When we found that the beggars didn't speak, we felt a little depressed at once!

How can it be from Majiazhuang? Didn't the people in this village disappear ten years ago? What's more, the police and all kinds of investigators have investigated for a long time. There is no one in Majiazhuang. How can a beggar come out of the way?

Moreover, the beggar didn't speak from the beginning, just kept eating, just like a starving ghost. When we looked at the beggar, we couldn't help but get some creeps!

After such an idea came out, people just felt chilly all over the body, everywhere revealed a kind of abnormal feeling!

Moreover, the beggar, a minute later, lowered his head, covered his face with his hair, and had not answered Hu Jian's question. This makes people feel more frightened by Anton!

"Master Qin, this beggar is a man and a ghost!" Xuanyuanzi whispered in Qin Tian's ear.

Qin Tian said with a faint smile: "if he is a ghost, what he ate just now is not rice, but people."

In fact, Qin Tian also thought it strange that the people of Majiazhuang had been dead for many years, and there were no people living in Majiazhuang for many years. There were desolate places in dozens of kilometers. How could such a beggar survive here alone?

There must be something missing or something unusual about this beggar.

But Yunchen glanced at the beggar, but he didn't find anything. He could only watch the change and see what would happen!

Although other people also feel something wrong, they still want to see if the beggar can speak. They find that he seems to be deaf, and they immediately frighten themselves!

"Is he deaf?" Xiao Qin thought and said.

Hu Jian also thought so. He went to the beggar and waved to his face with his head down. He seemed to want to see what he thought, attitude, face, madman or fool!

But the beggar's eyes were blank and his face was covered with dust. He couldn't see what his expression was. He couldn't help feeling depressed!

"Psychosis or idiot?" Hu Jian kicked him on purpose, pointed out and said, "when you are full, get out of here. You are dirty and stinky!"

The beggar was still standing stiff, as if he could not feel the pain of Hu jiankick himself.

Hu Jian immediately shook his head, turned back and said, "it's estimated that he is a fool. The master of ancient martial arts, throw him out!"

Hu Jian spoke to Yunchen with a tone of command.

"Well, don't worry about him. It's OK for someone to watch the night tonight. The place is so big that he can stay by himself. We'll leave it to others in the morning." Wang Xie also said with some kindness.

Others also nodded, always feeling that the beggar was not going to live long, and they all looked at him with a look at the dead.

"Come and help me look up the archaeological materials of the Tang Dynasty." Wang Xie said to everyone.

Under the guidance of Wang Xie, we began to seriously change these meticulous patterns.

Looking around, Qin Tian felt that the whole village was in a dead silence in the cold moonlight outside and in the flood of campfires. One by one, the houses were left open and some were closed, creaking.

Outside the village, it is a dark mountain wilderness, as if the night has swallowed up the moonlight, leaving only the purest black!

Suddenly, Qin Tian saw three faint black shadows on the edge of the mud house not far away!

Because of the distance, Qin Tian could only use his own immortal Qi to pour into his eyes and looked at the three black shadows.

It's just that the three shadows are all dark. It's hard to tell who they are. What's more, the three shadows flash by and disappear from his sight. This makes Qin Tian's heart shake. It seems that tonight will not be very smooth!

When the three shadows disappeared, Yunchen noticed that the beggar suddenly trembled, and then he called out in his mouth: "Yuan Marshal... "

"Marshal what?" Hu Jian was surprised. Isn't this beggar mute? He looked at the beggar curiously and asked.

Other people are also surprised to see the past, the beggar is still repeating the word marshal, which makes everyone speechless for a while.

"Fool, he's talking about Marshal's tomb?"

"It may be insane!"

These students shake their heads one after another, all feel very sorry, this is still a fool, a madman!

After more than two hours' study, Wang Xie finally said excitedly, "well, I've found a way. All the floating-point reliefs have found a way to crack it."

Is to do and he took out the floating point breakthrough of the mobile phone and marked it.

"Wow, the professor is so good!"

"The director is so strong that it will be solved?"A group of young people couldn't help cheering, as if they had accomplished a great achievement.

Xuanyuanzi also raised the spirit and asked, "has it been untied at last?"

Wang Xie nodded and said, "it is certain that it can be untied."

"Shall we go to the Marshal's tomb all night?" Xuanyuanzi suggested.

As soon as these words are said, many young people get chilly directly. This is a terrible story. Are you really going?

In order to be able to get such a fairy grass, xuanyuanzi is so old that he has to work hard!

So he came with Qin Tian. They and other experts in Fengshui Taoism have detected that there are some powerful things in it. There are a lot of medicinal materials, named Xiancao for the time being.

In short, it must be precious. No matter whether they have it or not, they will come first and get it. If they can't get it, it will be regarded as coming to pick up the treasure, and it's not a loss!

Wang Xie shook his head and said, "there are too many variables in the evening. It's not suitable to take risks. Go tomorrow morning."

After all, there are still some young people here, which is not easy to do.

"Well, then go tomorrow morning and have an early rest." Xuanyuanzi suggested.

Now we have found the password to solve the problem. What else should we study? It's better not to lie down earlier!

Thinking of going to that kind of place late at night, xuanyuanzi himself is a little creepy!

However, at this time, a burst of rumbling sound came from the silent Majiazhuang, and the sound was getting closer and closer.

Everyone soon woke up, no one said anything, because they all heard the noise of many car engines.

Many people looked at the entrance of the village and saw a black off-road vehicle driving high beam light slowly towards this side!

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