"What do you mean?" Hu Jian was suddenly upset. "If you are afraid of you, you will go back, and you will return to the ancient martial arts man!"

"We have nothing to fear, but we don't know what it's going to do to stay, and we don't have any results for you?" Xuanyuan son helpless said.

"Archaeology is the same. No trip guarantees a great victory! Mr. Xuanyuan Zi, I can understand your mood, but you really don't understand archaeology! " Wang Xie said comfortingly.

"OK, what do you think of Mr. Qin?" Xuanyuan son himself is not good at making decisions, so he turns to look at Qin Tian.

"It may be more fun at night. I'll stay and see!" Qin Tian also found it interesting!

"Ah? You stay, do you agree with love? " Xuanyuan Zi was surprised.

"I will tell her that I work in other places. If you are afraid, you can go back!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Ha ha, what am I afraid of with master Qin? Qin master is vast, even if there are any ghosts and ghosts, I believe that if there is Qin Zongshi, they can definitely be killed in a hurry! " Xuanyuan Zi flattered the smile.

But these people of Archaeological Institute see Wang Xie staying here. They are also going to stay in this desert village for the night. But they are also a little upset. Moreover, they are mainly afraid. Sweating on any body is a little fun!

The men with high education in these cities have never suffered much, but the exception of archaeology is that no one likes such things! Everyone is in a bad mood, but I dare not say that if you are kicked out of the team, there will be no future, that is very bad!

Hu Jian saw the students in a bad mood, but showed a smile of confidence and pride and said: "how, you are afraid not to be? It's just a night here. I don't believe it. What kind of ghosts can happen to this Ma family villa! "

"If it comes, there are still ancient warriors? We are all relieved that master Xuanyuan is here! " Xiao Qin smiled, it seems that Qin Tian was ignored directly!

"I can protect you too!" Hu Jian said smiling at the two girls.

"Well, it depends on you!" Another red dress woman who has been obsessed with mobile phones said with a smile.

She knew that the man was the most encouraging woman to eat. As long as there were women who picked it up, he felt like he was zhaozilong in Changshan. And she also has a bit of beauty, know Hu Jianjia family has money, always to him.

Hujian looks at Xiao Qin's silent appearance, and looks at the sister of red clothes. He can not help but show a vague luster in her eyes. The wild is a good place. No one in the village bothers.

"OK, you're near me tonight, I'll keep you on the night!"

Such ambiguous words, let others can not help laughing, and red clothes of domestic capital, huabeibei is also unable to bear the jade face of shame, there is a joy in the heart, but also proud to see Xiao Qin.

After others laughed, they were happy in their hearts. Some people kept the night, and they slept well, didn't they?

Only Xuanyuan son looked at the increasingly gloomy outside the sky, looking at these decadent walls, some upset, he did not know how Qin Tiantian agreed to stay overnight?

"Well, then Hu Jian will watch you night tonight. I will get up in the morning and let you sleep for hours!" Said Wang Xie.

We took some spare and hurried mineral water tanks from the car, then found some dry firewood, waited for cooking at the back, and then they wanted to see if there was any water to hurry up, and they could get them to take a bath!

It is a mountain and wild mountain. It is not easy to find water. We started to act together. Soon, we found a stone well in a village, which is full of pure natural water. This gives everyone a boost!

"I think there must be spring water in this well, otherwise it will not be so clear!" Hujian said with a smile.

We heard this, but also can not help but to be a vibration of spirit, began to look for buckets and ropes, ready to use for water!

After a few barrels of water, we started to burn water and prepare for a bath!

Wang Xie also went to bath, only Xuanyuan Zi and Qin tianwu, they did not sweat, after all, this is the strength of ancient martial arts, general people are unable to understand things.

After a period of turbulence, the sky gradually darkened. After the night, the archaeological team began to take out some cooking materials and tools from the car, and began to cook. There was no big difference between the appearance and the home!

After a meal, it was dark. Qin Tian had called Li Xinran and said he was in the field. I won't go back tonight. I will go back tomorrow.

On a boring night, the clouds in the sky seem to disappear. The moonlight tilts down through the sky like white gauze, which looks very hazy, which is called the hairy moon.

Hu Jian greeted the young people playing cards around a pile of fire, which seemed to be very enjoyable.

One of them went to the outside of the ancestral hall to get rid of his hand but he cried out and ran back quickly.People can't help but exclaim, what happened in the end, is it haunted?

Although these people basically don't believe these things, but at this time still can't help some creepy, because this kind of thing is not a joke!

Hu Jian and other people, not to mention, are directly together, both feet are fixed the same.

Only Qin Tian and xuanyuanzi were calm, as if nothing had happened.

Wang Jian is also walking in the crowd, quickly frown, asked: "what happened?"

The man who broke his hands looked out and found that he was a ragged beggar with disheveled hair and shabby clothes. His eyes were covered with bloodshot and expressionless. He looked directly at the leftover food on the ground!

"This is a beggar Someone exclaimed, it's not a ghost!

"What's your name, a beggar? I'm scared to death The girl in red clothes didn't have a good temper and covered her chest with her hand.

The young man was speechless for a while. He didn't see what was going on. He screamed wildly. Now a beggar came out, and he felt embarrassed.

Wang Jian helplessly took the leftovers and put them in a basin and handed them to the beggar: "go, don't come here, these young people are scared!"

The beggar didn't speak and didn't leave. Instead, he ate and ate crazily. He didn't let go of the leftovers, as if he were starving to death!

After eating, he was still drinking the mineral water, and one person almost finished drinking several of their drinking water.

Seeing that he was so silent, Hu Jian said: "old man, are you the name of Majia village?"

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