
Wang Xie doesn't care about any archaeological work at this time. It's the most important thing to protect the safety of his students first. How about other grave robbers? For him, protecting his students is the best choice, and keeping his life is the first choice!

Simply they quickly rushed to the exit, fear has made them lose their sense, no courage to fight.

DUN'AN and others did not dare to make a mistake. They ran out with Wang Xie and the three tomb robbers were closely behind them. At this moment, no one was in charge of their position and identity. Just go out!

However, xuanyuanzi and Qin Tiansi were not afraid. They did not take the initiative to attack, but slowly withdrew from the side hall.

Seeing that xuanyuanzi and Qin Tian didn't run, master DUN'AN, who was in front of him, couldn't help but urge him to say: "two masters, we must have disturbed the souls of the ancient tomb. We'd better leave first. Don't fight!"

"Thank you for your concern Qin Tian is not polite. He nods to xuanyuanzi and flies to the outside together.

They speculated that if these skeleton soldiers were moved, they would send out other organs one after another. At that time, they would be overwhelmed. It would be better to go out and have a look. Anyway, the ancient tomb is here, and I'm afraid we can't get in?

Although we may not be able to beat these skeleton soldiers, we should consider what may happen in the future. After all, they are not immortals, not savages, and need to use their brains. At this time, reckless fighting will not do you any good!

After Qin Tian and others ran out of the stone gate, they found that the people in front of them listened to it and were still slowly retreating towards them.

"Is this a zombie? Zombies

Hu Jian, who ran in front of himself, screamed out in horror.

Other people also look a little scared, the complexion is not very good-looking, I can't believe that after coming in, there will be so many things happening, all of them are pale as paper!

In front of them, they came out of the caves where they had never been. The blood red eyes came out. There was no blood color on their faces. The clothes on their bodies were tattered and tattered, showing the skeletons inside!

"How could there be so many?" Xuanyuanzi's face showed an incredible look.

I saw hundreds of people from the cave swaying step out, ferocious mouth toward Hu Jian and Wang Xie and other people came over!

Although the speed is not fast, but too many ah, directly put them out of the road are blocked.

This time, there are zombies in front of the interception, and behind the stone soldiers in pursuit, all people can not help but appear on the face of a look of despair!

"It's over, it's over!"

"Why did this happen?"

"Oh, we must have violated the taboo here, otherwise this kind of thing will not come out! Amitabha Master Dunan can't help but cry out in panic.

The road of the cave was narrow, and all of a sudden these things appeared, which made them in a situation that they could not retreat. They didn't know what to do!

The two girls were holding each other and were already crying. Who could have thought that such a terrible thing would happen when they came to explore the ancient tomb? Their young lives were to be buried on these monsters!

Wang Xie, Hu Jian and others have also broken down their world outlook. They have always believed in science and truth, but they have to be killed by these monsters. How can we explain that? It's something you can't explain clearly!

"Master Qin, what do you think?" Xuanyuanzi also looked a little flustered. With so many skeletons in front of him, his heart was also bottomless. How many can he deal with?

"Young man, our life is up to you. You should try your best." Gao Zhuang, one of the three tomb robbers, is also anxious to see Qin Tian.

In the face of death and fear, they all hope that Qin Tian can do the same as before to drive these skeletons away. Otherwise, if the stone carving soldiers come out, it will be a complete end!

Qin Tian looked at these people. If he had not guessed wrong, this should be the reason why the people of Majiazhuang disappeared. These people are the people of Majiazhuang, but they died ten years ago!

This is a tragedy!

Different from other people's fear, Qin Tian is more concerned about what makes Majiazhuang's innocent people die in the cave like this? And it seems that there is none left!?

Qin Tian didn't say anything, but broke away from the team and went directly to hundreds of skeletons in front of him!

"Master Qin!" Xuanyuanzi cried out anxiously, but Qin Tian didn't respond.

Other people see Qin Tian's behavior, is also scared crazy!

Qin Tian calmly took out the zodiac jade, which he had always kept in his wallet card bag, because these things had a great effect on these evil things!

There are so many skeletons that it is impossible to solve them one by one. With the help of the unique nature of zodiac jade, he can force them back instantly."What is this kid doing? He's taking his wallet out of his pocket? " A young man could not help but make a loud voice when he looked at Qin Tian's movements.

Wang Xie and Hu Jian, Xiaoqin and others, who had hoped to be in Qin Tian, now they can not understand Qin Tian's actions completely. What does this mean?

Qin Tian held several pieces of jade of different shapes on his hands, and then he aimed his fists at hundreds of skeletons in front of him!

In the eyes of all the people shocked, the stone suddenly gave out a dazzling light, which made the whole cave emit a white and hot white and green light mixed together.

At the same time, the temperature around the cave was also evaporated, just as a warm stove was formed everywhere. The light was shining everywhere, making the whole cave transparent and bright, so that Wang Xie and others felt dazzling eyes covered with their hands.

This is the martial arts of Qin days, the combination of immortal Qi and zodiac jade, can release the light and temperature with the help of the unique nature of the zodiac jade.

These evil things are the most afraid of light and heat, let alone such hot temperature and light, in a moment, they retreat back into their holes!

But where can Qin Tian give them the chance!

Hands a while, several light pillars swept away, the front of hundreds of skeletons were instantly burned by these high temperatures only a piece of debris!

There is a burning smell and the mess in the air. Wang Xie and others can take a breath. What is the immortal move?

Qin Tian seems to have done nothing to look at, like, these Zodiac jade have been plugged back into the card bag!

This hand completely shocked everyone. The small, extremely fast stone can even send such hot light and temperature, and make these skeletons all smashed?

After a moment, after shock, the face of the people finally emerged the color of surprise, saved ah!

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