Because I had already passed one side before, so the speed of today's past will be much faster. It only took 20 minutes to arrive. When the intimidating time comes, everyone's tension level is not so high!

Although it was the first time to see Master DUN'AN, he was very calm. Some of his young disciples were calm. After all, they were Buddhists.

Walking towards the original road, we soon arrived at the place where the tombstone was before. There is still a stone gate here. Wang Xie started to unlock the relevant input according to the password entered on the mobile phone before, and moved on those floating-point points.

Yes, his idea is right, because those floating points on the door can be moved. Qin Tian can't help but wonder in his heart. He is a talent!

The sound of the cogging gear rings, and then the stone gate slowly opens. At this time, Hu Jian and others can't help but make a burst of exclamation. This sound is a kind of cheering sound. Everyone is too excited to see the stone door open.

Xuanyuanzi is also a facial expression of excitement, looked at the side of Qin Tian, but found that this guy's expression is so indifferent, it is also amazing.

If you don't go into the grave alone, you should be careful. If you don't, you'll have to laugh. If you don't, you'll have to be careful

"It's a professor!" Hu Jian and others nodded again and again. At the same time, they couldn't help looking at Qin Tian. Seeing that this guy was not excited at all, he was calm, and could not help showing his displeasure.

"Qin Tian, that's what you said. Don't run around. What mechanism will be touched when the time comes. We can't save you. You can do it yourself!" Hu Jian said with a sneer that he had a woman in red on his arm. It was obvious that they had become a couple after fighting in the wild last night.

Qin Tian didn't argue with him because there was nothing to argue about.

Everyone sorted out their own things, took a flashlight and walked into the ancient tomb. Qin Tian was at the back of the tomb. When he entered the stone gate, he still felt a gust of wind blowing behind him. It was terrible. It was not just the overcast wind. He always felt something was staring at himself all the time!

Looking back, but only with the dark wall, nothing, even if their own immortal gas has poured into the eyes, it is difficult to see the superfluous things!

Qin Tian is secretly on guard in his heart. He can feel something that others can't feel. This is the key to protect everyone. However, these people don't know. They even say that Qin Tian should be careful. It's shameless to the extreme.

Just as they all went into the Marshal's tomb, a small middle-aged man came out of a few crossroads outside. He was wearing a Taoist robe. He looked around, especially at the hole where Qin Tian and his wife walked in, and showed a sad smile: "it's so hard to find a place to find. I met here When I got to them, I was worried about how to get in. I didn't expect to meet the archaeological team of the imperial capital, so I had to come without any effort! "

"Hahaha, help me to crack the code, and all the Buddhist disciples have come. Please wait for me to die!"

With his gloomy voice, two blood red eyes appeared in the other holes. It seemed that something was reviving.

At this time, they had already passed through a corridor about ten meters long, and then entered the main cave of Marshal's tomb.

Wang Xie looked at it and analyzed that the main tomb was a form of cemetery in the Tang Dynasty. They are currently in a place called the hall of the dead. According to the arrangement of the tomb owner's home, it should be a living room with some funerary objects placed everywhere!

"Whoa, whoa, these are all valuable things!" At this time, some people have made a voice of exclamation, many people look at these things have revealed the color of greed.

"Don't move around. Anything may touch the mechanism, or we will all die here!" Wang Xie seriously reminded him that everyone stood together in a moment and didn't dare to see more of them!

"What a heavy Yin Qi!" Master DUN'AN said with a slight frown. Several Buddhist disciples around him also nodded, holding tightly the beads in their hands, which seemed to be more nervous than others!

Wang Xie himself took out a magnifying glass, unable to control his emotions. He went to a porcelain and began to watch it with a magnifying glass. He was intoxicated. Other people's eyes were shining, which was worth a lot of money.

They didn't dare to touch them. They just looked at them. Some wanted to name these porcelain wares, but they didn't touch them because of insufficient academic knowledge.

However, DUN'AN and other Buddhists did not praise them at all, and seemed to be very taboo. For their Buddha nature, these things are the things of the dead, which is not auspicious, so they have no interest in them.Xuanyuanzi looked around and said to Qin Tian, "master Qin, you are a genius in this respect. Can you feel that there are magic or spiritual instruments in it?"

The so-called spirit instrument is the thing with spirit instrument, and the magic instrument is the spirit instrument that has been applied with magic spell. In a certain sense, the magic instrument is more valuable.

Qin Tian glanced at the things on the temple of the underworld with a look of disappointment in his eyes

He came to look for medicinal materials, fairy grass, to see what was before, and other things were not what he wanted to pay attention to.

Of course, if there is a magic weapon, such as Master Zhuang Sheng's last time, if you can get a magic weapon, it will definitely improve your combat effectiveness. However, this kind of weapon is rare and can not be found!

After hearing Qin Tian's affirmative reply, xuanyuanzi also stopped cooking. The more he was not interested in these antiques, he said, "master Qin, I hope we don't run in vain this time. Let's focus on medicinal materials."

"Well, don't worry. There should be some discovery. Haven't you tested it?" Xuanyuanzi said.

"Yes, I tested with a Taoist master called the real man of the Hague. This guy has been here before, but I can't find him later. I can't contact him, and I don't know where he went." Xuanyuanzi said.

"I see!" Qin Tian doesn't know why listening to this name has a sense of deja vu, but he can't tell where he has seen it. After all, he has seen too many people!

In addition to the hall of the underworld, there are also some bedroom halls and some side halls, which are very luxurious. These places are used to place the coffin of the owner of the tomb, or the funerary objects. In a sense, this is the most important thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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