"Who are you? Here we laugh at our artists Miao Lin can't help looking at Qin Tian with a serious look on her face.

"I'm not laughing at him, I'm just laughing at an artist who is not famous enough to be praised by you!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"What's more, it's low enough to have more money than me. If nothing else, I'll say that I lent $5 billion to the Lin family. Can you take it?"

Qin Tian finished his speech, and the audience was quiet. He looked at him one by one and looked at his clothes and clothes. There was no valuable thing on his body. Would he be a 10 billion rich man?

"What expression, this is the president of Li's medicine, chairman Li Xinran's husband Qin Tian, Wang Dayou, you should die. You hang us aside for an hour, but when you turn back, you warmly receive a female netizen who is nothing. Your style really makes people laugh off their teeth!" Zhu Yu said sarcastically.

The crowd was quiet again, and they all felt a burst of blush. If this was the case, Wang Dayou and the female artist would be stupid. One did not wait for the receptionist, and the other wanted to pretend to compare!

"Chuang Feng advertising company, I have to win today. If Dongchen gives me twice the price, it's very simple. I'll give them double!" Qin Tian also used the simplest way today, and directly took out the gold card customized by the first hospital of China.

Seeing that card, Wang Dayou and others are extremely scared. It seems that Qin Tian is really a good man!

"Mr. Wang, don't believe him. Now that all the female artists are here, let's sign a contract directly. If you are deceived by him, this boy is a liar. It will be bad if we delay our signing!" Miao Lin said, not forgetting to look at Qin Tian with a full face of ridicule.

"I don't know if you are 10 billion rich or not. I know that at least I have seen all kinds of rich people. There is no one like you!"

"Is it interesting to judge people by their appearance? Qin Tian, take out your mobile phone. What's good to install? " Zhu Yu said directly reached into Qin Tian's pocket and took out his mobile phone.

"What's the password? Just show them the balance of the bank card!" Zhu Zhengyu said.

"Do you have to? Is it too much of a loss? " Qin Tian had no choice but to smile.

"But they don't believe you? We can't come in vain, can we? "

"All right." Qin Tian points on the mobile phone screen, Zhu Yu goes directly into the mobile phone message, looks at it, and finds the bank's text message. When he sees the series of numbers, he can't help but shine in front of him!

Too much? How many zeros, silently counted a bit, lost wrong, too much, not easy to count, this is how much money, have 10 billion!

"You can see for yourself. Keep your dog's eyes open."

Zhu Yuba Qin Tian's mobile phone is raised in front of two rabbits, Wang Dayou and Miao Lin!

When you see a series of numbers, it's just as embarrassing as a series of red faces!

"Ha ha, it's Mr. Qin. It's really my fault. I didn't know that Mr. Qin was here in person!" Wang Dayou is very discerning, quickly polite greeting up, "if you said that the president came, I will certainly not leave you in the side, sorry ah!"

"So you know what to do now? We won't have less money, we will only have more money, and we can also spend more money to invite real famous stars instead of some non mobile female online celebrities! " Zhu Yu said impolitely.

"Yes, yes, yes, Miss Zhu. Mr. Qin, this way to the conference room, please!" Wang Dayou laughs awkwardly. He doesn't dare to offend a big man with 10 billion yuan. It's just looking for death, isn't it?

"Hello, Mr. Wang, you can't do this?" Miao Lin was not happy for a moment. She was a shrew and stood in the door. "We talked about it first. Now we are going to sign it. We can't break faith!"

"The problem is that he hasn't signed yet. Mr. Qin has been here for an hour. I have to talk with him. When the price is high, I will cooperate with that party. Is that the truth?" Wang Dayou said with a smile.

In the eyes of businessmen, only interests and fame and fortune are at the top of the list, and the rest are just talks.

"But we have agreed that it is our Dongchen who cooperates with you and does not discuss with Li's medicine. This is the condition for us to negotiate with you and give the price! You've agreed! " Miaolin yelled, as if the whole building were going to hear it!

Zhu Yu at this time can't see down, on a thousand steps, cold standing in front of the woman, "get out of the way!"

"I won't let you stop me from going out. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you don't want to sign a contract!" Miao Lin is a shrew directly. She knows what it means to her if she can't win this cooperation. She will just pat her ass and leave. If she wins, she will get a million yuan commission!

So even if she's going out of her way, she'll have to block it. She can't let Qin Tian and Zhu Yu succeed!

Hearing her order, those men in the workplace blocked the door together, looking at Wang Dayou one by one.

"You? Isn't this unreasonable? Who do we have the right to negotiate with? You don't have to tell me what to do Wang Dayou is also angry, the first time encountered such a shrew, fortunately did not sign a contract, this is what kind of character ah!"They don't make sense..." he said


Miao Lin has not finished, was directly slapped by people, hit the face hot hot, instant directly ignorant!

Because of the speed, she didn't even see who was beating her, looked at Zhu Yu and Qin Tian in front of her and asked, "who did you hit me?"


Another slap down, only see the hand is Zhu Yu!

"Bitch, dare you beat me?" Miaolin instantly angry, Zhang hand toward Zhu Yu rushed past!

However, how could Zhu Yu catch her, and then he took her out of the corridor!

Suddenly, the whole scene was shocked, one by one incredible looking at Zhu Yu, this woman is beautiful, the means are so cruel?

"Give me way, or you will play like a rogue, I have not been afraid of who!"

A tyrant voice shouted out, these people blocked in the door of Dongchen medicine have retreated, and then pull up Miao Lin dare not make a chance!

"I don't like you. I don't like to beat you as a dog if you look down on people!" Zhu Yu went out to look at Miaolin coldly, there was cold cold and tyrannical prestige, let each other unconsciously back two steps back.

"Ha ha, the women of this year are so tender!" Qin Tian smiled and said to Wang Dayou, "Mr. Wang, please!"

"Ha ha ha, please discuss Qin Federation!" Wang Dayou also helplessly bitterly laughed.

Today, the partners are such a cruel role, one is not good to provoke.

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