If this continues to be stigmatized, the situation will be very bad. The reputation of Li's Pharmaceutical Group is absolutely devastating. It is not just chundan, but the whole company's medicine will be destroyed in the market!

More than that, some partners may come up with a termination because of their problems. Such losses are beyond their ability, which means that the whole company will die of chronic death due to the conspiracy of the middle-aged man and luojiashu!

At this time, the crowd split up a road, luojiashu let some senior leaders of the company come down together, walked to reporters, this is their longevity paste!

"We have never been a person who has pushed our opponents up. As the saying goes, there is no good goods for cheap goods. Good goods will not be cheap. The effect of Lich medicine's return to chundan is obviously effective, but the side effects are devastating and irreversible, so we must not buy them when they are black hearted!" Dongchen company sales director stood out, smiling.

Next to him is Miao Lin, manager of marketing department of Dongchen group who had a festival with Zhu Yu and Qin Tian last time. She held their longevity paste in her hand, and she showed and acted as a model for everyone.

"Our longevity cream has not been so effective, but it is long-term, better than any supplement on the market. Although the price is not low, it definitely allows you to buy health!"

"Today, we are looking at everyone. We sell at a discount of 70% off. Today only. After today, we will resume the original price. If you are interested, you can buy in the drugstore!"

After that, Miaolin also opened longevity paste, and then took out a sticky pill, directly swallowed it into her stomach, and she was dim and dark, and she became bright in a moment, and the red light was full of face!

We see such a publicity situation, in a moment some of a bit of a bit of a jerk!

This effect is not slow, but it is a little expensive, but if it is 70% it is not unacceptable!

After all, this is the father of the chairman of Dongchen medicine Zhong Yao God developed it personally. The drugs he developed by himself have always been more expensive, but there are no side effects. Moreover, it has long been the main force of Dongchen medicine!

Compared with Zhong Yao God, this Qin Tian is a half hanging liar, but also vigorously publicized as if it was selling three-product houses. Cheap is absolutely nothing good, it is so abhorrent!

At this time, many people have directly walked into the big drugstore on the first floor of Dongchen group, and began to understand and purchase their longevity paste!

Seeing this scene Zhu Yu is also in a state of the mind, is it so that they are defiled? Is that the fact of iron strike?

Zhu Yu came to Qin day, and whispered at the corner of his dress, "what are you doing, what are you thinking about?"

Only see Qin Tian's eyes have been on this ground convulsive middle-aged man to look, and then directly close down!

I don't know what he saw clearly, and suddenly he showed a smile. This made the middle-aged man look worried about his eyes. He was worried not that he was seen through, but worried that Qin Tian would not take the opportunity to beat him, right?

"What do you want? Do you want to hit me? "

"Security guards, reporters can make it clear..."

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to see you a doctor!" Qin Tian said with a smile, it's time to show real technology!

The man moved his body and wanted to stay away from Qin Tian. He said very scared: "you are a black hearted villain. I don't want to cure you. You will kill me. You want to revenge me Don't make excuses like this! "

Hearing this middle-aged man say this, some reporters on the scene are more angry, all want to directly rush up to protect the middle-aged man, but Qin Tian is closer than them!

And he is quick, very fast!

It was in that moment that he had reached out to hit the middle-aged man's chest directly. The palm was slapped hard, and his coat was torn directly, forming a piece of fragments, revealing his red and swollen upper body!

What joke, a palm can let his coat all tear down, this is the strength of ancient martial arts master!

Such strength let the people on the scene all shout out, and have their eyes back together, including these journalists, are scared, tightly aimed at Qin Tian!

The rich man looked at his own on itself is not, immediately also all over the body shaking, but he found that he was only the upper body of the clothes dropped, other places have no damage.

I thought this guy wanted to hurt middle-aged men. It doesn't seem that way now!

Looking at the middle-aged man's upper body, Qin Tian was very calm, and then said loudly: "let's take a look at it carefully now!"

After finishing Qin Tian again to middle-aged man's upper body hit a piece, this palm is not directly beat past, but the air out, strong immortal gas directly into the middle-aged man's body!This action of hope made the whole audience see clearly. They saw that Qin Tian just pushed his palms at him. They didn't touch anyone and put them away. They all thought that he wanted to hit people, but they didn't want to fight temporarily!

"What do you want? You want to kill me? Help The middle-aged man felt the change of his body and couldn't help crying for help!

Luo Jiashu and others on the other side are also stunned. They are dissatisfied, but they dare not step forward because Luo Jiashu told Miao Lin that this boy is an expert in ancient martial arts. Don't provoke him!

I saw this middle-aged man's body suddenly appeared incredible phenomenon, his body swelling began to penetrate a small needle not with black, appeared on his legs and feet!

Count it, there are more than ten!

This is the so-called poison needles. These needles can control his body. Taking Huichundan together, these needles will play a role and make his body swell!

Such a strange change, so that these high-end cameras are clearly shot, other people also see very clearly, one by one show shock color!

It's amazing that there are so many needles in a person's body, isn't it?

"Your body has taken some medicine, these medicaments are poisons, which can restrain and respond to our rejuvenation pill. These poisonous needles make your body swell!" Qin Tian looked at the middle-aged man seriously said.

South central men see their own body of these small black needles, immediately also feel very scared, because these small silver needles are turning on his body!

He remembered that Luo Jiashu took him to meet Zhong Yaoshen, and then the medicine God said to give him acupuncture, and then took some medicine to let him swallow Huichundan, and then he could perform when he had symptoms!

At that time, he also gave him a lot of money. At the same time, Zhong Yao Shen also said that you must complete the task. Otherwise, there is no way to take out these black needles that are stuck in your body. Only his Zhong Yaozu can take them out!

At that time, the middle-aged man was very afraid, so he could only take the money to perform. Now he didn't want this move to be discovered by Qin Tian, and the poison needle was directly exposed to everyone.

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