Someone opened it?

Qin Tian didn't believe it.

Hu Jian looked around and retorted, "if a tomb robber, he would not take these things away? And more professional, he can come in many times, two or three times can remove these things, he will dislike these things too much? "

"Professor, why don't we open the library for inspection? After all, it's a special case. We don't apply for any kind of approval in Xu!" Someone suggested.

"No, I still have to follow the rules, or I will take the lead to destroy it?" Wang Xie shakes his head. He is a staff member of the regular archaeological organization, and he is also a famous figure in the archaeological circle for many years. If you mess around, will he be the same as a thief?

"Professor Wang is right. We should have a kind of respect for ancient people, let alone a beloved ancient Marshal?" Master Dunan said with his hands folded.

"Hum, you're cheap. You don't know anything!" Looking at Qin Tian, Hu Jian is unwilling. In fact, he wants to sow discord and open the sarcophagus. Even if he doesn't want to, he is very excited to take photos.

Qin Tian couldn't help but sneer. Before everyone reacted, he suddenly went up and patted casually. The plate cover of the sarcophagus in hundreds of Jin had an instant shift and was directly loosened!

"See, you dare say that there were no nails in the lid of the coffin before? Now how can you push it off? "

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. No one cursed Qin Tian for being so reckless, because what Qin Tian said was true. The lid of the coffin was indeed opened!

The others came together and looked at it. All of them were stunned. There was nothing in the coffin. There were no zombies, no funerary objects. It was very clean!

"Strange!" Wang Xie's face was also bitter.

Qin Zhong didn't think of it. How could he be surprised?

"Ha ha, it's still my master Qin. In my opinion, you are not as professional as master Qin!" Xuanyuanzi on one side, can't help but sneer.

"Cough!" Wang Xie coughed awkwardly. No matter how Qin Tian knew it, he said speechlessly, "in this way, the funerary objects in the coffin have been stolen."

This is absolutely the treasure of the Tang Dynasty, otherwise tomb robbers will not turn a blind eye to other things, which is enough to make him rich!

"Professor, what's going on here?" Hu Jian's face was very hot. He felt as if he had been slapped. His hair was hot.

It is obvious that some tomb robbers have come here, and they may be two people, not a group.

When everyone was very surprised, a strange sound came from a door on the left leading to the side hall. It seemed that it was a human cry.

Hearing other people's voice here, we all can't help but startle. Only Qin Tian and xuanyuanzi keep calm.

"Somebody, go and have a look!" Wang Xie said anxiously.

We went to the side hall together to see who else was there. Then they saw three masked men in black. They had all kinds of survey tools on their hands. They were carrying backpacks. They must be full of stuff!

They seem to be hiding here, because they want to go out, but they find someone coming in, so they take shelter first.

However, when they were hiding just now, they found something amazing, so they screamed. Although they were grave robbers, they were scared to death!

"Who are you?" Wang Xie looked at them with an official reprimand.

The three men in black looked embarrassed and looked at each other. One of the tall men stood up and said, "we are tomb robbers. We don't need to tell you who we are. We don't want to know who you are. If we get something, you can also take it away. The road is open to the sky and each side of the road is on your side."

"Hum, we are from the Institute of Archaeology of the imperial capital. Only we can come in here. It's illegal for you!" Wang Xie said angrily.

"What about the burial objects and bodies in the sarcophagus? Did you take it? " Hu Jian also glared and stood in front of the two girls.

Now the package of the three people is full of drum. You don't need to think about it. They must have contained something.

The tall man in Black said with a smile: "ha ha, this cemetery is ancient, and the ancient official can't enter it. Why do you manage this? Has China existed since ancient times? "

"That's right, it's unreasonable!" Another man in black still said coldly.

"How shameless, I have never seen such a shameless person!" Hu Jian couldn't help cursing.

"Anyway, we found you in today. We will release all the contents of your package immediately. Otherwise, I will take you all away!" Wang Xie said."Ha ha, it's up to you?" The tall man in black showed a trace of disdain.

"What? Can't we? " Wang Xie knew that xuanyuanzi was in today, and said seriously, "what you do is illegal and criminal. If you put down your things, you may be given a light sentence."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Three people can't help but smile, smile very rampant.

The head of the tall strong man is disdainful to say: "want us to put down things, but also to surrender, you do not ask to see who we are!"

"It's not that we don't ask, our teacher asked you from the beginning!" Hu Jian said.

"Ha ha! You don't have to ask about our Kung Fu! "

With that, the three men in black still took out the dagger separately and stroked confidently in their hands, as if they didn't put more than ten people in their eyes at all!

Seeing that these three thieves are playing with the knives in their hands, and they are full of confidence, you don't need to know that they are ancient martial arts experts!

Wang Xie, Hu Jian and others got worried and retreated two steps.

Xuanyuanzi and Qin Tian looked at each other. Instead of being nervous, they had a funny smile.

"Mr. xuanyuanzi, can you deal with the three of them? If not, don't be forced. Life is important! " Wang Xie reminded that, after all, he lost his old life for this thing, which was not worth the money.

"Ha ha, it doesn't seem to be a problem, but..." Xuanyuanzi also wanted to say something, but Qin Tian walked past.

All of us stepped back and suddenly saw Qin Tian go out. He was stunned in an instant. Didn't he want to live?

Qin Tian said to four men in Black: "why did you scream just now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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