Kneel down and apologize?

Shen qiuze was so muddled that he was the chairman of the student union and the young master of the Shen family. No one ever spoke to him so fiercely, let alone let alone make him kneel down to apologize. This is impossible!

Today, even if he was beaten in front of everyone, he should kneel down. This is to kill the heart, which is more terrifying than killing!

Qin Tian looked at Shen qiuze with a smile and a harmless expression: "Shen qiuze, you usually rely on your family's fame and influence in the school. Do you still need to call the police to deal with me? Not at all, OK? "

Shen qiuze was said by Qin Tian. He was more excited and suddenly realized that he is the president of the student union. How can he call the police at a critical time?

We need security from the security company, right? These security guards are also one person who can challenge the existence of seven or eight people, so he called out to the seven or eight security guards over there: "the security company, come here, I've been beaten, don't you see? Blind

After he called, the security captain with seven security guards came over and asked in a low voice.

"Shen Shao, what happened? How could you be beaten so badly?" Of course, the security captain knows the Shen family. Shen qiuze is also a famous dandy. He has seen it for a long time, but if he can't make trouble, he will not.

"Don't talk nonsense and beat him up!" Shen Qiu Ze points to Qin Tian angrily and says angrily.

The security team leader didn't know Qin Tian, but he saw Jiao Cheng, who was Jiao Jie's father. When the color was black, it was hard to be a man inside and outside. He had to explain: "our company has regulations, we can't beat people for no reason. We just want to protect the safety of Ms. Jiao Jie, and others can't fight!"

"What?" Shen qiuze was stunned and took out some cheques from his wallet. "One hundred thousand one, break his hands and feet for me!"

The security captain was even more embarrassed. He shook his head and said, "this is the rule and our professional ethics. We can't have it!"

"Damn it, wait for me. I'll inform the leaders of your company immediately. You don't want to do it!" Shen qiuze threatened to say.

"Shen Shao, don't embarrass us. We can't fight who we want to fight, right?"

"And I think this man seems to be a friend of Jiao Jie's father. We dare not move!"

After the security team leader's words, everyone looks at Jiao Cheng in unison. He is the father of the big star Jiao Jie? He's in line to get in slowly. Won't he cut in?

For a moment, everyone looked inconceivable, no longer believe, which big star's father is so low-key?

"True or false?" Shen qiuze looks at Jiao Cheng and asks in embarrassment.

"Ha ha, thank you so much for your support Jiao Cheng smiles and looks calm. He doesn't look like a normal person.

"This..." Shen qiuze looks blue and yellow. He doesn't know what to say. "What are you, Jiao Jie's father? Now even if Jiao Jie is here, I will teach this boy a lesson. My reputation of Shen qiuze can't be destroyed today, and no one is allowed to bully him! "

The crowd exclaimed. Shen qiuze was so shameless that he humiliated the middle-aged man just now. It was the young man who told Jiao Cheng to let me come. Jiao Cheng nodded and the young talent went out to beat him. Now he said that he was bullied by others!

At this time, a luxury car came by, stopped at the side of the passage, and came down from the car. A man and a woman were in their thirties, dressed as a successful businessman. The other one looked like sixteen or seventeen years old, which was the age of star chasing.

To see such a person driving a luxury car came, people unconsciously also made way for a man in his thirties holding his little sister's hand and walked in.

When seeing so many people fall on the ground and scream, a man in his thirties also frowns slightly. Is there a fight in this place? It seems that my sister should be careful and can't leave her!

"How is it you?" Wang Chao's man was stunned when he saw Shen qiuze. He had seen this valuable young master several times at the reception. After all, he was in the rich circle.

Shen qiuze looked at a man in his thirties, as if he had caught a straw. "Brother Wang Chao, help me. Let these security guards beat this guy. He beat me in the face."

Wang Chaoshun looked at Shen qiuze's finger. When he saw Qin Tian's harmless expression of human and animal, he was shocked. He scolded Shen qiuze fiercely from his back: Damn, this is the doctor Qin who saved my father Wang Jianmin's life. Do you want me to hit him?

However, he did not say that, as an entrepreneur, Wang Chao should have some bearing and etiquette. When he came to Qin Tian, he said with a polite smile, "doctor Qin, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Well, nice to meet you." Qin Tian just nodded slightly, "do you want to hit me?"

"No, no, no!" Wang Chao shook his head vigorously, "how can it be? How can I be the same as the dandy of the Shen family? Besides, doctor Qin is a benefactor of our Wang family. I can't beat you! "Wang Chao's every move let us see in the eyes, the whole scene is quiet, do not understand what happened in the end.

Why did a little brother in a luxury car know Qin Tian, a young man with a modest smile?

Shen qiuze on one side was stunned and almost dropped his eyes.

Wang Chao belongs to the kind of people who are not afraid of heaven and earth in the rich circle. Did not expect that he would also have such a low spirited appearance? And still so polite to your enemies?

For a moment, Shen qiuze's eyeballs were scared out. After a few seconds, he couldn't help asking, "brother Wang Chao, how do you call him Doctor Qin?"

"Shen qiuze, shut up Wang Chao was upset. He raised his hand and directly slapped him. "This is my lord Qin. You asked me to hit him, didn't you pit me?"

"Ah Shen qiuze looked at Wang Chao strangely, "what happened?"

"I also want to ask you what happened. This is my lord Qin. How did you offend him?" Wang Chao impolitely shouts, others don't bully him, he Wang Chao still has this strength. After all, his father, Wang Jianmin, is one of the top ten richest people in China. Shen qiuze is nothing in front of him!

"Well, don't talk nonsense, delay our time, kneel down to apologize, or the consequences will be at your own risk!" Qin Tianyang raised his hand and didn't want to pay attention to such a dandy.

"Kneel down!" Wang Chao shouts, pointing to Shen qiuze's face.

Shen qiuze said, "brother Wang Chao, do you know him? Who the hell is he? "

"Lord Qin said," don't talk nonsense. If you don't kneel down and apologize, I'll go to your Shen family tomorrow to terminate cooperation. " Wang Chao said impolitely.

Hearing this, Shen qiuze was even more shocked. For a moment, he felt that he had caused a great figure. He bent his legs and knelt down in front of Qin Tian.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin. I didn't know that you were noble. I should die!" Shen qiuze thinks that if Qin Tian's status is high, he deserves to be beaten. It's not particularly humiliating, is he?

However, Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng have already ignored him and have already followed several security guards to go inside.

When this happens, the identity is leaked, and there is no need to queue up.

And Shen qiuze kneels in place, looking at Qin Tian's back, his kneeling apology has been ignored?

The sense of shame in my heart is a little bit more , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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