At this time, Dean Jin of the college, with some school leaders, came to the gymnasium. Today is the signing ceremony of Jiao Jie, the so-called Dean of Beidi University. President Jin is very Chinese for this activity. If it is well held, you can publicize the college with Jiao Jie's reputation. This is of great benefit!

After all, at the beginning, Jiao Jie locked in two universities, Beidi University and Xiahua University. Finally, their people came forward to let Jiao Jie finally choose Beidi University. Therefore, president Jin still has to give the face of a big star. At the same time, he has to take advantage of many media reporters to say more.

But since then, I have seen Shen qiuze kneeling there alone. He can't help but look surprised, "Shen qiuze, how can you kneel there? What happened to your face? What about these people? "

President Jin's words are also other school leaders curious place, one by one looking at these injured for a long time can not get up the students are a little surprised.

"Dean Jin, you have to do justice for me! As a president of the student union, I was beaten and forced to kneel down to apologize Shen qiuze hugged president Jin's thigh and cried directly.

President Jin couldn't help but ask in a deep voice, "who beat you up?"

It can be said that Shen qiuze's position is not only the president of the student union, but someone dares to beat him. This is a provocation to their college. Who can stand it?

"It is a young man of Jiao Jie's father, who is also a student of this school. He must be expelled!" Beg to point to go inside Qin Tian, hate of say.

President Jin looked at the direction Shen qiuze pointed to. He was stunned. Isn't that Wang Chao? Wang Chao, like a little brother, is following Qin Tian's back, politely asking for something, just like a star chasing fan asking for his favorite big star's signature.

"What's the matter? That man seems to have met him President Jin looked surprised.

Yunfeng has participated in the three cities of Wuwu, which many people know, but because of looking at the back, president Jin is not sure!

"Go up and have a look!" Although president Jin is over 50, he is walking very fast. He directly pursues Qin Tian, who is walking slowly.

"Mr. Wang Chao, please stop!" Mr. Jin called out ten meters away.

Wang Chao turned his head and found that it was the president of the northern emperor. He and Qin Tian waited together for the old man to approach.

"What's up with Dean Jin? Is it for the student? " Wang Chao looked at Qin Tian and asked in surprise to president Jin.

"Is this master Qin?" President Jin looked at Qin Tian and was shocked.

"I am. How do you know me?" Qin Tian indifferent smile.

"I have seen master Qin's unique skills in Huiwu of three cities. I didn't expect you to come to our northern emperor. What a surprise!" President Jin stretched out his hand excitedly and shook hands with Qin Tian.

If I hadn't been lucky enough to follow my brother to watch the three city Huiwu that day, how could I have the honor to see with my own eyes the leader of the young generation of Huaxia guwu, that is, this super big guy!

Is he a student of the northern emperor?

Jiao Cheng was stunned and couldn't help laughing at Qin Tian: "brother Tian, it seems that you are not low-key enough. Why do so many people know you in this school?"

Admit, this time, from konidi to Wang Chao, and then to the Dean, one by one see Qin Tian's expression is extremely wonderful!

President Jin's words shocked many students, all shocked.

If Wang Chao had been polite to Qin Tian just now, it would have been amazing if the president of the Academy of gold was so polite to this "student"?

Even if he is not the president of the University, he is not the best.

But now president Jin's look and attitude are incredible.

At this time, people's eyes to Qin Tian changed, and they were guessing the identity background of Qin Tian. Who was he and how powerful he was?

Shen Qiu Ze can't believe that the color of his cold face is nothing but his cold face?

Looking at Qin Tian, president Jin continued to smile: "master Qin, are you also interested in big stars?"

Qin Tian looks at Jiao Cheng and says with a smile, "well, I'm Jiao Jie's number one fan."

Jiao Cheng also smiles awkwardly, and then says, "Qin Tian and I are close friends. We are from Songshan. I used to call him brother Qin. Now I think it is more realistic to call him brother Tian because he is the same as elder brother in my mind. I support everything he does! President Jin, I'm sorry today. Just now that man cut the queue, we won't let him. Then we quarreled, and my brother beat him up! "

"I see. This is Mr. Jiao Cheng, Jiao Jie's father?" President Jin's eyes are overflowing with a trace of polite eyes. Today, he was originally aiming at Jiao Jie's court. When he met someone else's father, he was naturally a bit surprised."It's me. Nice to meet Dean Jin!" Jiao Cheng says with a smile.

"I'm glad to meet you. It's great to know Master Qin and Mr. Jiao. After our signing meeting, Mr. Wang, would you like to have dinner with us?" President Jin said excitedly.

"Isn't that good? You are high-ranking officials and dignitaries. If you eat too luxurious, you will be corrupt. If you eat something that leaks, you will not be polite! " Wang Chao said with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's OK to drink tea and talk about Tao. I'm a fan of ancient martial arts. My son has been learning ancient martial arts in my brother's facial features. I'm a big fan of master Qin!" President Jin said excitedly with a smile.

In this society, strength and talent are respected everywhere, money is not, because many people do not value money, this life is enough to spend.

President Jin said and said to his back, "if you ask someone to clean up Shen qiuze and others, and then give them a punishment, this kind of person is simply corrupting the ethos of our school."

People around him nodded and could only turn around to do it.

As an old man in the world, president Jin knew that the more he was angry, the more terrible he would be. Looking at the light cloud of Qin Tianfeng, he knew that he was right. He was a great master of ancient martial arts.

"Master Qin, please come inside." President Jin piled up a smile and made an invitation gesture to Qin Tian. After all, he is the host here, and Qin Tian is a distinguished guest.

"Dean Jin, you do your business. I see what I see. We don't need to be polite and not interfere with each other in the future." Qin Tian followed in. He didn't want to be with the leaders of these colleges.

President Jin nodded his head and stood still. After Qin Tian went in, he took several school leaders to go inside.

At this time, Jiao Jie is already inside. No wonder so many students are queuing up!

Jiao Jie sits at the back of a long table, beautiful and smiling. She holds a pen in her hand and signs her fans. Although the line into the gymnasium was long, there was no impatient look on her beautiful jade face.

Finally see Jiao Jie, and is a poor because of their own rush and busy forgotten woman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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