At such a critical juncture, even Mr. you who has abandoned his hand can see that Zhu Yu on the opposite side is still in a relatively strong overload state.

The puppet at the corner of his mouth gave a sneer and said to the three companions who were protecting him: "her speed will not be so fast. It is her limit to hurt me just now. Don't be afraid, continue shooting at her!"

The three mercenary killers don't need to be reminded by Mr. you. They don't know what to do. They quickly change their magazine clips and start a new round of shooting at Zhu Yu!

Three people are back to back, constantly toward the front of the fire, no matter where Zhu Yu is, this is a very domineering way, and their range is very long, from time to time let not far away from a scream, is obviously hurt!

Zhu Yu quickly displayed his footwork, moving left and right, swimming between the gaps between the left and right of their bullets, looking for the opportunity to attack Mr. you!

However, Mr. you had another hand. He didn't panic. He suddenly raised his hand and shot Zhu Yu to the left and right respectively!

Two bullets can't help but pass through the air in the dark, and they shoot wildly. Zhu Yu didn't expect that Mr. you could spare another hand to shoot her, but he could just dodge a bullet. The other one was just a stroke across her arm and drew a blood mark directly!

"You even applied martial arts to the bullet and used internal force!" Zhu Yu couldn't help showing an incredible look!

It is said that a real master of ancient martial arts can hurt people by picking leaves and flying flowers. I can't imagine that the bullets fired with guns can also cooperate with the internal strength and martial arts skills, and the lethality will be even greater!

Because of this, Mr. You's bullet will be very strange radian shot out, hit Zhu Yu.

"That's right. My skill is called gunshot!" At this time, Mr. You's face showed a touch of satisfaction.

Hearing the name of the martial arts, Zhu Yu could not help but show vigilance and worry.

This magical skill combined with firearms is only available to some powerful overseas assassin organizations. It is also the unique skill of the shadow employment group. It can only be said that the position of Mr. you in the employment group will not be very low!

Because martial arts is not something that ordinary people can learn. All they can master are those who have an ancient martial arts background. There are only a few people in the shadow mercenary group who can master it. Among them, Mr. you is one of them.

Turning bullets!

Zhu Yu's body strength is very strong now. She knows that she may not be able to break through Mr. You's defense line tonight. Her heart falls on the car, and she doesn't know when Qin Tian can come out to help?

But she is a very strong-natured woman, under normal circumstances will not go to ask Qin Tian for help, was about to continue to display body method, but found that her arm was shot, began to numb gradually!

She could not help hiding behind a big tree shelter and said in a shocked voice, "your bullet is poisonous?"

"Yes, this is my life-saving gun. It has only seven bullets. Now it has sent out two rounds. Each shot has a strong toxin and a great anesthetic effect. In less than an hour, your whole arm will be destroyed."

"Ha ha, I can't believe it. You've wasted Luo Jiashu's arm, mine's arm, and I've also wasted your arm. Everyone's comity and reciprocity are almost enough!"

Mr. you is proud to smile, the implication is, you go away, I also go, anyway, this Zhu Yu's identity is not simple, today he can not be very good!

"No way, I can't let you go!" Zhu Yu is not willing to shout.

"Well, since you want to die, come on!" You said with gnashing teeth, "I still have five poison bullets. Next, it's not so simple as to scratch the skin gently!"

The voice falls, you Mr. once again holding the gun aimed at the front, looking at Zhu Yu's body changes, shot in the past!

At this time, Zhu Yu was like a big enemy, and her figure was changing rapidly. She could open the third and the fourth, but the fifth one directly wiped her shoulder. As long as she was deeper, she would die!


Zhu Yu still felt that his whole body began to soften, which is the effect of anesthesia to the maximum extent, can no longer stand, directly soft sitting on the ground!

"Go to hell!"

A bullet from Mr. you aimed at Zhu Yu's heart and shot it directly!

At this critical moment of life and death, a car directly rushed past, facing the four people in the middle, a burst of fierce collision in the past!

"Ah, ah!"

Four screams came. Qin Tian drove his car over their bodies. At the same time, the car turned a corner and opened the door, showing Qin Tian's helpless expression!

Zhu Yu, who had no strength, felt the feeling that he was rescued again. He was surprised and embarrassed. After holding on for so long, this guy made a move!"My mother was hurt. Why did you do it?"

"No, I just shot, at most I can save you, but now I can kill them and save you Are you all right? " Qin Tian helplessly said, in fact, she is mainly worried about the safety of his wife, the other party's bullets can turn around, can not fear it?

If it is his own person is OK, Li Xinran is pregnant, careless!

"Xiaoyu, hurry up and get on the bus. We'll take you to the hospital!" Li Xinran is also from the car down, good Qin Tian helped her on the car.

At this time, Mr. you, who was crushed to death, looked at Qin Tian in an incredible way, and his expression was very unwilling: "Damn, my last bullet, you even..."

"That's right. I'll do it when you have your last shot. I was more focused just now. If I did it earlier, I wouldn't be able to enjoy your magic performance." Qin Tian smiles.

Seeing Qin Tian's domineering appearance, Mr. you never dreamed that he would die under the wheel one day, while the other three mercenaries were still out of breath!

Who is this young man? Luo Jiashu did not say that this man is very powerful!

Mr. you was about to inquire about Qin Tian's identity when Li Xinran on the bus called out: "husband, go ahead. This guy's hands and feet are useless. Let the police catch them!"

"No, I must control him and hand him over to the police. Who knows what kind of magic he will use to escape? These mercenaries have a lot of tools! " Qin Tian pulled out the past dynasties and tied Mr. You's neck to a tree. As long as he moved, he could feel suffocation.

Of course, Mr. you didn't give up. He threatened to say, "boy, your wife is very beautiful. Do you know the consequences of offending our shadow employment group? Can you resist so many of us alone? "

"Hehe, who said I was alone?" Qin Tian smiles. It's not a problem how many people in Qin palace call the emperor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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