After the process, Li Xinran did not see, has been ready to go to rest.

Qin Tian took out the silver needle and used his exquisite acupuncture technique to detoxify and heal Zhu Yu, dissolving the toxin in her body and contacting the anesthetic effect on her body.

Twenty minutes later, Zhu Yu opened his eyes, but Qin Tian's eyes seemed to be on his chest.

"Ah, what are you looking at? Hooligan! Master lecheron Zhu Yu quickly put his hand on his chest.

"Ha ha, how did I become the master of lecherous? Should you pay attention to the wording when you speak?" Qin Tian was also crying and laughing, "I was healing for you. You even gave me such a bad nickname. It's really hard to understand gratitude and gratitude!"

"You guys, you let me fight alone for so long, you're so good!" Zhu Yu said angrily.

"In fact, I thought you could deal with it. I overestimated your strength. You let me down too much." Qin Tianyi hated iron but not steel.

"You It seems that I am still to blame! " Zhu Yu is very angry, wearing clothes, see the man's eyes from time to time on her body, a blush.

"Well, you're at home protecting my wife and them, and I'm ready to act!" Qin Tian put away his acupuncture and moxibustion.

"Do you really want to go?" Zhu Yu also had a worried look in his eyes.

Who would have thought that once I went for a meal, I would encounter such an overseas elite level employment group, and the captain could also use martial arts and gunshot skills. It's really dangerous!

After Zhu Yu got dressed, Li Xinran happened to come in because she had heard the sound outside.

"Xiaoyu, how do you take a bath? I'll help you! " Li Xinran said painstakingly.

"Wife, you're very tired today. I'll do it too!" Qin Tian volunteered to say.

"Sister Xinran, this bastard wants to eat my tofu!" Zhu Yu said without a good breath.

"Ha ha, it's OK. That's what he is. Sometimes it's just a joke. Don't take it seriously!" Li Xinran said with a smile.

"I'm ok. My hands and feet are strong. Just wash my shoulders with a hot towel!" Zhu Yu said.

Qin Tian couldn't help but look under her shoulder. In her mind, she could not help but make up for the picture of her holding water in one hand and holding up the injured hand

"Or I'll give fan Yanyan information. I'll be here tonight, because I feel that protecting my wife is the most important thing." Qin Tian changed his mind and said.

"You've finally found out. You can leave that kind of thing to the police. You're not a police officer. Don't rush straight up!" Li Xinran said without good breath.

"Yes, yes, I may be used to the hot blood in my body, so when I see someone coming to me for trouble, I unconsciously rush forward, because I always don't like others to trouble me!" Qin Tian explained.

"Well, why is Luo Jiashu so cruel?" Li Xinran some do not understand, the world should have such a ruthless office workers!

"Well, Qin Tian, if you stay here, I will go home, and I have no problem now!" Zhu Yu also changed his mind and said.

Li Xinran a sigh, Zhu Yucan mix with Qin Tian, is it really some changeable personality?

"You just have a good rest here tonight. Are you not tired to go back?" Qin Tian looks as usual said.

This time, she was really too tired, exhausted her inner strength, and was tortured by virus and anesthesia. If she was not an ancient warrior, she would have been in a coma for a long time.

Who knows Zhu Yu curled his lips and said, "no, I look around and don't disturb you. It's better for husband and wife."

"Well, Qin Tian, you can send Zhu Yu back. What can I do for you?" Li Xinran said.

We all know that a new round of danger is coming.

Nothing happened all night.

Qin Tian didn't receive fan Yanyan's phone call after he got up. It's estimated that he is still busy now!

However, Zhu Yu's phone has come, which makes Qin Tian feel confused!

"You want to go after those people?" Qin Tian said gloomily, "they are mercenaries. After something happened last night, they must have left the hotel long ago. If you have any phone calls, fan Yanyan will look for me!"

"Not reconciled? Then I'll find you something to do! " Qin Tian thought about it and said, "as an assistant to the president, you should be responsible for the promotion of the following rejuvenation pills. You'd better do it before the Changsheng paste of Dongchen group goes on the market!"

"I'm an assistant to the president. You should do this. How can I be an assistant?" Zhu Yu said reluctantly.

"I'm the president. How can I do it? If you don't obey, you will be deducted! " Qin Tian ordered.

"You are shameless. You are the R & D personnel of Huichundan, and you must be responsible! Why don't I go with you? When there is a bonus, please report it to me! " Zhu Yu said impolitely.

"You will also think about the bonus. You are not willing to let you go by yourself. You have to pull me up. Do you think it's not tiring to work with men and women?" Qin Tian said with a smile.Zhu Yu was very angry over the phone: "am I that kind of person? Don't look like I like you. Don't be too narcissistic

"Well, I'll drive you to work, and you can wait for me at the house!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

Because of what happened last night, Qin Tian asked Chen Fu to help him find some reliable ancient martial arts experts to protect the villa community. Today, he asked Li Xinran to rest at home and could not go to work!

The woman also agreed, but also told him some things, let him help to do.

It can be predicted that Qin Tian and Zhu Yu, who should have been fighting and killing, are destined to mingle in the mall!

Not long after, they came to the company, and then got information about the partner of an advertising agency from the marketing department. They got on the bus again and got rid of an advertising agency named Feilu.

When entering the building, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu took the elevator directly and went to the floor of the office of the general manager of Feilu advertising!

As soon as they entered the door, they saw that there seemed to be someone in the general manager's office.

The general manager of Feilu advertising is a elegant middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. His name is Wang Dayou. Qin Tian and Zhu Yu are waiting for him.

Among the other people who came to the office first, they all wore professional suits. One of them, a 30-year-old woman, was wearing a black ol suit with a look of pride on her face. She seemed to be the boss of these people!

"Mr. Wang, we Dongchen medicine sincerely come to talk with you about the exclusive cooperation. Money is not a problem!" Said a woman in her thirties.

Hearing that it was Dongchen company, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu looked at each other with some helplessness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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