"What organization are you from?" Mr. you finally asked what he just wanted to ask.

"Qin palace!" Qin Tian laughs.

"Why haven't I heard of this organization?" Mr. You frowned.

"There is a team of special forces, fighting on a large scale in Songshan, unifying the whole underground of Songshan. Do you know that?" Qin Tian said coldly.

Hearing this, Mr. you can't help being stunned. He knows this information. After all, this matter is still very sensational and can be spread overseas. He looked at Qin Tian in front of him and asked, "who are you from Qin palace?"

"My name is Qin Tian, that's Qin Gong. Who do you think I am?"

"What! You are the founder of Qin palace Mr. you can't help but look shocked. The young man he is facing is actually a big man with hundreds of special forces?

Seriously, if so many special forces unite, their shadow mercenary group also dare not provoke!

"You don't have to know me so much, you need to answer my questions!" Qin Tian tied him tightly, and his words exuded a trace of chill, which made Mr. you feel chilly!

"What do you want to know? I said, can you let me go? " You Mr. Eye Mountain said.

Qin Tian said coldly with a smile: "that depends on whether the information you say has value!"

The sound fell, his finger a flick, the green energy in the body through the tip of his finger toward the garbage can to one side, and instantly burned up in the garbage can!

"If you don't, you can even turn to ash in the garbage can!"


Mr. you can't help shaking all over at this time. It's too terrible. His body skill is more powerful than his martial arts. Is this still a human?

"What kind of Kung Fu are you? I thought you were also a special soldier!" Mr. you said in shock.

Qin Tian's finger has opened their eyes. They have traveled to many countries and come to China many times, but they have never seen such a wonderful skill.

"You have too many questions!" Qin Tian shook his head and looked at him coldly in his eyes: "what do you come to the emperor for?"

"Research project materials, Lin family!" You said directly, his heart was full of horror.

"Who sent you?"

"Of course, it was sent by my leader. After I got it, I fled overseas directly!"

Qin Tian said coldly, "you are the people who go out of China, but you have changed your nationality. Why dare you come to China to carry out such a terrible task? Do you have people to answer in the imperial capital? "

"We shadow mercenaries never have to think about nationality and nationality when they perform their duties. We just need to collect money. Of course, we did come at the invitation of the employer. As for who the employer is, I don't know! " You Mr. tough said, appear oneself do not have any deceiving appearance.

Qin Tian took it easy and said with a smile that the corner of his mouth was even colder, "boy, it seems that I and you are destined to have a war. In that case, you have no principle at all! "

"Hum, we are only a small part of the dozen people. We still have dozens of people in the hotel. You can't stop it!" You said impolitely.

"Hahaha, thank you for threatening me. Last question, which hotel are these dozens of people in?"

Hearing this, Mr. you looks embarrassed. He wanted to threaten him not to kill himself. Now it seems that it is impossible. This guy is just playing himself!

"I won't say that. I'd rather die than betray my brothers!"

"Ha ha, I'll try to find out!" Qin Tian touched out Mr. You's mobile phone, a hook in the corner of his mouth, a smile very evil cold, "I will let your brothers die for you!"

Hearing this, Mr. you looked a little desperate, and closed his eyes directly. He had already wanted to die!

Qin Tian pointed a little, put a little green flame on his call, "slowly burn you to death, this kind of feeling is good? I hope the police can come before you are burned to death! "

With that, Qin Tian turned back to the car and drove directly away from the scene.

"Qin Tian, what did you say to him? What purpose did these people have?" Li Xinran asked anxiously.

"They are aiming at your little uncle's scientific research project!" Qin Tian said helplessly.

"What? What is that research project, and why do so many people want it? " Li Xinran became worried.

"Energy development is worth 10 billion, don't you think?" Qin Tian said.

"What shall we do? Shall we tell my sister-in-law about them?" Li Xinran said worried.

"Don't tell me, uncle Dongqiang, they've already made preparations. I have mastered the fact that there are dozens of people in the hotel in the shadow mercenary organization. I have to find a way to kill them tonight." Qin Tian said."Ah, are you going to take a risk tonight?" Li Xinran was surprised by some worries.

"Since you want to kill, hurry up, you can rest assured, I will be OK!" Qin Tian said comfortingly.

"You will be OK, you don't go to you nothing, give it to the police, that fan Yanyan police is not very strong?" Said Li Xinran.

"You don't really say, I'm going to take her to play!" Qin Tian laughs.

Li Xinran couldn't help turning his eyes. This kind of thing is called play, but what does this guy do is with beautiful women? Is his heterosexual relationship very strong?

"So would you like to avoid it tonight? Because I feel like someone knows we live in that place, and your parents are there! " Asked Qin Tian.

"I'll live in your house. I'll take me to the hospital for treatment. It should be OK!" Zhu Yu said bravely.

"How interesting that is..." Li Xinran said, looking at Zhu Yu with concern.

"It's OK. I have enemies with these people. If I'm not injured, I even have to go with Qin Tian!"

"That's not good. I'll be tied up with two women's oil bottles!"

"You..." Zhu Yu has no words. This guy would rather take the police to the police than take her? All women, how eccentric you are!

"You're afraid you're going to date?"

"Xiaoyu, you don't think too bad, I am a good husband of high moral character!"

Qin Tian's words let Li Xinran can not help but turn over a white eye, cold face said: "stink does not want face, do not know how many beautiful women around you, also mean to say!"

Qin Tian smiled and said, "Xiaoyu you have toxins in this bullet. I'll give you acupuncture treatment better. It's too slow to go to the hospital. What do you think?"

Thinking that the last time the injury was so serious, Qin Tian helped himself to do it, Zhu Yu also nodded without any opinions.

When the three returned home, Wang Qin and Li Cheng had already slept. Qin Tian and Li Xinran helped Zhu Yu into a room, and then began to prepare for his treatment.

Because the injured is the arm and shoulder, and not one side, the soreness can only Zhu Yu's entire coat off!

Li Xinran looked at Zhu Yu's good figure, and couldn't help but stare at Qin Tian's face. Seeing Qin Tian's face had no expression, she showed a satisfactory look!

As long as she is, I don't dare to do anything about the husband and the woman!

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