After Qin Tian came in, he didn't find any mechanism in the tomb, but he didn't take it lightly. He always felt that it was not simple. The tomb of marshal was probably designed by an expert of the Tang Dynasty. It contains not only Taoist things, but also the five elements and eight trigrams array in the cultivation field. So he is still looking forward to the presence of Xiancao or Xiancao Is it magic weapon or array?

This time over, absolutely won't have what harvest, at least till now Qin Tian still in the heart such feeling.

After looking at the temple of the underworld for a while, Wang Xie and others began to take photos and collect evidence. These things are to be taken back to the Research Institute. No one can take them away or take them as their own!

You can imagine taking these things back. Although they didn't get much money, there were also a lot of rewards. If these things were famous, they would also become famous, and their future would be bright.

Several students study archaeology not for money, but for their interests. Many of them are rich, including Hu Jian. But maybe they are greedy?

Now what they are going to enter is the sleeping room, or is Wang Xie leading the way in front of them, while the others follow closely.

Sure enough, at this time, Hu Jian seemed to see a corner and did not forget to take a picture. He carefully reached out and grabbed it. It was a jade object, which he had stuffed into the pocket of his clothes.

This scene is only seen by the girl in red, and she also smiles with a smile.

"Look back, this is our love thing, I will give it to you!" Hu Jian whispered in a woman's ear.

"Husband, it's very kind of you to give me something for the dead!" Said the girl in red.

"Don't you like it? It's worth millions

"I love you so much!"

Their voice was so small that only they could hear it. However, the voice was heard by Qin Tian and xuanyuanzi. It's a pity that they didn't pay attention to it. They just shook their heads and didn't care about it!

However, when Hu Jianshun took two steps with his sheep in hand, some smaller sounds occurred in the hall of the underworld and the side halls on both sides!

Qin Tian turned his head and found that it was the soldiers in the armor stone carving who started slightly, but only moved for a while, and then did not move!

"It seems that there is a mechanism. I'd better be more careful." Qin Tian is secretly relying on himself. In case of danger, he will consider others only when he is safe. After all, my life is not only my own, but also my wife and unborn children!

Wang Xie and others were excited to a bedroom inside, the flashlight light spread in the past, and instantly everyone was more excited!

Although it has been more than a thousand years, the decoration of this bedroom is still very complete. The decoration around is even luxurious. Many jewels and jades are on display, and there are a lot of them.

Seeing these things, Hu Jian and the women in red are even more shining. They just lock in this string of jewelry, which is shining like white moonlight. It's amazing!

But Qin Tian's attention actually saw a stone coffin in the middle, which should be the coffin of Marshal of Tang Dynasty!

Looking at the coffin, Wang Xie and master DUN'AN could not help but bow. Among them, DUN'AN and other monks chanted something, as if they were already starting to do it. It was extremely mysterious!

Hu Jian and other people's eyes also shifted from other jewelry to this coffin. Looking at the sarcophagus, they were very nervous, curious and excited. The scene seen in movies and TV seemed to come to them.

Among them, Hu Jian joined the archaeology major because he had read the tomb robbing notes.

Obviously, they want to see if the Marshal's body is the same as zombies, or zongzi, or directly turned into powder. They also want to see if there are more valuable things in the sarcophagus?

"Professor, shall we open the sarcophagus?" Hu Jian said.

Generally speaking, opening the sarcophagus must be the most severe mechanism to trigger, but it can't be done without opening it. Wang Xie thought for a moment and said, "we can't desecrate our old friends. We still need to go through the normal procedures and get the approval to open the coffin."

Get the permission to open the coffin, this is to go back another day to apply? Hearing this, everyone looks disappointed. It seems that we will have to wait ten days and a half months!

At this time, Qin Tian's tone is very calm, said: "this Sarcophagus, may have been opened hundreds of years ago, or was opened in modern times!"

As soon as he said this, all of us could not help but exclaim!

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Hu Jian couldn't help getting angry. "What do you know? We are the first to open the stone door. How can anyone come in and open the sarcophagus? "

"That is, if someone came in, the jade and jewelry in it would have been taken away, and now they are not in good condition here?"We refuted Qin Tian's statement one after another, and we don't know why he said so. It's unreasonable!

Wang Xie ignored Qin Tian and began to study the coffin. He did not find any traces of being pried by others. Moreover, there was no sign of anyone coming in on the road. If there were any, with his years of archaeological experience, he would certainly find it!

"Mr. Qin, you don't know anything about archaeology. You'd better not say these alarmist words!" Wang Xie said solemnly after checking.

If you talk nonsense, the mentality of young people in these studies will be affected. It is better to keep sacred and inviolable!

When Qin Tian saw them like this, he also said with a smile: "Professor Wang, if you don't believe it, you can open the coffin and check it yourself to see if there are any funerary objects in it? Has it been moved? "

"What's inside is the big head. The people outside don't look up to it at all, or a person can't take so much with him, so he just takes a small amount of the sarcophagus away!" Qin Tian said.

"But I have checked that there is no sign of opening the sarcophagus, and it is necessary to crack the mechanism of the stone door when he comes in. Does he have to arrange the stone door after he goes out?" Wang Xie retorted.

"Ha ha, yes, I think people may be more professional than you!" Qin Tian's full of teasing said.

"You're just farting. Can grave robbers be more professional than me?" Hu Jian couldn't help being angry, but he seemed to be saying that we are more professional tomb robbers.

Wang Xie frowned deeper when he heard Qin Tian's words! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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