There was no problem in the exchange of the meeting. Qin Tian was still very professional for this kind of meeting. He offered a higher welfare in terms of price, and Wang Dayou agreed happily!

Then there is the issue of star endorsement, which needs to be made in private. When I returned to the general manager's office, I found that Miao Lin and the two rabbit's female tennis star did not leave.

"Mr. Wang, what's the situation? Who do you decide to sign with? We can add another 10% to our previous benefits... "

"After signing the contract, general manager Qin directly gave you twice the price. It's useless for you to add 100%." Wang Dayou said with a serious expression. This posture is like the Miao Lin in front of them is their enemy. Compared with the previous attitude, it is just a heaven and a ground. The difference is too big!

"What? So much advertising... " Miao Lin looked at Qin Tian and couldn't believe it, but Zhu Yu was injured and had already taken the contract, which made her almost unconscious. It was so irritating!

"By the way, Mr. Qin, what price do you want to choose about female stars? We can help you contact, and then we can negotiate a price! " Wang Dayou said.

"We can have any star, but I want a free one!" Qin Tian smiles and says Jiao Jie's name.

Hearing Jiao Jie's name, Zhu Yu, Miao Lin and the two rabbits couldn't help but change their faces!

This is a popular flower Dan now. She can act and sing. She used to be an Internet star, but now she is a star. It is said that she will hold a national tour. This is the idol and successful case of Er Tu!

"Isn't it? Jiao Jie, who is popular and has a lot of traffic, will not spend money? You can brag about it Miao Lin was going to leave. When she heard this, she couldn't help being sarcastic!

Seeing these people's shocked expression, Qin Tian smiles, takes out the mobile phone directly, and then orders the video call!

The phone didn't connect at the beginning. It seemed that he was busy. Er Tu and other staff members couldn't help laughing. This guy is really honest. Can you impersonate Jiao Jie just by looking for someone?

"Ha ha, still video call?" Miao Lin sneered, but the smile on her face gradually solidified.

Because the phone was connected, Jiao Jie's iconic beautiful face appeared on the mobile phone screen, as well as her pleasant voice!

"Gee, wow, how could you make a video call to me?"

"Xiaojie, what are you busy with recently?" Qin Tian said with a slow smile, try to hold the camera up a little, so that everyone can see him, and at the same time make himself look better. After all, the angle is very important

"Ah, I'm going to Jincheng now. There are forty or fifty thousand people waiting for me for the concert at eight o'clock in the evening. I'm going to leave soon." Jiao Jie said with a smile, "brother, your call is really not the right time. If we have a rest at night, we can have a long chat!"

"Come on, you, in the entertainment industry like you, what time is it in the morning when you rest at night?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Oh, my God, you have something to do with me?" How could Jiao Jie not understand Qin Tian?

"Well, our pharmaceutical company will have a new product on the market recently, but I want to look for your endorsement. What do you think?" Qin Tian asked.

"Well, I'll give you a free endorsement. You and your sister-in-law will come to me, of course. I can give you free endorsements for all your medicines in the future." Jiao Jie agreed with a smile.

"Wow, are you very kind? Some of the female online celebrities on the anchor platform will cost millions of dollars to make any anchor advertisement! "

"The audience of those female online celebrities is very small, that is, the audience of that platform. Other people walking on the street, who knows what two rabbits and three dogs are like? I'm the only one with a reputation, OK! My songs are playing on every street Jiao Jie said impolitely.

"Ha ha ha, that's a good point!" Qin Tian gives Jiao Jie a thumbs up.

This makes Er Tu and her agents look pale. However, considering that Jiao Jie is a big star and a popular artist in a big company, she can only bear it and keep silent!

"Well, we'll talk about it then, and I'll call you in advance when I need to!"

"OK, goodbye, talk again!"

After hanging up the phone, the whole scene was quiet, even Zhu Yu was scared. She couldn't believe looking at Qin Tian. She really didn't expect Qin Tian to have such a background. Is this too incredible?

"Qin Tian, when did you know Jiao Jie after Xiaoge?" Zhu Yu asked.

"I've known her for a long time. Her father is one of my men, a special forces coach. I saved her father and her life!" Qin Tian said without politeness.


People were quiet again, and their breath was forbidden. Who was the young man in front of him and why did he have such an experience?

"Ah ha ha, I can't believe that Mr. Qin can find such a popular traffic star as Jiao Jie. It's great, and it doesn't cost money!" Wang Dayou's human resources department applauded. He firmly believed that it was right to cooperate with Qin Tian. If he cooperated with Miao Lin, he didn't know how Qin Tian would retaliate!With so much money, so much background and power, who can afford it?

At this time, ERTU and other people left in dismay. Originally, they wanted to ask whether Qin Tian wanted to advertise for them. The cost could be a little less. Now it seems that it's unnecessary. Fortunately, they didn't ask. If they asked, it would be even more humiliating!

After Qin Tian and Zhu Yu left, Wang Dayou immediately held a meeting again, and raised high attention. He began to plan and plan the script of advertising video, as well as the publicity path and partners. All of them should be prepared. As soon as the drugs are on the market, they can be launched and publicized immediately!

"Dongchen medicine also has new supplements. We must do it before their drugs, otherwise we will waste the high cost and trust of Mr. Qin! Do you understand? " Wang Dayou asked seriously.

"Understand!" A group of people in this advertising promotion will also get higher remuneration than before, so no one will not mention the enthusiasm to do a good job of publicity.

On the way back, Zhu Yu asked, "Qin Tian, have you refined Shenyuan pill recently? I want to eat one, I seem to break through to Dacheng! "

"No!" Qin Tian thought directly and refused!

"Why are you so mean?" The woman didn't have a good breath.

"Eat a 10 million yuan, I will pay you back, you should do things here without money!" Qin Tian said.

"But how can I live without money? Do you want my master to support me?" Zhu Yu bit his lips pitifully. He didn't look like the strong girl before!

"The old rule, find me some medicine, and I'll make it for you!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Hey, I knew you said no, but you really wanted to give it to me!" Zhu Yu didn't have a good laugh.

"I want you. If you give me that one time, I will send you directly. You don't need to look for the herbs!"

Smell speech, Zhu Yu instantly show eyebrow to fall, angry full face blush!

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