Wang Xie couldn't help but come up and looked at the things smashed on the ground. He took a cold breath and looked at Qin Tian respectfully: "master Qin, what black technology are your stones?"

They all saw that the strength of these stones in Qin Tian's hands was like a miniature bomb.

"The zodiac Well, what's the use of telling you? I'll report my collection of antiques later! " Qin Tian said indifferently.

Xuanyuanzi also puffed up his hands. He finally knew why Qin Tian needed to collect Zodiac jade. It seems that this is useful!

"Ha ha, I said it. Master Qin is young and has great strength and cultivation. You just don't believe it!" Xuanyuanzi said, looking at Wang Xie and master Dunan.

Before I said Qin Tian, you are good for yourself. Hu Jian and others, who are unable to save you when you have an accident, have already blushed to the extreme. I feel that Qin Tian slapped him again and his face is burning hot!

There is such a master in their side, they even do not know, it is simply blind ah!

Master DUN'AN was also full of disbelief: "previously, master Qin said that he knew a little bit about everything, but now I think, this is totally mastering everything!"

When those monks looked at Qin Tian, their faces were full of admiration. The shock in their hearts could not be described by words. They just looked at them stupidly.

"You have a baby in your hand, don't you?" Hu Jian said suspiciously, "you are definitely not an ordinary stone. If it wasn't for this stone, we would have..."

Beyond the words, in Hu Jian's heart, the stone in Qin Tian's hand is fierce. Otherwise, he would never have released such a huge move. He would have died at that time!

"Even if it is a stone, it can release the energy, it is already a genius!" Dun an said with a smile, "I've traveled all over the country, and I've seen countless talents, but I've never seen such a young master. I really admire him from the bottom of my heart."

After being choked by master DUN'AN, Hu Jian was ashamed again. His hot hair was slapped again.

People look at Qin Tian's eyes become full of awe and surprise.

No wonder this young man has always been so arrogant and calm. Now it seems that this guy is a bit fierce. He is not only proficient in ancient martial arts, but also a master of cultivating Taoism!

The appearance of such large-scale zombies makes everyone feel very shocked, but what they see is just the tip of the iceberg in the whole world.

They know that there is such a mysterious and powerful existence in modern society, which is beyond the imagination of many people.

The martial arts master once again, they can not look at the old fight so easily!

The three tomb robbers in black were shocked by Qin Tian at this time. They didn't understand the place where the knife was. They were very glad that when Qin Tian came out, they didn't directly attack him. Otherwise, they would be directly burned to death!

At this time, Qin Tian was not in the mood to pay attention to what they thought, and looked at the broken skeletons on the ground, showing a feeling of awe, because the skeleton soldiers behind had already stepped out of the stone gate!

These skeleton soldiers have no human feelings and don't know what fear is. They seem to have been dragged in the dark and just want to attack their target!

"Here it is again!"

Hu Jian yelled, and everyone ran to the back of Qin Tian one after another, far away from him, afraid to approach him, as if to betray him!

Looking at the large number of skeleton soldiers, Qin Tian frowned slightly. The attack just now consumed two-thirds of his immortal Qi. Moreover, Zodiac jade has been used once, so it is impossible to continue using it in a short time!

"What are you doing? Take out your jewels again Hu Jian said anxiously.

Looking at the zombie who came out of the dark, the happiness that he had just born completely disappeared. Other people couldn't help but reappear with a look of panic. Unexpectedly, there were so many stone skeletons coming out of the ancient tomb!

Qin Tian looked back at xuanyuanzi and said, "my zodiac jade can't be used for the time being."

"If you don't want him to be a man bomb!" Qin Tian suddenly saw Hu Jian's body!

"What do you mean?" Seeing Qin Tian's expression, Hu Jian couldn't help shivering all over his body. He sat on the ground and made a fool of himself.

He was the most talkative of that moment, unexpectedly, but also became the most timid one in the crowd, the first person who wanted to escape!

"You want to use me as a substitute for death?"

"No way!"

Hu Jian retreated step by step in fear. He was scared to the ground.

"Let me do it!" Xuanyuanzi knows Qin Tian's idea, flies directly to the past, grabs Hu Jian who wants to escape, and pushes the past ahead of him!

"What do you mean, let me go, I don't want to die!" Hu Jian struggles hard, but his strength is still too small. Where can he break free from the shackles of xuanyuanzi, the whole person is directly lifted up."Mr. xuanyuanzi, what do you mean?" Wang Xie is also scared, do not understand what they are doing!

I saw, xuanyuanzi was caught by Qin Tian's side, and then Qing tou began to move his immortal Qi all over his body. He crazily reached out and hit Hu Jian's back in!

Then for a moment, Hu Jianquan was wrapped up by a force of Qi, and rushed towards the skeleton soldiers in front of him!

"Bang bang bang!"

Like a hammer, he was manipulated by Qin Tian's two hands. He bit by bit hit these skeleton soldiers, and each knock could break them.

"Ah, ah, help, let me go!" Hu Jian watched his anxious body beating on these skeletons. Although Qin Tian's immortal spirit protected the body, it was still a little painful!

"What kind of routine is that?" Wang Xie was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

"In ancient martial arts, flying flowers and picking leaves can become a move to kill the enemy. Master Qin used Hu Jian's body as a hammer, which prevented master Qin from being surrounded by them when he rushed up!"

"Therefore, far attack is the best way and the most advanced way. There is no need to attack closely and get yourself into trouble!"

After xuanyuanzi's explanation, people finally woke up and understood what was going on!

"Can't you use stone? Why use my students? " Wang Xie asked.

"That's different. Stone has no flesh and blood, but people are different. Master Qin's Qi and strength can be used everywhere in Hu Jian's body. This is a very mysterious method. In short, some things can't be explained!" Xuanyuanzi said.

Smell speech, other people secretly took a breath of cool air, fortunately just now did not tell Qin Tian what to do, otherwise now the tragedy is him!

I can only blame you Hu Jian for talking too much nonsense. I love to show off. Now, are you ok?

"Ah, ah, ah!" Hu Jian's screams kept on knocking on the skeleton soldiers.

The shock, the pain, the fright and scream.

In a few minutes, these skeleton soldiers were finally smashed, and Hu Jian also fell to the ground.

"Crash!" Hu Jian couldn't help but vomit madly towards the ground. Just now, it was more painful than riding a roller coaster, as if all the internal organs were flying!

"You are mean!" Hu Jian looks at Qin Tian reluctantly before he is in a coma.

But Qin Tian's attention is not in his body, but looking at the back of the stone gate, flashing a figure wearing a Taoist robe, looking at the action is obviously a living man!

"Are these skeleton soldiers being manipulated?" Qin Tian's heart could not help but cluttered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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