Looking at these two off-road vehicles coming, many people can not help but emerge a bad premonition. This premonition is very strong, with an uneasy look, it is always very troublesome!

What does this car do on such a big night?

I saw the SUV came to the ancestral hall, and then a driver couldn't help scolding, "finally, it's here. What kind of broken place is this? It's a long way to go

Then a few people got off the car one after another. They were all people who were dressed in unusual clothes. One of them was a monk. They looked a little old. They held the Buddha beads in their hands and looked mysterious.

After that, there were more than a dozen people, all monks and some young people. They looked like they were in their twenties!

There is a very tall man with a height of more than 1.9 meters. His body is very strong. Such a person is a wine and meat monk. He can't be so strong when he is a vegetarian!

Other monks had sticks in their hands, Buddhist bells or yellow paper.

When these monks saw Wang Xie and his students, they were a little bit stunned. They didn't expect that someone could be here in Majiazhuang. It's amazing!

"Are you?" Wang Xie asked in surprise.

"We are from Nanyun province. We are from a temple. Are you?" A head of the old monk tone is very gentle said.

"We are from the archaeological team of the imperial capital. We are here to investigate the tomb of Marshal!" Wang Xie also said respectfully.

The old monk could not help nodding, and then said with a trace of relief: "we are entrusted by the police of Nanyun province to come here every year to practice for these dead villagers!"

Wang Xie and others could not help but show an incredible look when they heard this, and all of them were in an uproar!

In this case, is this the official acquiescence that all the people in Majiazhuang are dead?

If this case is determined as a missing case, it is impossible to do so. But if the master is invited, it will be fierce. It shows that they are basically determined to be dead!

Seeing these monks driving over hundreds of kilometers away, Qin Tian was stunned. Is that incredible?

He glanced at these people and saw that the old monk had the strength of Gu Wu in his body. Is this the man with great dark power?

Qin Tian secretly thought it interesting. Looking at the other monks, he didn't have any energy fluctuation, including the very tall monk. All of them were just wine and meat monks.

However, the tall monk is vaguely able to give people a sense of oppression, it is not bad indeed!

Looking at the tall land around him, the old monk said with great affinity: "Danone, it's late today for Mount Tai. Let's have a rest behind the ancestral hall and go in tomorrow."

"Yes, master!" Danone's big high monk agreed, and then assigned tasks to other younger martial brothers.

Hu Jian and his colleagues are also very good at learning. They go straight to clean up the place and take out the broom to clean it up!

It's not easy for them to do it by long distance. It's normal to have some props on them.

Xuanyuanzi looked at the old monk as if he knew him. He went up to greet him. He also introduced Qin Tian to DUN'AN, saying that Qin Tian had studied some geomantic Taoism, but he didn't know about Buddhism!

Master DUN'AN looked at Qin Tian's research at a young age. He could not help but respectfully said: "young talents come out. I admire them!"

"No, no, master's attainments are the highest." Qin Tian said faintly, "I see ah Shi's face, should be proficient in many Buddhist supernatural powers?"

"Ha ha, there are not many Buddhist miracles, and you can never finish learning. It would be nice if master Qin also learned Buddhism." Shield an eyebrow kindly said.

Qin Tian said with a smile, "I'm not a Taoist family, nor a Buddhist family, but I want to learn everything!"

"Ha ha, it's a good man who wants to learn everything. Young people should have this kind of consciousness. When I was young like you, nothing was at all!" Dun an said with great admiration.

Wang Xie, on one side, could not help laughing. "Master DUN'AN, as the saying goes, there is a specialized skill in the art field. It is such a young man who studies casually and can't learn anything later. As the saying goes, only those who concentrate on archaeology can understand archaeology, and those who focus on Buddhism can understand Buddhism!"

This seems to be satirizing Qin Tian's concentration that he doesn't understand. Many students and young people couldn't help laughing frivolously and didn't give Qin Tian a chance to be proud.

"No, no, no, I can see that the strength of this master Qin is not inferior to that of Mr. xuanyuanzi. He has such strength at such a young age, which is absolutely extraordinary in the future." Dun an said in praise.

Qin Tian's heart a burst of surprise, did not expect this old monk, unexpectedly can see that his strength is above xuanyuanzi, perhaps because of xuanyuanzi's praise!To know that Qin Tian is the convergence of all the breath, usually seems to be an ordinary young man.

Hu Jian and others don't care. How can they be more powerful than xuanyuanzi, who is dozens of years old? Isn't that bragging?

Wang Xie didn't want to focus on Qin Tian. Looking at Dun an, he said with a smile, "master, you are a master of Buddhism. You will not be afraid of many ghosts and snakes according to the truth. Why don't you follow us to the Marshal's tomb tomorrow?"

Wang Xie thinks that it's better to take a master of ancient martial arts to go with him. Besides, DUN'AN is a famous person. When he is written in the report as a witness, it will be quite a sensation!

"Is this Marshal's tomb far from here?" Dun an also came and said with interest.

"It's not far. It's only half an hour's walk." Wang Xie said.

Dun an's mage is not in a hurry, so he agrees to come down and follow the archaeological team to visit the ancient Marshal's tomb. It's worth the trip!

Wang Xie also nodded, heart or hope to come quickly tomorrow morning!

At this time, Dunan's people have packed up a lot of places and can barely lie down. Everyone is quietly asleep!

In the middle of the night, Qin Tian suddenly heard a few broken voices. Qin Tian opened his eyes and saw Hu Jian and the red beauty walking out toward the outside. They looked like they were going to solve the problem between men and women!

The next morning, everyone woke up, as if nothing had happened last night. Their goal was to enter the Marshal's tomb again!

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