R & D department were surprised. The medicinal materials were too strange. They looked at Qin Tian with a look of disbelief.

Qin Tian looked at these people and said with a smile: "you follow the way I said, it will be right."

Qin Tian is the president. He personally provides the prescription, which is his name. These people have no commission, but they have to follow suit. At that time, a finished product will be sent to the drug supervision department for inspection, waiting for the official approval!

"Should it work?" Zhu Yu asked excitedly.

"Maybe." Qin Tian's heart is incomparably looking forward to see whether the prescription on the infinity Pharmacopoeia can really get mass production through testing, with the desired effect.

"This is the assistant to the president. Zhu Yu, you can connect with them and follow up the work. What's your reaction with me?" Qin Tian laughs.

"Well, I'm officially on duty. Can I have more time?" Zhu Yu said with a smile.

"Nine in the morning and five in the morning. What else do you want? Of course, if you want to ask for leave, just tell me. I'm not a harsh boss! " Qin Tian laughs.

"Does sister Xinran know about this? Will she object? After all, her clothes doubt the appearance of our affairs! " Zhu Yu said with some worry.

In fact, she has been looking for a job for a long time, but at the beginning, Lao Chen's health is not good. She needs to take care of him from time to time. Now Chen Fu is all right, and Zhu Yu is going to work and make money!

And Qin Tian did not intend to tell Li Xinran this thing, when the time comes, when Huichundan is officially produced, she will understand.

The next morning.

Qin Tian came to Beidi University.

Jiao Cheng said that the signing meeting was in a gymnasium. After arriving, he found that many staff were busy and began to arrange the signing venue.

Jiaocheng still has several helpers. These workers are the ones that Qin Tian saw Jiaocheng deliver goods last time. It seems that he has come to help his daughter do some things!

Looking around, Qin Tian always felt a little insecure. He walked over and said, "brother Jiao, is the security work of this signing meeting like this?"

At this time, a woman dressed in the office ol respectfully introduced to Qin Tian that there were several bodyguards invited by the security company.

Qin Tian nods. After communication, she knows that Ding Xiaowei is the agent of Jiao Jie. Now Jiao Jie has not come from the company!

"Don't worry. I can do it now. I'm the strongest bodyguard. Besides, isn't there a heavenly brother?" Jiao Cheng says with a smile.

"Well, I haven't been to Beidi University. Let's go out for a walk." Qin Tian doesn't want to wait here, so it's good to go out and have a look.

Jiao Cheng nods and goes out to the indoor gymnasium with Qin Tian.

They walked on the shady path of the campus, looked at the buildings and scenery of Beidi University, and the college students coming and going. They said: "it's good to go to university, but it's a pity that we can't experience it any more."

"Yes, I chose to be a soldier, so I couldn't experience it!"

Qin Tian can hear that. Brother Jiao is also sorry. However, in Qin Tian's opinion, Jiao Cheng can become a top-notch special forces, but is better than many college students!

Then Jiao Cheng continued to sneer and said: "now let me go to university, I have no idea. I didn't regret that I chose to be a soldier, including mixing with Tiange! Now I just want to take good care of my daughter

"Well, the days of fighting and killing in Songshan have passed, and the beginning of the imperial capital may be different!" Qin Tian smiles, "we look at these college students in the Hun society, in addition to exclamation of time, that is to say, girls are very tender to listen to!"Smell speech, Jiao Cheng also burst into laughter.

Just at this time, on the opposite campus avenue of more than 50 mi, a blonde, strong and strong foreigner came.

This foreigner, walking up, is really rampant, in front of the college students in the way, she was directly fan to one side, it can be said that the strength is amazing!

Those college students who were fanned by this foreigner dare not speak out when they see this guy is tall and strong. They don't know what to say.

Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng also noticed that the foreigner was coming towards them. You can see from their eyes that this guy's target is Qin Tian!

But when Jiao Cheng saw the foreigner, he really showed his anger: "God, I know her. This guy took part in intercepting and killing one of the mercenaries of our special unit!"

"This is a member of Gabriel international mercenary organization. There are more than ten thousand people who died under their command. It's very terrible. I don't know who invited such a vicious killer to come to the imperial capital!" Jiao Cheng clenches his fists and clenches them.

"Eh? Is there such a person? " Qin Tian is slightly stunned. The characters who can make Jiao Cheng feel pressure must have something.

This person is the master konidi who is rashly invited. His goal is naturally Qin Tian!

Sure enough, this konidi went to Qin Tian and asked a gloomy question: "are you Qin Tian?"

"It's me. What's the matter?" Qin Tian looked directly at konidi's acting skills and asked in contempt.

Without waiting for Qin Tian to answer, Jiao Cheng can't bear it. His clenched fist directly smashes konidi's head. He wants to avenge his brother's tragic death!


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